Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 34?
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
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418 Answers
TJBM has a new years resolution and will share what it is
False. I don’t do resolutions as I don’t keep them.
TJBM knows a good budget counselor. mine is departing and I have to find a new one. :(
True: But knowing one isn’t the same as needing one.
TJBM has ice cold feet in bed.
TRUE! It is SO frustrating!
TJBM prefers a hot water bottle to an electric blanket.
I absolutely hate this game yet I cannot resist it. Anyway…. here we go again..
SHRUG! I don’t use either so not sure. I’m not into being pampered. =)
TJBM has a crazy campfire story that they won’t tell anyone about.
You are right…...., and it goes likes this: .........
TJBM fills in where I left off.
There we were sitting by the campfire, enjoying the smooth slide into evening with Kahlua and coffee….....
TJBM fills in the next bit.
True. ......and Colomas Happy Brownies
TJBM wants to know what insanely inane thing happened to me today
True…..what’s shakin Coloma? I used to make “Brownies”.
TJBM is looking for a job or career change?
True. Considering going back to work part time.:(
TJBM has a fireplace and uses it often.
Sorry brother. I just lost my job.
TJBM loves marshmallows.
True. But, only in Rocky Road Ice Cream and roasted, oh wait, and S’Mores, and, and, stale Easter peeps. Yep, it’s affirmative lol
@jazmina88 I dropped my blow dryer into the basket under my bathroom counter and the physics were just right, it knocked the lid off the hairspray and landed on the nozzle and sent a 20 second geyser of hairspray all over the bathroom. It was truly a feat to behold! lol
TJBM likes giant shredded wheat bisquits
Yes, but not from alcohol, from food. lol
TJBM has eaten waaay too much this last few weeks
True. I drank bottled water all night. But, I ate waaayy too many cookies (perhaps not surprisingly).
TJBM wants go splash in puddles.
No. It’s below zero here… Darn you Alaska!
TJBM thinks Alaska is too cold, and that I should move.
<—Poker Face Champion! >:)
I didn’t even watch the video.
TJBM also didn’t watch the video.
nope….what video :)
TJBM stuck their tongue out today more than once
TJBM wants to hug a wolverine.
False. But I’d love to see one, they are here, a few rare sightings in the mountains once in awhile.
TJBM wants a to own 4 Saint Bernards
TJBM wants to launder (wash) money.
Not at all, I love filthy lucre.
TJBM seeks a goat to sacrifice on Satan’s altar.
Nah, sounds like dirty work.
TJBM has excersized today!
I have.
TJBM is making a hard decision, like me…
Yepp. Whether to continue procrastinating/fluthering or to study for the English test today. You’ve forced me to really think about it, I guess I’ll get off sigh
TJBM wishes @AshLeigh luck in her hard decision.
Absolutely!!!!! _ggod luck @AshLeigh
TJBM still has their christmas tree up
Yeah. We put it up late this year, so we’re leaving it up for a while.
TJBM is happy when they see @babybadger‘s picture! :)
True. The yellow one makes me happy, even though my favorite color is blue.
TJBM has been in love once with a hot blonde!
Nope. Only a brunette, once upon a time.
TJBM is glad my friend @JoeyOhSoClever is here on Fluther. :)
This jelly’s always happy to see a new face!
TBJM got out to the movies this holiday season and can recommend me a new movie.
Yup. Went see The Muppets. As a huge fan of the Muppet Show when it originally aired, this movie hit all the sweet spots for me. I laughed out loud…even cried a little. You should see it too.
TJBM will tell us their favorite Muppet.
That’s a hard decision. :/ I like them all.
TJBM also likes them all.
No. This Jelly only likes the one with the rainbow connection featured in it, and the latest one.
The Jelly below me watches shows for children with way too much enthusiasm.
Blues Clues is my favorite.
TJBM is allergic to cats.
I AM! Creepy.
TJBM Doesn’t usually play the TJBM games but can’t sleep and has had too much whisky.
Actually, I do usually play it. And I’ve only has a little whiskey. But I don’t want to sleep. It’s only 7:45 O.o
TJBM is an alcoholic! D:
No, but he is trying his damndest.
TJBM lives in some weird time zone where nobody ever fluthers when it is convenient.
Thankfully that is not the case. Granted, I’ve had many chat sessions on here around 2 or 3 in the morning.
TJBM wishes they could sleep in late tomorrow!
