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john65pennington's avatar

It's 2012. What happens to the new, unsold automobiles of 2011?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) January 6th, 2012

America’s bad economy has put a dent in the selling of 2011 new automobiles and trucks. The car lots are overloaded with new, unsold 2011 vehicles. Question: What happens to the new 2011 cars and trucks left remaining on the dealers car lots?

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10 Answers

CunningLinguist's avatar

They go on sale or go to other lots that only sell discounted vehicles.

Qingu's avatar

“American automakers last year posted their best sales since the financial crisis, earning healthy profits from better products amid a steady increase in demand for new cars.”

@john65pennington, can you provide a source for your assessment?

CWOTUS's avatar

They’ll drop in price – somewhere – until the market clears. Markets normally clear in one way or another (outlets, auctions, odd lot sales, consignments, etc.) unless they’re precluded by law from doing so. And then they clear on the black market instead.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They sell them for 15 to 18 % off the sticker, like I bought a 2010 last February for 16 % less than sticker. 18 miles on odometer and full new car warranty.

jca's avatar

The dealers may hold onto them for a month or two, to see if they can unload them at less of a loss than if they sell them to another dealer, or they may keep them. After all, they are technically “new” cars. -

jca's avatar

Yeah if you’re buying a car after the year rolls over, you can bargain and should get it very cheap. I bought a car once at the end of December and it was dirt cheap. A friend of mine just bought a new 2011 at the end of 2011 calendar year but she won’t tell me what she paid, nor will she tell me the rate she got (so next time I buy a new car, she need not ask what rate I got or what I paid because I’ll not tell!). All I know is that I feel she better have bargained them down to almost nothing!

Blueroses's avatar

Many get sold with a fleet discount to car rental agencies.

marinelife's avatar

They will continue to be sold.

Blackberry's avatar

Wait until the 2012 models come out and buy the 2011s cheaper. Anyone who actually buys a new year car the same year is losing money.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

They become special advertising items or even put into service departments as shuttles. Sometimes they are donated or raffled for promotions. Our two stores have less than a handful of each brand on the lots, but maybe it’s more for other brands or in other areas.

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