Why are the women stuck with the stereotypical labels, when men are just as guilty of the same behavior?
“Drama Queen,” accused of “bitching all the time,” “Airhead” “Ditz” “Women don’t know how to manage money” (When I bet a million dollars most of the women in a relationship control the budget)...men can be as bad, or worse in all these areas. Why do the women get stuck with the labels? Why aren’t some men called “Drama Kings”? Why don’t we accuse them of “bitching” when they’re upset (actually, I do accuse my husband of that, and it really makes him mad! :)
Where did those stereotypes of women come from, and why?
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41 Answers
What’s almost worse, is that when male-persons do exhibit these traits, they get slapped with the “feminine” label for it (ie. a male who blows things out of proportion is usually not referred to as a “drama king” but as a “drama queen”) because it is taken as more insulting to be compared to a female than to portray the trait itself.
That’s pretty much the answer though: traditionally, men have insulted other men by comparing them to women (“You play ball like a girl!”) because it calls their masculinity into question and makes them reassess how to behave “properly” while also reinforcing the accuser’s own perception of his masculinity.
It’s all very stupid, really.
I’ve never heard a woman called a prick, or a blowhard, or needle dick, or bullsh*ter , or pencil necked geek, or…. I’m sure there are plenty more.
I guess people notice what they notice. When I had a dog, everywhere I looked there were ads for dog food. When ‘we’ were pregnant, everywhere we looked there were other pregnant woman or ads for diapers.
For every shoe sale, there’s a tool sale.
Hey, is that a pencil in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”
So when the women here are hanging out at Archie Bunker’s Place, do they ever have unkind words for other women? Or do you just save the harshness for your husband, @Dutchess_III ?
It may seem unfair.
But nothing beats the ultimate stereotype which is “When the guy walks out, he’s an asshole. When the girl walks out it can only be cause the guy is an asshole”
Have you ever heard someone say, “You throw like a girl” or some similar phrase trying to demean the person? I love the new phrase I’ve seen that says, “You wish you played like my sister.”
For the record, I think Hollywood has a lot to do with the stereotypical phrases and labels you suggested, @Dutchess_III.
Because we live in a patriarchal, male-dominated society.
By the way, I don’t use any of those labels.
Hysterical: Unreasonable and illogical behaviors attributed to unpredictable humours of the uterus. I laugh when I hear somebody refer to a male as “hysterical”.
It just shows how our language changes and adapts. Stereotypes change and though some change more slowly than others, we can now say a woman “has balls” and it’s a compliment.
My girlfriend and I have actually used the term ‘dick” to describe more-than-asshole-ish women, and “cunt” to describe the equivalent male. It seems almost more effective that way.
Yes there are gender assigned derogatory phrases; there are also pejoratives used against men. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman called a ‘dumb-fucking jock”
Well, there’s the idealized stereotype of the patient, gentle and loving wife & mother to contend with so if a woman doesn’t live up to that then all these other things you list come up in order to chastize.
“Women don’t know how to manage money” (When I bet a million dollars most of the women in a relationship control the budget)
Women buy a lot of crap !
“Women comprise more than half the U.S. population. And – of more interest to marketers – women make or influence the purchase of more than 80% of all products and services.”
Why do the women get stuck with the labels?
There are just as many negative terms for men.
Why aren’t some men called “Drama Kings”?
They are. They are also called Drama Queens.
Why don’t we accuse them of “bitching” when they’re upset?
”(actually, I do accuse my husband of that, and it really makes him mad! :)”
Where did those stereotypes of women come from, and why?
They aren’t stereotypes, they’re based on fact I have no idea.
Patriarchy is foolish like that.
That’s me. Telling truth’s that no one wants to accept since the 70’s.
WARNING: Bad language!
Labels that mean something bad have been applied to men.
Here are examples:
-pussy whipped
-man whore
-son of a bitch
^^ Yes. Those things seem worse than simply being called a “drama queen”, someone who “bitches all the time”, a “ditz”, an “airhead”, or someone who “doesn’t manage money well” due to not being the best with numbers. :)
I try and use gender neutral pejoratives myself.
There are plenty of rotten labels for guys, so…
Yep, plenty of derogatory names for men too.
I’ve had a guy tell me that being called an asshole is one of the worst insults for men, and women are rarely, if ever, called assholes.
What? I don“t agree with stereotyped name calling, just an example of how it is a two way street. I’m too busy to expound on it all right now, just goes both ways. ;-)
I was kidding and trying to imply that I have been called an a-hole before and I’m a woman.
Really? haha That’s a first to me! :-D
I’ve been called everything you can imagine. Some nice and some not so nice. Asshole was one of the nicer ones. ; )
We’re all assholes. Otherwise there would be no need for such a question. Assholes and bitches all of us.
Truth be told, we have all been every one of those terms at some point in our lives. It might be beacuse of deadlines, being hungry, time of the month, medications, death in the family, being tired, etc. If we take an honest look in the mirror we can probably think of a time in our past when each one was true.
Except for me, of course, I am always sweet.
I agree, but then, there are those that are stuck in a permanent state of assholiness, all the time. My joke lately has been that if you aren’t a sociopath everything can be worked on. lol
The odds of me waking up one day and going on a shooting spree are about -10,000,000,000, but….if I wake up to an intruder in my house I’m pretty sure I could bite his nose off and flush it down the toilet, no problem. haha
@digitalimpression “Why aren’t some men called “Drama Kings”?They are. They are also called Drama Queens”
I’m sorry, but I have never heard of Drama King before.
Neither had I @Keep_on_running. However, apparently there is a book out with that exact title.
They have that organization for drama kings. You know. Oh, what’s it called? Oh, right. the NBA.
While the term “Drama King” exists, it seems to be used more jokingly.
I just looked up “Drama king” on Google and Urban Dictionary has a page for the term.
@Keep_on_running Hey! I have a pond you can leave it on when you aren’t using it! It’s not very clean in this picture..we were in a drought over the summer and it got really low. They bush-hogged the exposed ground/grass, then when the pond filled up to where it usually is, all that junk floated to the top. We need to rake it! So, imagine it not looking like a swamp, K? And imagine it with your house boat on it, K? I’ll be in the picture too, only hiding in the wheel house so you won’t know that I’m living on it while it’s “stored” on my pond. :)
@Dutchess_III Haha, woah, that looks uh…well I’m imagining what it looks like in my head and it’s b-e-a-utiful. That is honestly so cool to have your own pond, is the guy in the boat also looking for a spot to park his houseboat? ;)
That’s my husband…we took the aluminum boat and a rake out there to rake the pond. : ) I made him paddle out first so I could get pictures of how big it is. Everything needs LOTS of work, but man. The place, the whole place, is going to be BEAUTIFUL! \
The house will be on the bank that you see in the pic…the direction my husband is paddle toward. Guess those trees have to come out. : ( We’ll have a manicured front lawn (small enough for me to maintain) and a place across from the pond/house (the direction to my back as I’m taking the picture) that already looks like a park…just needs some well placed, pretty trees. We’ll have nature trails. Man, we put a nice house up, and that place will be worth a small fortune! Not that I’ll ever see any profit because I don’t ever plan to move.
PS…a rake makes a decent paddle! Did you know that? It the center of the deepest part I could not touch the bottom with the rake…
Sounds like you got it all sorted out, you have to post an “after” picture when it’s completed. Looks like raking that pond would take forever and you wouldn’t think it would be that deep when you look at the picture. Goodluck on your ventures!
I know! With all the crap floating on the top it just looks swampy…but it’s not.
We plan to get a net of some kind and clean it that way. Just waiting for a decent day.
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