I wish. :/
TJBM is talking on the phone.
False. I am in and out of my garage doing laundry so exciting I know lol
TJBM has a stomach ache
I like doing laundry. Want me to come do it for you?
I don’t.
TJBM likes doing laundry.
I like it more than vacuuming haha
TJBM is wearing pink
Never. I’m wearing blue.
TJBM has had braces.
False, but I had a retainer for a few years.
TJBM will tell us the color of their bed
It’s just white. But it’s really cushy. :)I love it.
TJBM plays with leggo’s.
False, that was a looooong time ago.
TJBM has just started cutting down on their fat intake.
True. weight loss is being achieved
TJBM loves to clean.
TJBM reads the dictionary.
False. That sounds boring.
TJBM wants a relationship with someone they know they can’t have.
False. I’m the old broad these days, relationships don’t interest me much anymore. It’s nice. lol
TJBM is going to the movies today
TJBM is a monster.
TJBM just let out a loud belch.
False, I’m at work and I’m not sure my colleagues would appreciate that.
TJBM is off work today.
True, and going to the movies with my daughter at noon, :-D
Hey Paul…good to “see” you again!
TJBM doesn’t drink anything before seeing a movie because they hate having to go to the bathroom in the middle of it
TJBM gets the extra large popcorn at the movies.
TJBM hates to wear 3-D glasses at the 3-D theaters.
No I love them. It’s like I’m Neo. Even if they are awkward to wear over my normal glasses.
Hello Coloma =]
TJBM thinks 3D is a gimmick at best.
True, I prefer IMAX.
TJBM will be seeing a film in IMAX this year.
Maybe. :-)
TJBM has snoopy neighbors
TJBM sneaks in their own food into the theater.
No need to sneak. One if the thwarted near me encourages people to bring their own food.
TJBM hates paying upwards of $8.00 for a movie ticket, but does not yet have a jumbo HD television at home…so they feel stuck.
TJBM is a dubstep fanatic.
I have no idea what that is, so nope!
TJBM is a secret fan of Justin Bieber (did I spell that right?)
FALSE! And yes, I think you spelled it right.
TJBM likes wind chimes. Got any??:-)
True, but no. I haven’t got any.
TJBM likes to dance
I do. But I’m bad at it. Haha.
TJBM is awesome. :D
If you say so :D
TJBM is tired
True. It is what it is.
TJBM knows Amaryllis plants inside and out.
False…..I don’t know them at all.
TJBM hates being confused.
True. I’m getting used to it. it helps to participate in an international community like Fluther
TJBM loves hot chocolate. after it’s cooled enough to drink, burnt my tongue, again
Yes, I do.
TJBM has heard of Ovaltine.
True. Rich Chocolate, mm-mm.
TJBM wants to live where the weather is moderate.
True. Don’t like the hot, don’t like the cold. That would work.
TJBM can milk a cow.
TJBM is a midget.
I’m looking for a midget.
I’m six feet tall, so…nope.
TJBM can fall asleep anywhere.
TJBM had to leave a building while taking a dump.
Not that I ever recollect, no.
TJBM wonders if this has happened to @reijinni recently lol
No, could have lived without the image…
TJBM dreams in color.
I forget to dream in color…
TJBM is hungry!
Not so much. Just got back from a lovely pub meal.
TJBM is verrry sleepy.
TJBM wants to go back to sleep.
TJBM likes energy drinks.
TJBM has a pet cow. :D
No but when I was a young child my Aunt had about 60 Jersey cows on her farm. I spent a lot of time with them. Today I have cows on my socks
TJBM is wearing socks with some kind of animal on them.
False, they are goofy little sock booties that are pink and black, with my Eeeyore jammie bottoms and a pink jammie top, I am stylin’ in my bag lady PJ’s this morning. lol
TJBM has a mouse in their house I have a baby deer mouse in my bath tub recovering from the cat swatting around for an hour last night, it is doing well and I will let it go again soon.
TJBM has a deer in their beer.
Haha false.
TJBM hates to listen to peoples relationship drama
Very true.
TJBM wants a meatball sub.
True! I haven’t had a meatball sub in years, oh man, that sounds so good!
TJBM is having a hard time coming off the holiday glut
My glutes are not hard, but I can crack walnuts with them just by sitting down.
TJBM was recently startled to find Jesus butting into line before him at Walmart.
True, and we dance fought to Eye of The Tiger.
