Meta Question

filmfann's avatar

Is the Questions For You broken again?

Asked by filmfann (52538points) January 6th, 2012

I’m on empty!

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27 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

Same here :(

FutureMemory's avatar

People actually use that?

Bellatrix's avatar

I think it might be. No Qs for me today.

I do @FM. Sometimes, I don’t have time to trawl through the three sections so will flick through that list and see if there is anything I want to answer. If I have time, I will then look at the questions generally. The downside is sometimes I miss really good questions because they might have been posted during the day in the US when I think I might actually be asleep. So good questions get buried.

wilma's avatar

Mine hasn’t worked all day.

tranquilsea's avatar

Mine’s broken too.

TheIntern55's avatar

Mine doesn’t work.

AmWiser's avatar

I think so. I’ve been gone for 2-days and not one single question for you. What’s up!?

Seaofclouds's avatar

Mine is definitely not working.

filmfann's avatar

Anytime someone who is involved with a fix for this wants to say something, we are waiting!
and if it isn’t soon, we’ll wait some more!

zenvelo's avatar

I sent a question about it this morning, no response.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, empty here too. Oh well…we are resourceful little invertebrates, we’ll find our way. lol

augustlan's avatar

Yep, it’s broken again. I’ll let the guys know.

@zenvelo Sorry I didn’t get back to you, I was off-site all day. Forgive me?

AshLeigh's avatar

:( Awww. Again?

AnonymousWoman's avatar

My “Questions for You” tab is empty as well. This comment may be unnecessary, though, considering @augustlan confirmed that that tab is broken for all of us already. ^_^

FutureMemory's avatar

I never realized so many people use this feature.

I would always wonder about the questions I’m missing if I relied on it.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@FutureMemory I use this feature a lot. I end up removing the majority if questions that are sent to me without checking them out but every so often I find a gem in there so I check it every day.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, it is. I contacted them yesterday, and Augustlan said she had let the guys know.

Coloma's avatar

I’m sure most of you are aware of this, but…if you click on your avatar a list of all the “Newborn” Q’s shows up. I use this feature often. ;-)

wilma's avatar

I didn’t know that @Coloma , thanks!

janbb's avatar

Ah – is that why Fluther seems dead to me right now. I had just a few Q for Y.

filmfann's avatar

I have questions again!

HungryGuy's avatar

It seems to be working again! w00t

marinelife's avatar

Thank you, Fluther gods, for fixing it!

AnonymousWoman's avatar

@FutureMemory I use it because it has suggested a lot of questions I was interested in, even if it has sent me questions I couldn’t care less about it. The more I use this site, the better it gets. I also check out different sections on here, too.

Mine is fixed now. Thanks, fixer(s)! :)

janbb's avatar

I generally get most questions in my “Just for you” since I answer so many different types so it is kind of one-stop shopping for me.

Bellatrix's avatar

Really @Coloma? I had no idea about that. I have always thought it would be good to be able to see a list of all newborn questions. I am going to give that a go!


Dog's avatar

I have a whole slew of them. Glad to hear it is fixed.

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