Have you ever used an entire thing of chapstick start to finish?
I’ve never seen an empty chap stick tube, I always put it through the laundry or lose it some other way. Anyone who has seen the bottom of a chap stick tube is a better person than I.
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43 Answers
I’ve seen the bottom, many times. It really stinks when you get to the bottom and don’t have another one handy.
Frequently. I live in a very dry climate and chapstick is a lifesaver.
Yes, a few times. I use lip balm and chapstick a lot too.
I have a vanilla one right now that melted lopsided in my car, and I am trying to even it out again. lol
Never. Not one single time have I ever used a complete tube of Chap Stick. I always lose them long before they run out.
yes; I’ve used the entire thing so the end of it scratched my lips! lol I avoid it now; it’s habit forming. But, then, I’m in a warm climate.
Nope. I’ve never done it. But, somehow I have seen the bottom of the tube. Now you have me wondering how that happens.
@Blackberry ew.
I got one for myself 3 weeks back. It’s already a little less than half. I’m going to finish it!
Yes When I was on isotretinoin I was going through one just about every other day. Not that it helped that much.
Not very often. Maybe once or twice? I am a lip balm fanatic and forgetting to rescue them from going through the wash happens too often, sadly.
I once lost one when my Weimaraner, Gertrude, ate it. I have a feeling she found the chocolate and cocoa butter irresistible. Currently she’s fascinated with the new EOS sphere shaped balms, so I try to keep them out of reach. I wonder how those will ‘wear down’ as they get older – and if the ball will just get smaller?
Yeah, I have. Most of the time, the bottom just pops out when it’s too small.
Nope, I lose them or get tired of them before I get to the bottom!
Since I moved to a drier climate, yes. But only a few….and I think they’ve all been Burts Bees with peppermint. Soooooo satisfying and smooth. But I’m always quite impressed when it happens.
I go through chapstick like there’s no tomorrow coming. Hot dry weather here too. I use Burt’s Bees and Trader Joe’s Spearmint. I usually have about 3 containers going at once. One in the bathroom, and two in my purse. But I definitely use them up. I don’t wear lipstick, maybe that’s why.
All the time; it’s dry as fuck here, even in the summer. I have several going at once – one in the bathroom, one at my desk, one in my nightstand, one in my purse, one in my backpack, one in the car…. About every 6 months or so, one runs out. Thank goodness I can buy those multi-packs at Costco.
Yes, I have. And I’ve even dug into the stuff left at the bottom!
@Aethelflaed My Dad was almost ecstatic to find out that Costco sells multi-packs of chapstick : )
@tedibear the worst part about being at the end of a container (especially when you know you don’t have another one) is starting to dig and then the whole bit falls onto the floor. I’ve almost had dry lip panic attacks when that has happened LOL.
@Kardamom I just wish I could trade some of the “original” in for “cherry” and “with sunscreen”...
Yes, several times. I use it everyday so I tend to get through a fair amount. @Aethelflaed Have you tried Carmex in Cherry flavour. Think it’s spf 15 too, although I’m not sure
Yeah! Hate when it happens!
Yes, even used a q-tip or my little finger to dig out the very last bit.
Is Chapstick something like Carmex?
Never, ever! I lose them, or I lose the cap and the end gets fuzzy… and I can’t bear to use it after that. Yuck.
I always lose them. I think I’ve finished one though. :D
I’ve finished dozens, especially Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Swivel Stick and Nivea in the dark blue tube. I promised myself to never have chapped lips again when I had really badly chapped lips in high school.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I did that. I also end up putting it through the wash or sometimes it just gets old and unappealing so I switch to a different one. I have so many unused lip balms that people have given to me as part of a gift set or something. Any other women sick of getting bath and body products as presents? :P I’ve always wanted a small, motorized toy robot, no kidding.
All the time. It takes me on average 3–4 weeks to finish off a tube of chapstick. I go through them ridiculously fast.
Are the majority of the responders to my question women?
@YoKoolAid: I am. I go through chapstick so fast, though, because it’s one of my weird little compulsions. I see someone else using it, I have to use it. I talk about it, I have to use it. There’s a pause in the conversation, I have to use it. I haven’t put some on in 15 minutes, I have to use it. I’m going to use some right now…
Seems that most of us who answered in the affirmative are women. We like to have kissably soft lips. That, and we hate the potential of infection that goes with chap…
@KatawaGrey I put some lipbalm on as soon as I finished typing up my comment in this thread. hehe
Hands up the people who answered here and didn’t put some on their lips straight after?
My hands remain down on the keyboard.
JilltheTooth, If you applied lip balm with your hands still down on the keyboard, color me impressed
Yes, all the time. I get so sad when I get to the end and I can feel the plastic on my lips.
I’ve actually used my finger to dig out the last of the stuff that can’t be applied normally.
@tedibear Me too, many times. The stuff I buy is all natural and $$ so I’m not going to waste it.
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