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Jude's avatar

NSFW - A question about women's anatomy (details inside)

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 4th, 2012

Is it common for a woman to have one breast larger than the other, or one nipple higher than the other. My partner says “yes” and I say “no”.

I am all even, Steven.

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44 Answers

janbb's avatar

Not unusual from what I’ve heard.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Very common!

Seaofclouds's avatar

Yes, it’s normal. It’s also normal for one leg to be longer than the other and one arm to be longer than the other. Our feet can also be different sizes.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Quite common.

rebbel's avatar

Not uncommon at all (if I go by the girlfriends I had).
My one ball is lower than the other two.

tranquilsea's avatar

From what I’ve heard it is more common than you’d think.

I watched a great documentary titled, appropriately, Breasts: The Documentary and it was fascinating to find out what those women thought of their breasts. One woman in particular had mismatched breasts.

JilltheTooth's avatar

My left girl is bigger than my right girl, which I don’t get as the right side is dominant. Not freakishly bigger, but bigger. Here, look for yourself…<holds up shirt>... see?

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve known several women who were not symmetrical in that part of their anatomy.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. Nature does not believe in symmetry. Take a picture of your self naked and put a mirror down the middle to create a symetrical you and be astounded how strange it seems.

sinscriven's avatar

In my experience of…ahem… mammary analysis, pretty common.

I think more often than not, and difference variations vary. Some are a tiny bit asymetrical, and some had an entire cup size difference.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Quite common, imo

Mariah's avatar

I think one breast is very commonly (slightly) larger than the other.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Very common, from what I’ve seen.

Judi's avatar

My plastic surgon friend says that breasts are sisters, but not twins.

marinelife's avatar

Totally usual. Count me in.

syz's avatar

Apparently, it’s more common to be variable than it is to be exactly the same.

King_Pariah's avatar

Like everyone said and as my personal experience dictates, it’s common enough.

john65pennington's avatar

My left foot is one half inch longer than my right foot, so I guess anything goes with the human body.

King_Pariah's avatar

Too late to edit but in a biology class we once had an apparently well known anatomist (I have no idea who) who told us that a human body that was truly symmetrical would fail to function. So I suppose it’s a hooray for being asymmetrical.

Jude's avatar

@King_Pariah Sucks for me!

stardust's avatar

Yes, very common.

everephebe's avatar

No one is symmetrical down to the atom. Breast asymmetry is ubiquitous; however, it is more difficult to discern than not in a numerous potion of the complete populous. Gravity plays favorites.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@everephebe I enjoyed that video though their technique wasn’t as good as I’ve seen.

everephebe's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir This lady is better even if she’s too thin for you…. :D

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@everephebe well…i wouldn’t kick her out of bed or anything

King_Pariah's avatar

@everephebe Wow! I am not worthy…. I gotta say that I’ve only seen 1 lady of the pole pull off anything close to that.

asmonet's avatar

It’s totally common, I’ve also read that it’s more common that the right breast be slightly larger than the right.

I’m proof, but only barely.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes, most naked women I’ve seen have one breast noticeably different in size than the other. I notice that more than the placement of a nipple though.

everephebe's avatar

I believe handedness is the primary cause of lopsided tits mammary glands.
So if you are ambi you are more likely to have much more even size and alinement.
This is asymmetry, however slight, is natural, and beautiful. And anyone who disagrees should be shot like this cat.
One of the reasons that I find breast implants abhorrent, vile, despicable, grotesque, repulsive and a massive turn off, is their unnatural symmetry.

incendiary_dan's avatar

If I remember correctly, it’s usually the left one that is larger, owing to the presence of the heart in that side of the chest.

Seelix's avatar

I think it’s very common to have one breast slightly larger than the other. Mine aren’t perfectly even, though you can’t tell just by looking. I don’t know what causes the difference in size, aside from the fact that no one’s body is perfectly symmetrical.

tinyfaery's avatar

There are very few things that are perfectly symmetrical.

jazmina88's avatar

my right side (known as shirley) to an ex is larger than Laverne

mattbrowne's avatar

Very common. Has to do with gene expressions.

Bellatrix's avatar

Very common. We are not perfectly symmetrical.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have one boob slightly bigger than the other, it’s not really noticable unless you are very intimate with my boobs but when I cup my boobs with my hands I can definitely feel a slight difference. It doesn’t affect my bra size thankfully. As for whether it is normal, I have always been told by doctors, other women and teachers that it is completely normal. Not sure about having one nipple higher than the other though, this isn’t something I have ever had to query.

Jude's avatar

My girlfriend has thoroughly examined my girls and she said that she can’t see a difference. If it’s there, it’s teen-tiny. I’m a freak!

Judi's avatar

@Jude , you’re blessed. :-)

deni's avatar

I have not seen many boobs but mine are even so I’d say no, but I’m sure they’re out there. I feel like in most cases even if the boobs are different it’s probably very slight and would be hard to notice. I wonder if there are women out there with one very small boob and one big boob. Aw :(

mazingerz88's avatar

What the…so this imbalance happens?! And all the while I thought my eyes were dyslexic! Lol.

King_Pariah's avatar

Suddenly the Princess Bride comes to mind…. Where he says something along the lines of there’s a lack of perfect breasts in this world, it would be a shame to lose yours… Yeah I suppose a bit irrelevant, carry on.

Bellatrix's avatar

My boobs aren’t noticeably different either but I am sure if we were scientific about the whole process, there are differences. In some the differences will be marked, in others less so.

FutureMemory's avatar

I like boobies :D

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