TJBM was recently startled to find Chuck Norris challenging them to a game of Twister.
False. But I have recently seen real kung fu fighting. lol
TJBM is having a sunny day
True- the weather outside is nice and sunny, if cold! Also, the insurance company is paying for my car repair because of the accident.
TJBM is positive that they are the answer to all of life’s problems.
42? Sorry, I don’t….
TJBM gets frustrated playing video games.
False. Because I don’t play them. My daughter has gotten me to try, maybe twice, I’m not of the generation at all. I do appriciate the graphics though, I like that western game, Red Dead Redemption or
TJBM likes good western movies like True Grit
True, I like good western movies, but I don’t think True Grit is one of them, sorry.
TJBM sings Country Music.
Only in the privacy of my ‘67 Chevy pickup truck when I have cowboy boots on.
TJBM has heard that the Apple store is having a (first time ever?) sale today.
nope, don’t shop there.
TJBM is trying to define themselves.
False. I’ve always had a strong sense of self
TJBM is drinking coffee
False, was.
TJBM hates canker sores.
Ewww, yes! I am glad I don’t get them very often, usually after a sugar binge. lol
TJBM has seen the movie “Thor” and likes the whole Avengers series.
False, but I do like the Avengers. Have to go rent it. I’ve seen Captain America and the two Iron Man movies, though.
TJBM thinks this will be a great year in movies.
True! I love Iron Man
TJBM has gone skydiving
TJBM is petrified of heights.
False, only a little.
TJBM is eating candy they got from Christmas.
TJBM has got tonnes of work to do but can’t be bothered enough to do it.
TJBM is a bit smelly.
False. I am a perfume addict, I always smell nice. ;-)
TJBM thinks old man nose and ear hair is disgusting
True! Who doesn’t?
TJBM had a great chat with friends today.
False, I have no friends :(.
TJBM has trust issues?
False. A bit too trusting, actually.
@JoeyOhSoClever I’ll be your friend. Here, have some braclets.
TJBM makes friendship bracelets.
TJBM has a supermodel for a girlfriend.
False. But I have a hot gardener LOL
TJBM has burned themselves recently
True, making Kraft Mac n’ Cheese.
TJBM thinks that’s a fail.
False. Not the animal or the slob. lol
TJBM can see the color Orange somewhere nearby them
True. My Gatorade bottle cap.
TJBM has a secret they want to share.
If I did, then… well.. no. I don’t :P
TJBM thinks classical music is lovely
Like most genres, I enjoy some of it and can leave some of it.
TJBM had a lesson in something today.
True, lessons on I.T, P.E and Science ^-^
TJBM has really weird dreams
TJBM almost always forgets their dreams.
False, I usually remember them very well.
TJBM is going to get a summer job
TJBM already has a job.
TJBM will tell us what they do for a living
An Admin Officer at a Doctors Surgery.
TJBM thinks my title is rather lame.
lol! I find interesting. does it mean you’re in charge of the staff and stuff?
TJBM thinks @Paul is sweet
I can’t really answer that.
It means I basically print off stationary and sort through patient contacts checking numbers etc.
TJBM likes How I Met Your Mother.
I haven’t got around to watching that show
TJBM loves Mythbusters and Top Gear.
True for Top Gear, what’s Mythbusters?
TJBM will enlighten me.
What with? A torch?
TJBM likes the movie Avatar
Not “God” in the christian religious sense, but, I subscribe to all good wisdom and philosophies.
TJBM likes Raspberry jello
False, not a fan of Raspberry flavored anything except the actual Raspberries.
TJBM is sad that they’ve finished the first box of Christmas chocolates. :(
True ;)
TJBM is going to bed.
You are correct. Just laying down.
TJBM gets tucked in every night.
TJBM thinks it’s ridiculous that I just got home from school at 6 PM.
True. We have to be out by 5:00, except for atheletic games.
TJBM will dance for us.
I only dance for crisp 1 dollar bills.
The Jelly Below Me likes microfiber comforters.
Well, I like comforters!
TJBM is ready for a midnight snack.
Just had one. PB and crackers and an orange. :-p
TJBM has more than one pet
I have three dogs, and one cat, since Chaos ran away. :/ I might get a new kittie though, and name him Mayhem. :)
TJBM misses their pet that ran away, or died! D’:
I didn’t till you brought it up. I wonder if there is a gold-fish heaven?
The jelly below me is waiting for his video to stream, so he can finish watching the show.
