General Question

prioritymail's avatar

Who makes modern affordable blank (paper) notebooks / journals?

Asked by prioritymail (1630points) January 9th, 2012

I want to get a nice notebook to write things down in over the year. Looking for something smaller than the standard 8.5×11, nice cover with a chic modern print, not spiral, and college ruled, with maybe 70–100 pages. Any ideas on where I should look? Thanks!

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5 Answers

DaphneT's avatar

Moleskine is one option, basic art supply shops for drawing books by Canson or Strathmore. Consider making your own. Here are some links
journal how to

another book how to

another journal book how to

elbanditoroso's avatar

Barnes and Noble usually have several racks of diaries and notebooks in the front of the store.

And most good paper shops (which are hard to come by nowadays) will have a selection nowadays.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I have seen such things in stores like Big Lots, if you’re in or near New England try Christmas Tree Shops or Ocean State Job Lot. They are often much less expensive than you find in a regular retail store.

marinelife's avatar

I would look in any dollar store for discount paper products. Also, sales area of office supply stores and stationers.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I agree with @marinelife. I’ve seen some nice ones in the office aisle of Walgreen’s, too.

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