General Question

Jude's avatar

My coolant/temperature light has been continuously flashing on my Chev, even though my coolant reservoir is full; what gives?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 5th, 2012

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8 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Bad thermostat.

Charles's avatar

Thermostats are pretty easy to replace and pretty cheap. That would be a good first thing to replace.
Do you have any OBD codes to read?

LuckyGuy's avatar

What is the engiine and year of the vehicle . Are yo getting an OBDII code. P0128? You can go to Advance Auto and they will read the code for free.
You can have a bubble in the system or a bad T-Stat.

filmfann's avatar

The temperature is getting too hot. Probably the thermostat. Not to hard to replace.

RocketGuy's avatar

Could be an air bubble near the temp sensor. I had that happen to my Prius.

CWOTUS's avatar

You know, it could be that the system is operating perfectly correctly, and you just don’t have sufficient antifreeze. Have a mechanic check the antifreeze protection, and then the thermostat.

Paradox25's avatar

Check your belts for tension, they may be loose or bad and your coolant pump may be slipping. Happened to me already where I got the same alarm as you.

Jude's avatar

If it’s not the sensor, what about flushing the transmission fluid? If the it’s crusty, would that cause the low coolant light to come on?

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