I’m not a he. :)
TJBM made this up with no fore though. ;)
Typically, but people usually realize I meant no harm.
The jelly below me loves plaid flannel.
I do. I’m wearing one right now! :O
TJBM is also wearing a plaid flannel.
Nope. I’m in my green flower PJs as it’s bedtime here in Tokyo.
TJBM knows exactly where their “Happy Place” is and would like to share it with us.
True. Anywhere in nature and especially in my hot tub stargazing. :-)
TJBM wishes @geeky_mama happy travels
Sure, I hope her trip takes her to Vietnam or Korea.
TJBM is planning to change their citizenship.
TJBM is sad because their nice clean house has been ruined by a sleepover.
Haha..false. But my mega fluffy cat just came in covered in weeds and little stickers and I now have to vacuum from combing his fuzzy little ass. LOL
TJBM likes ranch dressing on baked potatos Mmmm
True. One of those strange food combonations I like.
TJBM is suprised how warm it is. 60 degrees in Janurary?
I am
TJBM will be ditching Windows because of Windows 8.
I am running the Win8 beta now
TJBM has big plans this weekend
True, they’re already happening!
TJBM likes to Fluther during parties.
False, I rarely attend parties.
TJBM is enjoying mint ice cream. Yum!
False. Just an apple and a cup of hot water.
TJBM is thinking that’s weird.
TJBM is having dinner. :)
I am absolutely having a typical dinner of Canadian Club and left over pizza.
The jelly below me is wondering if Fluther seems abnormally slow this evening.
He is super duper cool!
TJBM wishes they could control their dreams.
False. I liken to see where they end up.
TJBM talks in their sleep.
TJBM still has wet dreams.
oh yes especially when really horny
TJBM is happy its Sunday
False, my Christmas holiday ends on Tuesday.
TJBM had there Christmas break end a while ago.
I’m on permanent break lately. :-)
TJBM is up before sunrise and diggin’ the full moon
Well, it’s eleven here, so no. But I did howl at the full moon last night.
TJBM is excited for wild card weekend.
TJBM owns a tutu, and wears it often. Like me!
False, not much of a ballerina girl, me.
TJBM thinks dance classes are way too expensive :/
They can be but if your a member of the Y some of them offer dance at a reduced rate
TJBM went to gymnastics as a child
TJBM can do a split :D
Not anymore and not on purpose. Ow! lol
TJBM can stand on their hands
TJBM can do a cartwheel
Well, I could try. We’d have to give it another name though because it wouldn’t look anything like a real cartwheel! (My daughter used to be in gymnastics…she could not only do cartwheels, but aerials too….... on a 4” wide balance beam!)
TJBM can do aerials.
No idea what they are 0.o
TJBM will tell me
They are when you do cart wheels, round offs, front flips and back flips….with no hands. My daughter could do them on a balance beam. I loved it when friends would come over and I’d say, “Jen! Do an aerial right there, between those two chairs!”
Friends would freak out. Jen would go up…and come down exactly on the spot she started! :)
TJBM would get sick at the thought of his or her kid doing aerials on the balance beam.
<—Did gymnastics for two years.
@MilkyWay, I can do a split too. O.o
TJBM can do a backflip! I can’t. :(
Oh hail no. I can’t even do a back bend any more!
TJBM has earned a belt in martial arts.
Nope. But… My lead guitarist has like 12 in his bedroom. :D Does that count for anything?
TJBM thinks that should count, because I was beating him up yesterday. >:)
It totally counts.
The Jelly Below Me often imagines the people around them bursting into song and dance at inappropriate times.
Yay! :)
I actually do… And I burst into song and dance all the time. :)
TJBM thinks Nos is gross.
I just tried it for the first time, because a friend said it’s better then Monster. No sirree. It tastes like buttholes, and Lady Gaga CD’s.
Yep its drinkable battery acid.
TJBM has a most embarrassing moment they would like to share.
True. Lunch time here..maybe I should find something to eat.
TJBM is experiencing weird weather. (It’s such an unusually warm, snow-less winter)
too warm, needs more snow.
TJBM is ready to join the military.
False, been there, done that.
TJBM needs to copy some paperwork.
TJBM cannot do cartwheels
Common misconception. In most photos of me, I am standing next to really tall supermodels.
The Jelly Below Me picks labels off bottles, and stickers in general.
TJBM gave his mom a birthday wedgie.
I’m a she, and I did not…
TJBM has a duck.
