@Kandy Thank you very much for that response. I’m going to say a funny thing for an atheist. But it takes a lot of faith for me to keep on answering what I think are the underneath questions when people give out so much shit for not answering what they think the OP wants.
Maybe if we opened our minds a little more, and tried not to think so narrowly about what other people want, we’d get more creative and useful answers with much greater regularity.
I work very hard to give the best answers I can, and my answers come from a place of great caring. Yes, sometimes I get snarky and snide, and sometimes I just want to have some fun, but I always try to feel the heart of what someone is saying. Sometimes, that heart is filled with pain. Sometimes it’s got a lot of anger in it. Often times anger comes out of pain—feeling lonely and hurt. But sometimes people just seem to want to stay in their anger, and in cases like that, I find it really hard to stay in my good hearted place.
Loneliness sucks big time. I’ve lived it most of my life—a very deep existential loneliness that blossomed into a depression that could have killed me, I think.
But I must have had hope because I never did go all the way out. And indeed, @Kandy, fluther helped me. There is a community of people here who have very good hearts. I say that even though I have had my share of fights with some of them and even though I have insulted some quite strongly and they won’t let me forget it.
But I believe we all have good hearts and we all want what you want. I think we all want to be connected. In fact, I think that what God means to most people—at a level underneath words—is connection. Fluther is a place of connection. Oddly, even when people fight, we demonstrate a commitment to this community. Of course, it’s much nicer when we laugh and say nice things to each other, but still, I feel a sense of commitment here, a commitment to the community and to each other and often a genuine love for others here.
That love is what helps lift the loneliness. That feeling of connection and belonging helps lift the loneliness. Fluther can’t do it all on its own. You need real world support, too. But fluther can save lives. I say that because I totally believed it helped save mine.