Won't it be an entertaining media circus if, by chance, Barack Obama gets beat in November?
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saint (
January 10th, 2012
He probably won’t. It’s tough to beat a sitting President. And the opposition are morons. But still, wouldn’t it make for all sorts of entertainment in the press? I just can’t imagine what the talking heads will say. Whatever it is it will be worth turning on the nightly news and reading the NYT editorials!
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32 Answers
It will be a media circus either way. It already is. DX
I would be shocked and appalled. I’m actually assuming he’ll win. I know there are some moderates that aren’t happy with him and want to try someone else, but if someone from the draconian opposition pulls a win, I’ll lose yet more optimism for society.
So much more fun for me actually having a black president, and watching the closet racists loose their frick’ng minds.
Not really. The media circus is before the election; there’s very little circus after the election.
I’ll be avoiding Fluther and Facebook that day, that’s for sure. The wailing and gnashing of teeth would be tremendous.
Very entertaining indeed! I look forward to it. Though I don’t think I’ll be following the race itself; I burned myself out last time.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Just as long as you keep in mind that most people who dislike him do so for his policies and views, not for the amount of melanin in his epidermis.
@Nullo I know there are conservatives who disagree with Mr. Obama about the role of government and the role of government regulation. And I know that they do that because they disagree, based on an intelligent interpretation of how the world works. I know some dislike him for that.
I also know, they keep camp with those who ask to see a black man’s papers. And if they take pride in that, and don’t call it wrong, they hate America, more so than any socialist.
For some reason I have the feeling that his time is up. When I look around online I see lots of people who used to support him that no longer do. Too soft, to compromising and other terms are thrown around. Some even believe him to be malevolent for certain decisions he has made the last few years.
I could be wrong, but I think he has lost more fans than he has gained, and the republicans will be very eager to get one of their guys in control. I will not be too surprised if he loses.
It is my impression that most media pundits expect Obama to lose. I hope that both I and they are wrong,
I’ve actually never had a drink of alcohol in my life :)
The only way Obama can lose is if Iran announces they have a nuclear bomb just before the election.
I would be shocked if he lost. I mean…seriously…look at the alternatives.
@FutureMemory exactly.
And don’t tell the Republicans how it ends, They have hope now.
I would not be shocked if he lost. If Bush can be elected for a second term, anything can happen. I think the media will talk about it for a couple days, talk about the exit polls, who was out voting, and then it will all die down for a while. I think there is a possibility of the black vote not turning out as strongly, which could mean trouble for Obama, along with Republicans comng out in big numbers. I feel like I cannot predict who will win with any certainty.
For the people saying that he can’t lose I hope you still vote. What usually screws Democrats isn’t the number of people that agree, it is the number of people that vote. Seniors swing Republican and they enjoy the company while they stand in line.
Just don’t avoid your responsibility because your vote doesn’t count and you have other shit to do. It happened in 2004 and we all know how that ended.
@johnpowell My vote doesn’t count, but I will still vote. :) I agree actually, the thing that screws the Democrats is lack of Dems turning out to vote. But, my vote still doesn’t count. My state is too red, and they will be lining up. I miss living in a swing state.
@filmfann Fox News is waiting until October to break that story.
I really think every adult American ought to know how to spell the name of our president, whether they like him or not.
@Jeruba I caught that too, but I have so many typos myself I left it alone this time.
It will be an entertaining media circus no matter what.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Birthers are people who see the certificate as a way to get the guy that they don’t like out of office with the least damage done. Nothing racist about that. I’d say that anybody inferring racist motives is in fact projecting their own racism.
@Nullo The latest attempt I heard was that they are claiming that Obama is not a natural born citizen because is father wasn’t; even if he was born in Hawaii and is mother was a US citizen, that doesn’t matter to them.. By that logic, a few of our Founding Fathers were likewise ineligible for office though; I know at least one of our early Senators was born in Liverpool, England.
the two party system is a circus, the media are the clowns.
It’s already a media circus and as we get deeper into primary season it will just keep growing. It seems to me that the whole “media circus” thing runs through the campaign season then begins to die down after the election. I think @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard‘s description of “wailing and gnashing of teeth” is better for what might happen if oh dear God please no Obama does not win re-election. I only say this because I vividly remember the wailing and gnashing of teeth my and my kind did after Bush 2 managed to win a second term.
I see little humor in the scenario. It’s my country your talking about. A republican president and congress will insure that we will loose even more freedoms, the poor will be even more repressed, it will we the last straw before we become the world’s mercenary force with our own military running the country.
The seniors that I know don’t swing Republican. We’re the kids from the sixties, remember. Now, the folks 15–20 years older, maybe.
I don’t even know whether to take comfort in the lineup on the GOP side (could any of them seriously win?) or be terrified by it (one of them could seriously win).
This year is going to be a pain in the media from here right through to December.
Thanks for the spelling correction.
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