I do, but he’s yellow and lives in the bathroom.
TJBM loves this game.
I do.
TJBM is up WAY too early.
TJBM just got out of a meeting.
TJBM loves roast chicken
Yep, but I love fried chicken even more.
TJBM loves fried foods.
TJBM has fried Any of the following: cake, donuts, pizza, cookies, candy bars, or ice cream.
Just the donuts. Not in a while though, my Grandma made the best fried donuts, sigh.
TJBM is experiencing spring-like weather.
TJBM is experiencing disco-like weather.
TJBM is having very mild weather, for january.
True, people are walking around in t-shirts and shorts. It finally snowed two days ago.
TJBM needs a nap…YAWN!
TJBM wears short shorts in subzero temperatures.
TJBM goes commando while wearing a wedding dress.
Sometimes true…
TJBM wants summer to arrive
tJBM is playing with an IPad for the first time!
Yes, and I’m not
The Jelly Below Me did something a little brag-tastic today, and will relate the story to the Fluther community.
Um… I went to the hospital today, and the specialist said my foot was normal again and that I could partake in normal activities such as football and tae kwon dow again…
TJBM cannot brag properly
There was an incident with some girls from Ireland working at the local hotel for the summer, and I bragged I could drink them under the table. That was in my youth, and I learned my lesson.
The Jelly Below Me has too many shoes.
True, I have a weakness for footwear :/
TJBM will tell us their weakness
Dames with problems.
The Jelly Below Me can play an obscure musical instrument.
Obscure? Nope. Unless you count the keyboard as ‘obscure’...
TJBM wants to learn how to ballroom dance
I already know how. O.o
TJBM is having a bad day, like me. :/
False, but I have a feeling I’m gonna do bad in my exam tomorrow…
TJBM is feeling sleepy
I am.
TJBM thinks @MilkyWay will pass her exam tomorrow.
She will. She’s wicked smaht.
The Jelly Below Me secretly likes boy bands.
TJBM thinks I’m immature for doing so.
No… I like a few boy bands myself. :P
TJBM will tell me what’s wrong with boy bands!
Most people think they’re immature and OTT.
TJBM does not have an obsession with boybands.
Just the drifters. Maybe the Monkees.
The Jelly Bellow Me wants MilkyWay to go to sleep cause she needs to do well!
TJBM knows what time it is
It’s 5:25 PM in Alaska. :)
TJBM thinks @MilkyWay should be studying!
Hell no. I’m done.
TJBM thinks too much studying makes your brain implode
TJBM thinks Batman is sexy. ;)
TJBM is going to bed now
It’s only 6:17…
TJBM is not going to sleep now.
in a few minutes.
TJBM is preparing for snow.
This is Alaska.
TJBM has pretty hair. :)
I did.
TJBM is watching reruns.
I’m watching old videos on Youtube, of my sisters, and their brother walking down the road. O.o
TJBM can’t think of something to say about TJB Them!
False. 6:17 am on the west coast and I just woke up and made coffee and am sitting here totally out of it still. lol
TJBM is so sick of peoples relationship dramas
False, gimme more!
TJBM met the new guy/gal at work today.
I didn’t.
TJBM is listening to a song that makes them sad. D:
TJBM is listening to a song that makes them get up and dance.
not yet.
TJBM wants to invade Poland.
TJBM is a film buff.
Not really.
TJBM prefers reading.
Very true!
TJBM is trying to read a good book but their kids keep sneaking it away to read it.
I did, I did! And it’s been three days now it’s just been sitting beside me in it’s box. Time to get it out, plug it in and see what it can do.
TJBM is a bit jet-lagged.
TJBM is suffering from PMC’s :/
I’m not suffering from anything. :)
TJBM wants to know how @MilkyWay did on her exam!
mildly curious yes
The Jelly Below Me should clean their place.
I should… But I won’t.
TJBM is happy for me, because get to leave school early tomorrow. :)
TJBM just realized that it is Friday the 13th.
known it for a while
TJBM would like to send Glenn beck a one-way ticket to North Korea.
False. I’d rather he be sent to Siberia, along with RushLimbaugh.
TJBM loves to come here where ”...everybody knows your name! And they’re usually glad you came!”
TJBM “whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror.”
False. Don’t got no cabs here. Well…wait. We have one. It was, like, a 1985 station wagon. Haven’t seen it around in a while.
