Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

What are you sensitive about?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) January 4th, 2012

Sometimes I wonder why people are so sensitive and/or easily offended. But, I of course am also sensitive and somewhat easily offended at a few things, so I guess I shouldn’t be judging.

I’m more interested in why this topic makes you sensitive, if you care to share.

I think I am the most sensitive about prejudice and racism. Sometimes it bothers me that some people are so misinformed about race and culture, so I always try to take the time to remind others that black people aren’t born stereotypes, for example.

I recently found the comments of the famous (or infamous) geneticist Dr. Watson, and I was just upset that such an intelligent person would say something so stupid.

So, what gets under your skin with relative ease, fluther?

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39 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Babies, animals, people treating others badly, and clods in general. So racism pisses me off big time too.
Oh, and getting kicked in the groin.
I think it’s the fact that they rely on us to take care of them and some assholes can’t be counted on to do it that get’s under my skin for the first two on my list.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m sensitive about people asking me if I am sensitive.

I am what I am…

TexasDude's avatar

Not much, really.

I tend to view being offended, in most cases, to be a silly and pointless emotion. This opinion will undoubtedly earn me offense from many users and a number of butthurt private messages, but oh well.

Judi's avatar

This is going to sound stupid, but really bad customer service can make me emotional. It really pisses me off that I can’t just express righteous indignation without crying.

Blackberry's avatar

@Judi Lol! It’s ok, Judi.

marinelife's avatar

Well, one thing I am sensitive about is being called over-sensitive. I finally decided that I am not over-sensitive, people are just being clods.

FutureMemory's avatar


Coloma's avatar

I’m a pretty secure person and am not easily offended.
What I am sensitive to are people who are manipulative. I cannot STAND sneaky, passive aggressive behaviors, people that use guilt trips and other bullshit tactics to attempt to control and mange your impressions of a situation.

Bottom line, most hypersensitive types that cannot handle healthy, constructive criticism or healthy confrontation and problem solving usually have a lot of emotional problems/immaturity that they need to take a look at.

@marinelife Yes, sometimes dysfunnctional people will abuse others to get themselves off the hook by saying the other is too sensitive which really translates to lack of responsibility for their words or actions.

I;m very respectful of peoples differences but, play games with me and you’re gonna be history in about 60 seconds, I have zero tolerance for childish emotional games in my middle age. lol

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Women’s body image/media focus on women’s appearances/the big fat vs thin debate/judging people based on clothing or style or fashion/fat prejudice, etc. I get fired up really easily over that type of thing.

I don’t think that I’m easily offended. I have very little patience for a lot of things… racism, homophobia, animal cruelty, etc. There are things that I feel passionately about, but I don’t think that makes me overly “sensitive,” necessarily. To actually offend me, you would probably have to insult me directly, and you would have to be significant enough for me to give a shit that you’re even talking to me in the first place, in order for me to be offended.

Ayesha's avatar


Mariah's avatar

I’m really sensitive about some people’s attitudes towards victims of various circumstances. I hate victim blaming so. much.

I guess I feel this way because I’ve been a victim of random bad luck with my health, and that experience opened my eyes to all sorts of different kinds of suffering that people are experiencing and how those circumstances can arise out of thin air. It has given me so much empathy, perhaps to a fault; I cannot hear a bad word against these people who already have so much working against them even without people blaming them for shit or turning a blind eye to their needs.

Now that I think about it some more, I am also really sensitive about people who think every little thing is disgusting. I guess I feel this way because my disease is gross and if someone thinks things like not using a bidet (for example) are gross, I hate to think what they’d think of me if they knew all the details. I had trouble with this at college because the girls in my dorm, I swear, they would run away screaming if they so much as saw a piece of used gum stuck to the side of the trash can, and I was living with them and sharing a bathroom with them and I felt like I had to hide everything.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Mariah I would consider that more of a “pet peeve,” for me, but people who seem to find everything disgusting really bug me, too. Come on, folks, life is messy. Most of us have feet, most of us have assholes, we all have bodily functions, and we are all animals when you boil it all down. Get over it.

tranquilsea's avatar

I am sensitive to injustice and abuse. Were ever it crosses my path I feel compelled to stop it. That has put me in some pretty awful scenarios but I helped and I can sleep at night.

tranquilsea's avatar

Ug, that should be “Where ever it happens”. I hate finding typos after the grace period runs out.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Just to keep it light, I’ve come up with one more for my list: jock itch.

Tbag's avatar

One word, RACISM.

muppetish's avatar

I’m notorious for being sensitive about fucking everything. It’s ridiculous. I don’t even know when something is going to set me off. I don’t usually get angry about things (or offended – there aren’t quite as many things that outright offend me), but I get upset quite easily.

I don’t even why this started because nobody in my family is this way and it’s not like anything happened to me as a child to make my emotions so on edge. I guess I’m just weird.

Big button pushers are people who are stuck on the gender binary, discussions on drunk driving, treatment of animals, and racism.

Coloma's avatar

Well…bottom line, respect is EARNED, here, just as it is in real life.
I’ve said it before, I look for consistency, positive or negative, as a barometer of the type of personality I am dealing with.

It’s not that hard to make a pretty damn accurate assessment of someones head space over long term observation of conduct.

