Social Question

NSFW Is there a way I can tell I am "loose" down there? What if the guy doesn't "measure up" down there? 2 part question?
It’s going to be the first sexual encounter since by breakup this is why I’m concerned.
I was so used to being with my ex that I feel a little nervous and intimidated about being in a sexual relationship again.
I’m scared of being “loose” down there… this is a serious question.. Not because I’ve slept around a lot, but because my ex boyfriend was really big down there. The last time I slept with my ex was about 5 months ago. But the time in our relationship (a year and a half) we had A LOT of sex. I’m self conscious now that I might be looser down there.. I don’t know why and it makes me feel totally crazy to think/feel this way. I’m going to be sleeping with a guy and I’m nervous about whether he is going to be big or not down there either.
If he does have a small penis I’m not sure whether to just fake it…....... or go with the flow…. I’m insecure about what he will feel too…
I want this to be a really good experience and I’m concerned about these body issues. In one of my previous postings I was really concerned about my body weight too… I told the guy and he was a real sweetheart about it. He told me not to worry about that.