TJBM is humming “Duh duh duh duh duh duh DUUUUUHHH. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh” (The theme from Bonanza, in case you couldn’t tell…)
Yaah, doh no!
TJBM has a BIG weekend planned ( I don’t, any suggestions ? ).
False. The only thing we really want to do is work on our land and it’s just too damn cold. : (
TJBM loves Fridays.
Yes, very much!
TJBM is learning to adapt to Windows 7.
Yeah…there are some benefits that Windows 98 didn’t have, but I seem to have lost many of my hot keys. Also, 99% is the same as 98, but they just hid it all so it’s harder to find.
TJBM wishes people wouldn’t change stuff up so often and wonders why they feel it is necessary.
I’m studying Latin. Does that count?
TJBM is a Mac user
False. And yeah, it counts :)
TJBM makes silly mistakes sometimes
7–10 a day. I have developed an endearing confused, please help me look which keeps me out of trouble.
The Jelly Below Me Has a Big Adventure planned.
Quite right.
TJBM likes football songs
some of them.
TJBM is letting their mind go blank.
TJBM dislikes chatting
TJBM was lured into false security w no snow in December.
TJBM is listening to music
False, Mom has Wheel of Fortune on.
TJBM knows a good sauce for tuna.
I don’t eat tuna. Blech.
TJBM thinks tuna is gross.
Well, no. But I didn’t mean to gross you out.
TJBM likes other fishes from the sea.
You didn’t gross me out. :)
No, I don’t like sea food at all. D:
TJBM wears glasses. O.O
I am supposed to, but everybody is so much prettier when I don’t.
The Jelly Below Me is skipping doctors orders about something.
Umm… I have a heart murmur so I shouldn’t drink energy drinks… But I do. :D
TJBM is a rebel.
yeah, I hate religion and U.T.
TJBM is watching a good movie right now.
Nope. About to take a nice long hot bath. Aaahhhh.
TJBM loves Japanese bath salts.
I do. :)
TJBM wonders if @geeky_mama is, indeed, a Geeky Mama. O.o
I actually read about @geeky_mama‘s globe trotting and feel a little down that I never travel. She seems so much cooler than me.
TJBM is snacking after dinner.
I am. :) I’ve been craving Oreo’s for days. It was all I talked about. O.o
TJBM loves Oreo’s. :)
The chocolate ones are ok. The golden ones, well, I cried in front of the cashier the other day when I found they had sold out.
The Jelly Bellow Me has sworn off some rare junk food.
Certainly seems that way.
TJBM has seen Hangover 2.
I want to!
TJBM smiles every time they see @Paul‘s avatar. :D
TJBM can’t wait for Jurassic Park 4 to come out
Really!?? they’re doing another one?
TJBM has read L.E. Modesitt, Jr.‘s Imager series.
TJBM can’t wait for Avatar 2 either :D
I hated the first one. I won’t watch the second one.
TJBM had a productive day.
If you count chatting on Omegle and watching the Hangover 2 productive, then I suppose I have.
TJBM smiles every time they see the beautiful AshLeigh’s avatar.
;) D’aw, you’re sweet.
TJBM loves cheese, like me!:)
True :D
TJBM is off to bed
TJBM never sleeps.
I do. Just not when anyone is around, or something may be going on that is cool.
TJBM says “Eek!” when they see a mouse.
No. I like mice.
TJBM thinks sloths are creepy. O.o
Hm. Not so much. (…and yes I am both geeky and a mama and I assure @imadethisupwithnoforethought that there is no way I am cooler than anyone. Just ask my kids. I am SO uncool.)
TJBM is well traveled. (To places like New Jersey and Missouri. Lemme tell you how cool Newark is!)
I’ve been to Alaska, Canada, and Washington… I don’t travel much.
TJBM would like to travel more.
TJBM is happy that Tebow is out.
Sure. Why not? :P
TJBM is reading a very good book, and will tell us about it. :)
I’m reading “House of Sand a Fog.” Not sure how good it is because I just started it…got through the firs 4 chapters though, so that’s always a good sign. : )
TJBM is going to do yard work on this fine, beautiful Sunday.
TJBM finally saw some frost this morning, and is very happy that winter has arrived :D
No frost, but still ice on the ponds.
TJBM wants Spring to hurry up and get here!
I do. I’m sick of this snow. :/
TJBM thinks I should clean my room today…
Nah. It’ll just get messy again, why bother.
