How many times do you pee a day?
i seem to have been peeing more than usual, lately.
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23 Answers
I probably pee a dozen times. I’m 46, so maybe that and the fact that I drink tons of water might have something to do with it. And no, I’m not diabetic.
i pee when i wake up and maybe 1–2 times besides that. i pee more often when its cold, ive noticed.
I had a similar problem last year. I’m a teacher and was going almost every hour on the hour, after each class ended. I also tend to work out a lot and drank large amounts of water while training. Was getting up at night to go too.
Get your prostate checked out. It might be enlarged. They will also ask you to monitor the amount or urine you produce in a day as well as the amount of water you consume. My doctors gave me ah herbal remedy to treat it and it was back to normal in a month.
I saw a urologist when I was younger due to bladder infections, and he told me that the average person pees around 9 times a day. If you are going more than normal, you may have an infection or as osakarob says, a prostate problem. You may want to see your doctor if this continues.
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I think about five, but I generally pee for longer periods of time. I drink a lot of water and don’t pee until I really feel like I will burst if I wait another minute (or get a distended bladder. oh no!).
I pee twice a day, three at the very most
I’d say anywhere from 8–15 depending on what I drink. Also, when I’m nervous the number goes way up. Very unfortunate on dates.
Around 5 times.. Alcohol doubles it.
God I love fluther! Where else can you have a forum on how much you pee?
average 6.37568986 times a day!
@ckinyc, wow, that’s quite a lot of data you must have stored up there!
For me, I’d guess about 7–8 times a day.
So this is the Fluther pee thread, huh!! Finally found it, been looking for it. I tend to pee more often when I don’t exercise. Even if I drink a lot of water, as long as I exercise my pee ratio goes down at least 3 times lower. I would say under normal conditions I pee about 8 times a day. Last time I managed to come up with a good excuse to go to the restroom while I was on a date, man!! that was a close call, one minute later I would have pee in front of her…........what an embarrassment that would have been, huh!!
i pee 18 or 20 time in the day!
I must pee about 7 or 8 times a day. I drink a lot of coffee and water though, and btw this topic is making me have to pee because I’m thinking about it.
I was 47 last year. I peed about 12 to 15 times one hour. After one month exercise I peed normal about one time every 3 or 4 hours. Use a chair or something to lean on. Sit on the chair. Now move forward keep your hands on the chair behind your back. Keep your back straight, you hands behind your back on the chair to move up and down the whole body look like your sit-up. One set about 10 to 15. Do 10 sets for an exercise.
i have decided to keep track of myy pees for 2010. i am at 40 pees. thats 10 times a day. i am 16, and my friends pee twice or three times daily
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