Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Have you ever had a dream about your significant other doing something disrespectful to you, and continued to be mad at them once you've awakened?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) January 11th, 2012

If so, why? If you haven’t, why do you think some people do this?

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32 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

No, I never have. I often wake up crying from bad dreams, though. So, they do have an emotional impact. Something about my dad, specifically, whenever I have a bad dream about him I have to call and make sure that he is okay… even after I realize it is a dream.

Blueroses's avatar

Yep. Totally irrational, but I was angry all day. I even posted a fluther Q about it. :)

MilkyWay's avatar

Nope. But I imagine that they do so for two reasons.
1. They believe that dreams mean something. So they get the idea that their significant other would probably do that in real life.
2. They thought the dream was real, or it felt so real that they couldn’t help feeling the emotions they felt in the dream.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes and it’s crazy annoying waiting for the mad feeling to go away since you know it’s not relevant. I’ve jabbed with elbows or kicked people in my sleep and feel bad when I wake up like that.

Frankie's avatar

Not my significant other, but a few weeks ago I had a dream in which my mother did something very annoying and was acting like a complete bitch. I woke up extremely angry, realized it was a dream, but lay there for about 15 minutes still seething because what she had done in the dream was something I could definitely see her doing in real life. It took some time for me to calm down and really come to terms with the fact that it was a dream :P

Bellatrix's avatar

Yes and it is totally ludicrous. I usually tell him what he did wrong in my dream so he knows if I am a bit weird, it isn’t him. Laughing about it usually sorts out any crankiness. He does the same to me “you were a complete bitch to me last night”. It’s sort of funny (as long as you keep in mind they didn’t really do anything wrong). I have had girlfriends say this happens to them too.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I mean yes but I realized it was crazy and stopped…I have very vivid dreams, leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Seelix's avatar

Yup. It took me a while to realize that it hadn’t actually happened, but once I did, it was all good.

janbb's avatar

I think i’m living that dream.

Linda_Owl's avatar

Yes, I have had dreams exactly like this & I continued to be angry after I woke up (& to make matters worse, he is deceased & he STILL has the ability to make me mad !!)

Berserker's avatar

No, but while going out with my ex boyfriend, I had a dream that we were having sex. It was dark, and when it was over, I turned on the light, and it wasn’t him, it was some decomposed dead guy. When I woke up from the dream I was all like, dude, what the fuck? That sucked. I mean zombies are awesome and all, but there’s some damn limits. That didn’t effect our relationship, or any frisky time we got down, but I have to admit that dream always came creeping in my mind again.

Still, he said once that he had this dream that a huge calamari tore me to bits and then hucked my remains on top of a huge pile of dead bodies. He’s crazier than me. But it really did affect him, he wouldn’t stop talking about it all evening.

tinyfaery's avatar

I sometimes have dreams (A dream is such a rare occurrence for me, so I’ve maybe had 5 or so dreams like this.) that my wife leaves me. She doesn’t just leave me, but she is so awful to me.

I always tell her she was mean to me when I have these dreams. My hurt feelings linger a bit. She always apologizes for her ‘dream self’, anyway.

digitalimpression's avatar

My wife does it all the time. Lucky for me I usually make her mad at me for a legitimate reason while she’s awake anyway so… it’s all in a days work.

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, I once had a dream that my husband was home having an affair I caught him in bed with two models and they were my friends (none of my friends are models). I was so angry in my dream that I had to fight the temptation to punch him in the face as he slept. The real reason I had the nightmare was because I was fighting having to get up to go pee.
The anger didn’t last and I actually was nicer than normal to him all day because I couldn’t believe how the residual anger was so strong that I really thought about hitting him in the face. But I think the dream left me feeling a bit insecure for a few days. Not that I thought he was going to land models but rather I felt I wasn’t as glamorous as the women I dreamt about and wondered if he sometimes wished I didn’t look like me.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I had a dream an ex-boyfriend of mine cheated on me while I was with him. It hurt me a lot. I ended up finding out months later that he actually did cheat…. with the very same girl I dreamed he cheated with, around the same time.

The reason I was uncertain in the “relationship” then seems quite simple to me. He was being overly friendly with her and seemed to care way more about laughing and joking with her than he cared about paying attention to me. He would defend her, no matter how irrational defending her was. He was not happy with me for being upset after walking in on them acting all close and cuddly at school. Those two would act like I was being paranoid, over-dramatic, hurt, and worried for no good reason. I was stupid enough to believe them.

