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AnonymousWoman's avatar

Who do you have high hopes for in the A Song of Ice and Fire series?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6538points) January 3rd, 2012

For those of you who are interested in these books, who do you think will make it big in the end? Why?

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8 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I hadn’t come across that series, but I was looking for something new, so I’ll check them out and get back to you.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Sweet! I feel alone here in my interest in this series. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AnonymousGirl He’s released some stuff on his website. The imagery is amazing. Thank you for bringing this up.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

You’re welcome. ^_^

Mamradpivo's avatar

I’m somehow hoping against hope that Jon Snow becomes King and Danaerys sticks around in Essos.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I like the idea of Jon Snow becoming King, too. I wonder how he’d get around it, though, because of his vow…?

Mamradpivo's avatar

@AnonymousGirl Maybe Stannis will pardon him as offered on his deathbed or something… Like I said, highly unlikely but fun.

ccrow's avatar

I wonder if any of the current characters will avoid being killed off… maybe the one who makes it big in the end hasn’t shown up yet.

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