Paradox25's avatar

Anybody that tells you that you’re too sensitive will most likely be full of it since we all have things that bother us. I tend to be sensitive about close-minded scepticism, conspiracy theories, double standards when it comes to gender roles, people who criticize me but can’t take it back, braggards/show-offs and people who treat others poorly to give themselves an ego boost.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@muppetish I read the question (and responses) more as being about things that are offensive… but your perspective made me rethink. I am insanely sensitive, period. I’m sensitive to physical things like touch and sound and smells, I am sensitive to emotional issues, I am easily overstimulated, overwhelmed… in that respect, I have a very different answer to the one I originally gave.

Coloma's avatar


Yes, but, I have never known you to be off the wall psycho angry and display irrational behavior here. Unless I’ve missed something. LOL

That’s the difference. It’s fine to have our sensitivities but when they turn into insane attacks based on assumptions and outright lunacy, a line has been crossed.

Sensitivity in perspective is not the same as blatant irrationality.

tranquilsea's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf me too. I am insanely sensitive to touch, sound and taste. When someone is hurting it is enough to make me cry.

Coloma's avatar

You guys are both empaths! That’s a good thing, but, you have to beware of letting vampires suck you dry. lol

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Whew, that is good to know.
I am definitely an empath, I have no doubt about that. @muppetish‘s response kind of made me aware of the two sides of the coin, being “sensitive” can have multiple meanings. I hadn’t considered how I might have answered if I thought about it like that in the first place. Had to reconsider for a second, there. :)
@tranquilsea I’m just like that, yep. I know what you mean.

Suddenly this question has me very confused. lol.

deni's avatar

Ignorance and general intolerance without a reason, whether it be toward gays or another race. There is just no reason for it, and while it doesn’t rile me up like it does some people, it easily gets under my skin because the root of it is so so silly and making huge generalizations (like “black people are lazy”) just makes me lose hope entirely for the person saying it. I’m not at all a confrontational person and I try not to be close to people who would say things like this in the first place so most of the time I keep my thoughts and opinions to myself (the internet is a different story) but if you’re seriously racist or homophobic you’re kinda dead to me in my brain anyhow.

I also have no tolerance for people who abuse animals or for people who do not appreciate the earth. Generally these are people who have no interest in traveling, don’t recycle, compost, or cook their own food, buy everything pre-made and frequent McDonalds and other gross places. I don’t get it, at all, and I have no respect for them and don’t want them in my life.

I am sensitive, I guess also about people who are misinformed about marijuana (ie, most of America. Luckily I live in a bubble)

Also, most personally and most important, I’m sensitive about my body, and am especially irritated by the media and advertising. So unrealistic and I guess I just don’t get the point of glorifying being super skinny.

Maybe I’m not really “sensitive” about these things more so than just “easily fired up”....I don’t get personally offended because of them, but they do press my buttons.

tranquilsea's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I was going answer one way when I read the title. But when I read the details I knew what the OP was asking was things that cause you to react.

downtide's avatar

I’m most sensitive about homophobia and transphobia, because that makes it personal.

YARNLADY's avatar

Any type of name calling

MilkyWay's avatar

I don’t tend to get offended easily, but do get worried and a tad bit emotional when it comes to animals, children and any form of abuse. That involves racism.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not much on fluther gets me going but in face to face situations it’s probably racism.

Adagio's avatar

Hearing or reading about any childhood abuse, especially involving babies, really upsets me and makes me cry… Also people who make any attempt to look after me are quickly escorted from my life, I can’t stand that and refuse to entertain it… I am sensitive about both issues but react differently to each, they press different buttons.

AmWiser's avatar

Most of my sensitivities have waned with age; and now not a lot matters because things are going to be what they’re going to be.

Bellatrix's avatar

Most things I am pretty okay with. I don’t let things get to me too much.

Racism, discrimination, bullying, disadvantage, cruelty and poverty are things that really do bother me. All things that don’t need to exist and make no logical sense to me. Those things I find really bother me. Plus the availability of quality education. I get bugged if people are going through the motions and their actions seriously impact detrimentally on others.

A lot of things though are just superficial crap or so out of my control that I am just not that invested.

Earthgirl's avatar

My hot button topics are generally anything that demeans women or practices a double standard for men and women. Female infanticide, Female genital mutilation (I think it should be considered child abuse) , honor killing…unfortunately the list goes on. Some of the crimes against women just outrage me. Human trafficking also upsets me and shocks me. Modern day slavery is another thing that makes my blood boil.
Genocide. Need more?
After that list my pet peeves would sound a little trivial. I do admit to having some.:)
One of them is when people insult my intelligence and underestimate my education level.
Another thing that bothers me is people being elitist and feeling superior because they have more money, a flashy car or a big house. We used to call the big gross showy houses built by mobsters in Bensonhurst Taj Mahals, lol. Only sadly, they were anything but.

DaphneT's avatar

I’m sensitive about way too many things, like being told “don’t take it personally”, or “you need a thicker skin”. Then there are the comments like, “don’t you think you should get some pills for that” or like “Really? You’re depressed? Just listen to my story, that’s more depressing than anything you’ve got going on”

I get angry about religious oppression, racism and regulated social mores. I’m saddened by murder of babies, abuse of women, victimization of boys and girls. I’m perturbed by the dramatics of anyone.

rooeytoo's avatar

Ageism and sexism, they both really get my hackles up!

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