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Jude's avatar

NSFW - taking care of business whilst staying at a relative's (details inside)

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 5th, 2012

My sister and niece are away in Vegas for a week. I am (multiple) cat/house sitting. Chatting with my SO over the phone put me in the mood, but, after I got off of the phone, I was unable to do the deed.
I don’t feel comfortable for some reason.

Chubby lost.

Same for you?

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, no problem here in similar circumstances. Just make sure you clean up after yourself.

FutureMemory's avatar

Nope. I wouldn’t worry about it though. Maybe try again at the end of the day, before bed.

Jude's avatar

@FutureMemory My partner is coming here this weekend, so, I have to get over it pretty quick!

FutureMemory's avatar

Ohh…well, with her there, things will be totally different. Being unable to maintain your mood while alone vs. with your sweety? Don’t even sweat it.

ragingloli's avatar

Well as long as you do not involve the cats in your deeds… hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder…

marinelife's avatar

I would be fine if they were out of town.

If they were in the house, it would be a no go.

judochop's avatar

Shower dance like the rest of us.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I could make a joke that is in really poor taste about being surround by pussies and puppies, but I will refrain from saying so.

More likely it is the fact that it is a ‘family’ location and you have some mental block (from a child) about doing such deeds near family. Even if they aren’t there.

wundayatta's avatar

I think people tend to talk and think too much about sex. They should just do it, instead.

Kardamom's avatar

Do the deed while you’re still on the phone ; ) They don’t call it phone sex fer nuthin’!

Jude's avatar

@Kardamom Already got’er done. Reached out and “touched someone”.

Kardamom's avatar

@Jude Hee Hee. Hope it was a good one!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I can recall times where I have managed to “take care of business” whilst staying at someone elses house. I feel a bit wrong now!!!

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