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poisonedantidote's avatar

Why am I stoned/high?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) January 9th, 2012

Several months ago I decided to quit smoking weed and have not touched the stuff since.

Last night I had a late night with my girlfriend and did not get to sleep until very late. It is now 4pm and I have just woken up, and I am sure that I am stoned.

My face is all droopy, my eyes are red and I feel like I have smoked about 5 joints. My head is all dizzy and slow and light feeling, and I feel a strong urge to laugh.

I smoked weed for about 11 years so I know what it is to be stoned and this is it. I am not sleepy or anything like that, I am most certainly stoned.

Any ideas why?

At the moment I’m assuming that I still have THC in my system or that the feeling stoned is an effect of the THC finally leaving my system.

Has anyone ever felt this before or read anything about this happening?

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11 Answers

KatawaGrey's avatar

The one time I got high, I experienced the same symptoms for about two weeks after I got high every morning for 20 minutes to a full hour. It was very strange. Aside from you, I’ve never heard of anyone else having the same experience. Is this the first time you’ve had such a late night since you quite smoking? Maybe throwing your sleep schedule off if what triggered these reactions. Was anything else about your routine last night unusual?

I’ve been wondering what caused my own odd reaction so this is fascinating to read about.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I have had irregular sleep routines since I was about 13 years old, just a week ago I had a late night and had no such effect. As far as I can remember everything was normal last night.

I am certainly stoned though, I have woke up, got dressed, washed my face with cold water, and gone out in to the cold to get some shopping, the effect is not so strong now but it is still there at the moment.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Then I have no idea.

Male's avatar

I’ve never been high, but the strong urge to laugh….that just kills me. I wanna experience that since I don’t usually genuinely laugh.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Is it possible you ingested some accidently? Several months and all of the THC should be out of your system.

gasman's avatar

I think whatever mental state you’re in, it isn’t from THC. If you literally haven’t smoked pot for months – and you’re sure you didn’t eat it either – then cannabinoids (like delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) don’t just suddenly appear as if freshly released from storage somewhere in your body.

Like most drugs, thc undergoes roughly first-order elimination characterized by a half-life. Thus taking twice the dose adds only one half-life to duration of elimination. After a large number of half-lives the ever-decreasing molecular concentration falls to a minimal level indistinguishable from zero-molecules background.

LSD is said to induce “flashbacks” in its users, but according to this guy: “The flashback phenomenon with LSD is rare but real. An auditory or visual clue can bring back a passing memory of an earlier experience. The residue of any tangible quantity of the chemical itself, in the brain or blood of the user after 24 hours, is, however, total nonsense.”

So @poisonedantidote my best guess is that sleep deprivation & other mental factors (known to affect various parts of brain chemistry) caused a weird altered state of consciousness that evokes or recalls mental feelings you had with pot, which may be quite real and similar to (or overlap with) drug effects even though no actual drug was involved, in a manner similar to lsd flashbacks. I’d say that’s plausible and consistent with “scientific conventional wisdom.” Also plausible: Somebody surreptitiously slipped some into your oatmeal and is just messin-witcha lol

Facade's avatar

Did you do any vigorous physical activity before you felt this way? You may have metabolized some fat that still holds THC.

cazzie's avatar

I get like this from lack of sleep and have NEVER smoked pot. Funny things happen to your endorphines when you are sleep deprived. When I am depressed, I use sleep deprivation to help alleviate my symptoms. I use acute sleep depression, which is what you are experiencing after just one night with a few hours, not chronic, which is another case altogether.

Adagio's avatar

@Facade The question details infer that vigorous physical activity is a distinct possibility.

auntydeb's avatar

The effect is simply from the general upset in your melatonin/endorphin cycle. Too much sleep, or sleeping beyond your natural ‘wake up’ time, causes the brain (pineal gland, hypothalamus etc, nice squishy glandy things) to secrete your sleep-wake hormones at different times. The general soppy, happy feelings from using Cannabis are pretty much produced the same way. The munchies also occur as the body starts to crave replacement endorphins – the ‘happy chemicals’.

Suggestion: put it down to experience, make sure you get enough ‘normal’ time sleep and look after your girlfriend too.

An alternative, of course, is simply that deep within your brain, there are cells from your alien ancestors, that get happy, late in the day, as the dawn breaks on your home planet so far away…

dabbler's avatar

IANAP (I am not a physiologist) but I think it’s basically a memory of the state left from regular use. The body has lots of mechanisms to mimic the moods, and those moods are probably reinforced by happy experiences at least some of the time you have been high in the past.
Your body might be telling you it likes that state.

Then again @auntydeb might be onto something about your home planet…

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