Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Should people that have smoked pot, be considered as a police applicant?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 9th, 2012

Question: should people, that have smoked pot, be considered as a police applicant to become a police officer?

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11 Answers

bkcunningham's avatar

I don’t see why not. Some police officers smoke pot and/or drink alcohol.

Ron_C's avatar

Of course! I can’t believe that anyone would reject a person just because they smoked pot. In fact I wouldn’t consider working for an organization that was so restrictive.

Aster's avatar

Since it’s illegal to smoke it AT THE PRESENT TIME, they would be showing disrespect for the badge if they’re doing it NOW. But if they are not then of course they should be hired , regardless! Its called drug testing. lol

judochop's avatar

Of course. If we can now have two presidents in a row that have smoked pot, why not police officers? Also, what’s the harm in smoking pot? No one has ever over dosed on it and it does not make people crazy…how many crimes happen because people were high on weed? It’s practically legal where I live. People smoke it outside of coffee shops and bars. The police know this happens…. No one cares. So what they get high, sitback and eat more…

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It’s stupid that it is illegal in the first place.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Sure they should. I think pot should be legalized anyway, since it’s less harmful than smoking cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption.

Facade's avatar

Sure, why not? Most people have enough sense not to be high on the job, so I don’t see why it would matter.

Blackberry's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with pot, so yes. If they can’t smoke while employed, then they shouldn’t do it, then.

bea2345's avatar

If s/he is foolish enough to come to the interview smelling of pot he deserves whatever s/he gets. Otherwise, why not? if s/he is an abuser, s/he would be rejected after the psychological assessment.

Berserker's avatar

Cop; Hey you kids! Put out that joint! ...we’ll be confiscating that.

Kids gone…

Cop; Tooooooooooooooke

Just being funny lol. But sure they should. If they pass all the health tests and things, and are physically and mentally fit enough to be a police officer, then it’s all good, as long as they don’t do it on the job.

Paradox25's avatar

Well in all fairness I do personally know of several people with jobs in different areas of law enforcement that have (and still do) partake in very negative, but legal actions. These are actions that I consider to be even worse than smoking marijuana despite being legal, and I’m not necessarily confining these actions to alcohol use alone either.

To answer your question all I can say is that I’m not sure personally. If smoking weed should be an elimination factor for becoming a law enforcement officer than all crimes should be an elimination factor as well. My dad was a cop for 22 years before retiring from job related injuries and he would have answered no to your question.

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