How long will Fluther be down for?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
January 2nd, 2012
And what does ‘migrating the servers’ mean?
Or is it that only I can see the warning on top of the page?
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107 Answers
‘Migrating’ the servers means as far as I understand to take the stuff from one server and put it on a new (better, bigger, faster?) one.
It’ll be down for three weeks ;-)
without detailed on their migration, it usually means they are porting the application onto a different server.
Can’t wait to see how it works with some slower loading questions. Oh, the cache will have to build again too I presume.
But, that means I have to wear a seatbelt for three weeks! (wail)
C’mon, @andrew, finish that answer, you only have 56 minutes left…. ;-)
We’re not quite sure how long the migration will take—hopefully not longer than an hour or so.
Our old hosting provider is going out of business so we’re migrating to a new one. It may be faster, but I wouldn’t count on that.
@andrew good luck, see you on the other side
Tata for now, fellow flutherites!
Just as long as the new server doesn’t turn the old server into a potato and drop everyone into a bottomless pit while terminator robots sing opera to us, I’ll be happy :-p
@HungryGuy Shut up.
Well, I want you all to know that…I love you and I’ll never forget you. ..... ...... ..... ; /
@andrew Who is the old and new provider?
It’s been nice knowin the lot of ya. And in case I get strangled by my seatbelt on the way, @WillWorkForChocolate can have my most prized possession. My chocolate.
Cabin crew, take your seats for server download.
Awww, how sweet of you, darling! And if I should be eaten by rampaging, polka-dot elephants, before your seatbelt strangles you, I want you to have MY chocolate!
Feels like their should be a countdown…..
OH SHIT!!! Strap in and hold on tight! Head between your knees, take deep breaths, and…
Sorry, @blueiiznh. I think I got a little on your shoes.
We are still here….......... waits….........
longest minute since….....
Waits for the oxygen masks to drop from the ceiling…......
Holy guacamole, we are still here.
It’s like Y2K bug all over again.
Anyone fancy a glass of wine while we wait…?
It just says imminently, but nothing’s happening…. WTF?
Or did we crash and I’m just hallucinating you people after my violent death?
thats not an oxygem mask…...but just breath deep
[Do you think they forgot to pull out the plug?]
:-| on non-oxygen mask….
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day’s useless energy spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
Lonely man cries for love and has none.
New mother picks up and suckles her son,
Senior citizens wish they were young.
Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white.
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion?
Who’s got time for poetry when the world is ending? OMG!
Is this Fluther death? Are we having an out of Fluther experience?
it feels the same, but a little mess on my shoe..
How do we know the real fluther returns and not its evil twin?
Looks down and sees….RealEyesRealizeRealLies…........
OMG! almost there!!!!! wait for it, wait for it!
Well, ima go eat now. I wonder if it will still say “Fluther will be down imminently” when I return…
I thought I would see a light….
I’ll flash you if you want?
Okay, tea time…................ see you later Fluther friends (I hope).
Oh it isn’t you flashing already @RERRL???? Who is that?
imminent flashing allowed
We all need to yank harder… harder… harder… otherwise fluther can’t get off!
<——That’s all the flashing you’ll get from me!
:-| I thought this thing in my hand was a gear stick… apparently not.
Mines hairier than yours.
Okay, now I’m really going to go eat. And try to not picture ^^ that visual… :P
“Captain! I can’t give you any more power to the warp drives” which I have used at work when we are melting down,
I feel sleepy……..... ah
daisy, daisy give me your answer too
Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
To infinity and beyond, you guys!
Stop clicking it. She’s fragile!
Fluther… like a lover that doesn’t get off when they’re supposed to.
[] executing command *** [err ::] rake aborted! *** [err ::] ”\xC5” on US-ASCII *** [err ::] *** [err ::] (See full trace by running task with—trace) command finished in 2472ms
this is the forplay prior to the migration
Time to hit reload over and over.
wear a condom during the migration
Oh yeah they got time to mod me but can’t keep their own appointments? Who’s in charge here?
It’s like sitting “buckled up” on an airplane that refuses to take off.
It’s like the New Years Eve Ball is stuck at the top.
Did they forget to put bullets in the gun?
… Seriously?
So what, did it go down yet? I was playing Monopoly with friends for like eight hours…I missed the Apocalypse!
No sorry we’re still waiting. I don’t think it’s going to happen.
New servers up and running!
@XOIIO Our old host was Slicehost, and our new one is… some other one that I’ve forgotten already. Stupid memory. :/
And not even a temporary Fluther death. That’s pretty cool.
@Symbeline We were down for quite a while… you just missed it! Lucky girl. :)
It was? Oh I thought @RealEyesRealizeRealLies said we were still waiting for it, the downtime that is. I now realize he was commenting on the Apocalypse thing. Lol.
Well, as long as everything went according to plan. Also Monopoly is awesome. :D
@everephebe Yeah, fuck anteaters. I really don’t get the second one though. :p
Ddi they foget t migraitt te sppelcheekre!?
I just got back from the bathroom, what happened. lol
Upon rereading the question title, I noticed that you ended your sentence with a preposition. You’re fired!
Fluther was down? It was announced? Where was I during all of this?!
@TheIntern55 To answer your questions in order: Yes. Yes. How the spiffy-potluck would any of us know?
^True on the last one. Thanks, I’m over it now.
@WillWorkForChocolate But… I enjoyed my job. You’ll never find anyone as good as me when it comes to buying chocolate. Never.
(Walks away with haughtily)
“I can see it all! I’m in spaaaaaaaaace!”
@MilkyWay, I think it was me that was fired. I was just hoping for some corporal punishment.
OMG!!! You’re still here!! I am making a joyful noise right now!!!
Does anyone smell oranges?
Oranges Poranges, Who Says?
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