Laaadiiieessss and geennntlleeemann, your opinions please!
Asked by
January 5th, 2012
Alright, I really don’t need any opinions or anything in this situation, but I’m more bored than anything so why not stir up a discussion?
Basically someone is interested in me somewhat, blah blah blah, asked her if she’d like to go out sometime, she said sure, if I’m buying. I made a joke about it either being her legitimate interest or just using me for money, and she said that she thinks I’m a cool guy and would like to know more about me.
So, people, discuss, I need something to do.
Also, I asked her friend how interested in me she is, or what her interest level is, from 0 to 10 with 0 being platonic, and she said around 6 or 7.
What the heck would 10 be? XD
damnit i cant type today XD
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23 Answers
True love with mad passionate non stop sex
Phew! Glad that this back, worried that a source for hilarious comments was about to disappear. :)
@King_Pariah Indeed
Ahh, may as well ass a good question into this, she definitely seems to be more amture that most people in her age range, yes I finally met someone near my age thats mature XD and I assume the “going out ” is just going to be taliing about stuff, however, is a coffe shop sitting outside too formal? Am I expecting too much of her?
Throw this place into google street view
Broadway Roastery, 614 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
I like zombies.
Srsly I denno. 6 or 7 is probbaly pretty decent though. Whatever all that means. And it came from her friend! that’s not all that accurate, getting numbers from other people. Go ahead with the date, whip out some cash, (and hopefully, something else later on haha) and have a good time. She said yeah, and thinks you’re cool, so don’t sweat what 10 would be.
Tsk, this would be more exciting if you secretly took a photo of her and posted a link! Diggity! : )
Looks like a nice place, but I’d say too informal.
Look the whole first date coffee shop thing is for meeting people that you don’t know to check each other and decide if you want to really go out or not. You are beyond that stage.
She sounds cool, especially if she can joke about it when you talk to her. She feels comfortable with you.
Try taking her out for lunch or a casual dinner that is equally hipsterish/cool/low key. And yes, you’ll let her talk, but she may really want to get to know you, too.
Good luck!
@mazingerz88 Well, not a redhead but way better than the last one XD
@zenvelo Well I could wait until my paycheck and take her to a decently expensive and fancy restaurant, but I don’t have a suit.
I will mention that it is winter out if that keys in.
@Symbeline You pervert you XD
10 would be really broke and on the verge of starving to death.
Her rating for you is an obvious freudian slip…
Around a 6” or 7” is exactly what she wants…
3” to 5” too small… 8” to 10” a bit frightening
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies What about 15”?
And the rating if fron someone who she hangs out with all the time.
Oh my, hangs out
just boogie on….and be yourself.
I’m suggesting something more than a coffee but less than wearing a suit to a fancy restaurant. Isn’t there someplace in between with decent food but not overly fancy?
@zenvelo not a whole lot actually, it’s basically a coffe house (they are fancier inside) or a steakhouse, steakhous eis the elast fancy thing.
I will remind people in case they don’t know I am 17 and this individual is 15, thats was the main reason I’m wondering.
I also don’t think that it’s going to be a “Date”, but I don’t know what she is expecting.
@XOIIO Type slower, bro! You’re killing me with the transposed letters.
@XOIIO Oh, I thought you were both in college. That coffee house is absolutely perfect then!
@zenvelo I guess sometimes I give off an air of someone much older.
Well, you can’t blame people for not falling head over heels immediately. This may mean she wants to make sure you’re not creepy or strange before she goes further with you. So don’t do anything wierd.
What about a planetarium or something like that?
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