TJBM agrees with my take on things…
True that! Except not about the toilet thing…
TJBM likes winter only because they can build a fire in the fireplace in the evenings.
False, I like it because of the beauty, the snow, the cold crisp air, the hot chocolate… we don’t have fireplaces here :/
TJBM thinks English homes should have fireplaces again
I do. Fireplaces are amazing. :)
TJBM disagrees with @MilkyWay, and thinks I should clean my room. It’s very messy.
Why don’t they have fireplaces?
I disagree with TJAM and say go watch a movie instead! TJBM agrees with me (2 to 1 so far…)
I love you guys. :D
TJBM will watch movies with me, while I don’t clean my room.
TJBM will tell us what movie they wanna watch
Finding Nemo.
TJBM agrees.
True Just keep swimmin, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming…
TJBM can talk in Whale
I can.
TJBM wants to learn. :)
False, I already know :D
TJBM has been swimming with dolphins?
No. : ( Never been raped by one either. Which is good.
TJBM called me immature!!! Sticks tongue out..
D’oh, immature is what boring people call fun people :D I called you a fun person lady.
TJBM is fun, like me.
True! Except for not the toilet thing.
TJBM is a GREAT ADDITION to Fluther!
TJBM likes Linkin Park
I like their old stuff.
TJBM is old. O.o
Well, I’m older than I was yesterday!
TJBM feels like making an angel in the snow! :o)
True, but there isn’t any :(
TJBM is going to bed
(You can borrow some of my snow!)
TJBM wishes that we could travel in time
Yes. I would do the last 10 years over,
TJBM loves water-sking,
I don’t go into the water.
TJBM is glad that the fudgepackers are out.
ummm, yes, i suppose so
TJBM needs to shovel
Not yet but I hear I will later this week.
TJBM has a lot of work to pack into a very short week.
Long day on the road tomorrow ( 7 hours ) and meeting for dinner. Thursday trip to Vet for animal meds. And Friday pick-up two new puppies. just completed adoption paperwork. They are going to need a whole set-up and food…..
TJBM supports their local Humane Society.
TJBM is having a lovely evening. :D
This jelly is way too tipsy on booze and happy with everyone.
The tjbm is able to give an objective response.
I’m not.
TJBM is freaking out.
A little bit actually!
TJBM suffers from coldsores every so often.
TJBM is enjoying a good book.
I do. In fact, just completed one and started on the next in the series.
TJBM should go to bed rather than stay up reading.
Probably… XD
TJBM is nerd gaming right now, like me. O.o
True. Though I’m having trouble getting through some of my choices lately. Probably cabin fever.
TJBM have a motivational mantra for surviving cabin fever.
Can’t say I do. My apologies.
TJBM watched Sherlock recently.
4 hours worth on Monday I think.
TJBM thinks the Sherlock show is better than the movies with the Iron Man guy.
Haven’t seen either, but I want to see both.
TJBM likes to make up recipes.
not that much of a cook.
TJBM has done stupid things while drunk.
It would take days to list the dumb things I have done while drunk.
The Jelly Below me had their internet go down recently, and got really angry.
Only when my wireless goes “DUH”.... Not anything new.
TJBM has more than one wireless router, as back-up.
No. When the wind blows, the wireless goes I suppose
TJBM can paint the world in another universe
I cannot.
TJBM can paint!
TJBM is one smelly mf.
Hmpf. So I didn’t shower yet today. I’ll get to it eventually..
TJBM is so tired their eyeballs hurt.
nope, I’m fine.
TJBM wishes to support Ahlquist.
Yes….they do hurt. And they are dry.
TJBM got paid today, and ten minutes later he or she went broke.
TJBM is a spender rather than a saver
TJBM had Chinese for tea.
I have.
TJBM needs to take a shower. O.o
Perhaps. Still not nice to say.
TJBM is skilled in something of no practice value.
TJBM has brown shoes on.
I refuse to tell women on the internet what I am wearing.
TJBM is cold.
I am. This is Alaska. I’m always cold. O.o
TJBM is also cold.
False, it got into the low 50’s today.
TJBM feels very blessed.
“blessed” is an overused word.
TJBM wants their house and driveway in two different states.
No. But this time of year I wish my house were in a southern state rather than the great northern tundra.
TJBM was outside in -32F recently.
hadn’t got that low.
TJBM wants a president with a beard.
I do. Santa for president!