There were times when he would say really odd things that made it sound like he’d had sex before (and he was a “virgin” when he started dating me, or that’s the impression he left me under, anyway). After he started being all close and “cuddly” with that girl, he would suggest different ways to kiss, different ways to do things… It was just so odd. She also took a strange dislike to me (despite offering to “help us with our relationship problems” and was so defensive of him, even though she had a boyfriend of her own). I ended up asking one of our mutual friends (who seemed to really want to tell me something, but felt like she couldn’t because she ‘wasn’t allowed’) if she could promise he never cheated on me and she told me she couldn’t. After that, the truth came out.

So, yeah, .... sometimes these dreams should not be ignored. If something feels wrong in a “relationship”, something most likely is. That’s the way it has been in my experience, anyway….

linguaphile's avatar

I had a dream a while ago, while still married, where my ex husband morphed into someone who had hurt me very bad when I was younger. They would morph back and forth until I couldn’t tell one from the other. I didn’t want to pay attention to that dream and ignored it- was a bit concerned but moved on.

However, I remembered the dream recently—it was freakingly accurate.

augustlan's avatar

Yep, but it usually doesn’t last long. Usually.

When I was engaged to my first husband, I had this long lovely dream. All throughout the dream, he kept talking excitedly about marrying his dream girl. “I can’t wait to marry my dream girl.” “Hurry up and get ready, I can’t wait to get to Ocean City and marry my dream girl!” We never planned on marrying in OC, so that was weird in itself. When we got to Ocean City, we met up with a bunch of people. He pulls a girl over to me and says to me, “Auggie, meet my dream girl.” I woke up sobbing, my heart crushed. It took him hours to soothe my stupidity.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Aww Auggie….

Keep_on_running's avatar

Judging by the female to male ratio of answers here, uh…men don’t dream?

Ayesha's avatar

Yes. I don’t do too well with dreams.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

@Keep_on_running Oh, men can still dream and have (and many are probably dreaming right now)... but maybe their dreams are more like… “YEAH! I SAVED THE WORLD!” or “SWEET… I fought a dragon and won!” ;) Okay, well, I don’t know what most men dream about… but I can totally see that happening. Maybe not with all men, but at least some.

Blackberry's avatar

Wtf lol. @Keep_on_running of course men dream.

@AnonymousGirl I haven’t had a dream like that before, but it does sound fun. My dreams usually consist of me chasing something, running away from something, or sex. I have had one or two dreams that I remember where a s/o cheated on me, but my reaction was “Wtf? That’s strange…” and kept on dreaming.

Keep_on_running's avatar

I know, I know I was joking.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I know you were joking, but I wanted to have fun with it. It looks like @Blackberry did as well! :D

Ron_C's avatar

Actually this has just happened to me. Last month I was in the hospital and had a very bad reaction to the drugs and treatment I received from the doctors. It left me paranoid and probably with a case of PTSD. I feel that my wife is working with the doctors to hide my problems and make the case go away. I know this is foolish but can’t stop thinking about it. If I am crazy, it is because the doctors overdosed me then used Narcan to rapidly eliminate the effect of the drugs. This brought the pain back in a rush, everything is a bit unclear after that. I woke in the morning remembering some very bad dreams, they brought my wife in at 6:00 AM and told her either I go to ICU or get released. We opted for release after finding out what happened the night before. Of course my pain was still a 10 out of 10 and no pain killers were prescribed and they said that I could return to work with no restrictions. I guess that’s a successful treatment in their books.

Blackberry's avatar

The one male that experienced this, was due to drugs…

Keep_on_running's avatar

LOL maybe you and @Ron_C can start your own club together – The two men who dared to break the mould and share their dream experiences in what is this female-dominated thread.

**We reserve the right to not disclose the fact that 50% of our members were drugged during their experience/s.

Ron_C's avatar

@Keep_on_running I wasn’t aware that Blackberry were in the minority. I didn’t check the sex of the other respondents. By the way I was under the influence of many drugs. The problem occurred even after they wore off.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@Ron_C I don’t know, maybe men don’t like to talk about their dreams because they think it’s a sign of weakness, or maybe they just don’t care so much about it. When I have a freaky or scary dream I sometimes share it, just because I think it’s so weird or funny.

Yeah, drugs affect people in different ways, no two brains are alike :P Sounds like it would’ve been a rather frightening experience.

Ron_C's avatar

@Keep_on_running I often relate some of my strangest dreams to my wife. I haven’t been comfortable with that lately.

As for the guys don’t care about dreams; I disagree with that. You should hear some of the dreams guy talk about in the lunchroom or at a bar. My dreams are pretty sane and calm compared to them. That being said, I can think of no reason for other guys now answering this question except Blackberry and I are pretty cool.

Keep_on_running's avatar

“That being said, I can think of no reason for other guys now answering this question except Blackberry and I are pretty cool.”

Haha, agreed.

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