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mazingerz88's avatar

Was there ever a literary character which inspired you enough that it reshaped who you were?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) January 4th, 2012

A character that made such a strong impression on you that it influenced your attitude and outlook in life?

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21 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The Red Raider. (And I will shoot anyone that takes that seriously). There was a story about a kid that ran away from home and built a home inside of a tree that was read to us when I was very young and in school. It inspired my love of the outdoors and wandering in the woods. I just have never found the title to that book. Maybe My Side of the Mountain? I know wacked. But then again so am I.

tranquilsea's avatar

Atticus Finch and Anne Shirley provided early guide posts to who I wanted to be like.

thorninmud's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I was enthralled by that story, too. I fantasized about running away and leading that kind of life for a couple of years after reading that. And yes, that is the title.

rebbel's avatar

Amélie Poulain

ragingloli's avatar

Jack the Ripper.

tranquilsea's avatar

Ah, but was he fictional @ragingloli?

ragingloli's avatar

He was a character in many novels, so that qualifies him as a literary character.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ragingloli Remind me never to attend a sleepover at your place.

ragingloli's avatar

Worry not.
I would not kill you ^__^.
more than once

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ragingloli When your influence is a serial organ harvester it makes me wonder.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, he is not the only influence.
there is also the Zodiac killer, Ted Bundy and Joseph Stalin

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You left out the Marquis De Sade and The Impaler dude.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Miss Havisham.

janbb's avatar


Jo March and Elizabeth Bennett

MilkyWay's avatar

Elizabeth Bennet. She made me admit that I’m different from my family, and that I have no reason to hide it. Be who you are whether society finds you appealing or not.

filmfann's avatar

My 5 favorite literary characters are:
Harry Potter

They all had character traits or tales that I found appealing. The one with the greatest influence on me was probably either Superman or Ulysses.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Lately, Harry Potter….

I got into the series late.

ratboy's avatar

Gregor Samsa.

wildpotato's avatar

The unnamed narrator of Proust’s In Search of Lost Time.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Drizzt Do’urden. From the Forgotten Realms novels. He has the power from his blades to resist corruption and evil. He has integrity that I find desirable in myself and others.

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