TJBM loves sprite. :)
False, I prefer Seven Up :)
TJBM is gonna have a shower
In a little while. Once I’m ready to get out of bed.
TJBM is angry. Like me.
True. I do like you or what I know of you so far…
TJBM has a family that thinks nothing of 3 days of parties for their 77 year old Mum.
I don’t…
TJBM shall not be trifled with today. O.o
TJBM dislikes bitches
Very much.
TJBM is not a bitch.
Quite true.
TJBM is a lone wolf
Usually by circumstance, sometimes by choice.
TJBM worries about lone wolves.
Not really.
TJBM is having a bad day. :/
TJBM is having an okay day
Nope. Also.. I’m sorry about your day @AshLeigh ..hope things get better.
TJBM remembers/can recount their dreams when they wake up.
Not usually. I remember little pieces, but it never makes sense. XD
TJBM almost flew away in the wind today.
xD False, wasn’t windy today
TJBM has a very diverse taste in music
I do.
TJBM is singing right now.
TJBM likes Bob Dylan
Wait- There are people who dislike Bob Dylan? What? That doesn’t happen.
TJBM cannot remember when they last cleaned their car.
… I can’t. XD
TJBM can’t remember the last time they cleaned their room.
TJBM doesn’t even bother cleaning their room.
TJBM likes piano music
I love it.
TJBM is sick today, like. me. :(
True, sore thoat, cold, heavy head.
TJBM likes this
TJBM will join me here and play music with me?
Can’t, only available in the States :/
TJBM is off to bed
@MilkyWay, that’s sad! :(
No… It’s 3:38 in the afternoon in Alaska. XD
TJBM is also staying awake for several more hours.
I’ll be awake for a few more hours. I’m also using the turntable site. Not for sure how much longer, though.
TJBM wants to join
I want to, but it’s being mean to me for some reason. I’ll try again. :)
TJBM is a cool cat. :D
Ummm, false.
TJBM is a hot dog :D
I am. O.o
TJBM sleeps through their alarm, like me.
TJBM needs to do homeowork.
hadn’t been in school in a while.
TJBM heard that Paterno is finally dead.
Yes, I heard a rumor (denied as false by his family) last night, and then heard confirmation on ABC news this morning that he had died.
TJBM thinks the word of the day is: “Gray”
I like to spell it “Grey”
TJBM thinks it should be spelled “Grey” as well.
Doesn’t matter
TJBM will name their child “Greywine”.
False, and, at first glance I thought you wrote ” Greyweinie.”
Is that your Indian name? Chief Grey Weinie? lol
TJBM got lost and couldn’t find TJBM Q for awhile like me
Nope. O.o
TJBM cuts their own hair.
Nope, I have gone to the same hair dresser for abt 20 yrs now
TJBM thinks its time to start a new game and will follow me to part 35
It TIME ! !
TJBM has “loading” this page issues.
tjbm has other loading issues
TJBM is still not on part 35.
Maybe yes, maybe no- where exactly is here?
TJBM is ready for spring, even though we’re only a month into winter
False, I want snow first.
TJBM enjoys snowy weather
love it
TJBM loves storms of all kinds
Yes especially when I can spend the whole day in bed with someone special
TJBM loves to watch lightning storms
TJBM has an unusual personality
Depends on who you ask. I think I think outside of the box, use my imagination more than most. But maybe not.
TJBM has a new computer!
yes….and it went back because of issues
tjbm bought new bedding
Sort of recently. It’s nice to have an IKEA nearby.. (Its particularly interesting to me that your new computer had issues.. I have a brand new Lenovo ThinkPad that shipped with bad memory and other issues. My company’s IT team is shocked and amazed—because they have rarely seen problems with Lenovos-much less right out of the box! I wonder if some of this is due to the flooding in SE Asia recently that impacted supply electronics – and most notably hard drives?)
TJBM thinks it’s a small world after all.
agreed on a small degree of separation to all
TJBM is related to someone infamous
TJBM finally has some snow!
Nope. Rained yesterday. It’s been very unseasonably warm so far this year!
There are some things TJBM wouldn’t do, not even for a million dollars.
True, i wouldn’t go near a big bird.
TJBM doesn’t like birds of prey unless they’re on TV
I like them fine. In fact, my ex and my kid’s last name means “Falcon” in German. Well, OK, one of them I ended up not liking so much so I divorced him.
TJBM is watching the Puppy Bowl for the first time. GO ABERDEEN!!!
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