What should I name my new rabbit-hunting Daschund?
Asked by
psyla (
May 19th, 2008
from iPhone
I have a serious rabbit problem. Cat-sized rabbits dig under the fence & devour my garden. shilolo suggested getting a Daschund because Daschunds evolved to hunt rabbits. Any ideas for a name for the Daschund?
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148 Answers
That was fast! See here for the background.
Aha shilolo – Beat you to it!
Dammit, I was pasting the link!
Jäger (hunter), gherkin, Top Dog, Top Dog the Bounty Hunter, Dodger, Weasel, Kujito, Krull, 210, Fangs Mcgee
Actually, Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers.
Rabbits too… If you’ve ever seen a badger, it could probably take a Dachshund, but a rabbit is no match for PretzelDog!
Oh, and one more thing. You can’t let it get too fat on rabbit. They get back problems if they’re too fat. Seriously.
shilolo says female Daschunds might be more vicious, & with cat-sized rabbits, the more vicious the better. So if it’s female, Elmer Fudd wouldn’t work. Plus, Elmer wasn’t a successful hunter. shilolo said I could name the dog shilolo. peedub. “Fangs McGee”? That’s not bad!
Umm, I was kidding about the female thing… Don’t get me into any more trouble….
If you are serious about this, you might actually want to check with a Dachshund breeder.
wildflower might verbally manhandle you if she heard about the fireproof suit! sorry!
Don’t mind the manhandling, just not the verbal part }:-)
mcbealer, “Robbie the Rabbit Hunter”? Wouldn’t it take too long to say that?
peedub, “210”? Have you ever named a dog a number? That’s pretty outside the box.
I was thinking of those little Datsuns.
Actually I think “verbal manhandling” is a good definition for “Viciousness”.
@ psyla ~ that could just be the AKC name
Since Datsuns are now Nissans, would “Maxima” be a more modern version of the name “210”?
Either an AKC name or an AKA name for when she’s going incognito. Does the AKC accept descriptive names? Say the name was “My Rabbit Killing Garden Dog And Multipurpose Guard Dog”? Would the AKC accept that?
But if someone asks you what kind of dog it is, and you know that will happen pretty much everyday-even though it’s a common breed-you can tell them it’s a Datsun. Watch others laugh and try to correct you, the owner.
I guess you could tell them it’s a Nissan. That would be sort of fun as well.
peedub you’re brilliant. You’ll be Czar of Fluther someday.
ckinyc, it’s not your dog!
Thanks, but I was thinking more along the lines of Fluther tumbleweed.
You’re clearly the Merlin of the site.
But it has been suggested that I’m the Village Idiot.
Thank you, I think. Zatoichi might actually be a good name. Are there English-language versions of the films?
Oh yes, certainly. If you watch any of the movies you will get the reference. He looks like the village idiot, but alas…
Ah! That sounds like me! If I name the dog Zatoichi, I hope she won’t act like an idiot. That’s the last thing I need is an idiot dog when I’m overun by giant rabbits stealing my vegetables.
That’s just how he appears. It’s his way of keeping under the radar. What should I name my new pet?
Is that you in your icon? Or is it your kids?I wonder if it’s really the person’s picture in the icon or if they confabulated something. That’s not me in my icon.
I’m the one on the right. The other is my friend Ashley.
Well it depends on what’s that red thing in his head.
That’s a new and improved eye. The other one wasn’t spooky enough. You know, I gotta keep the bad beaks away.
The red eye needs to be moved forward some, a bit more towards the tip of the beak, to be believeable. So is red eye due to the influence of whiskey?
Psyla don’t kill the bunnys. Save them and give them too me :(
Send me a frozen one. I need taxidermy specimens.
It’s not supposed to be believable, just spooky.
The Post Office classifies wild rabbits in the same catagory as liquor and hazardous chemicals. How can I ship out any captured wild cat-sized rabbits? peedub, it seems that your stuffed birds may have fallen victim to alien abduction as they all have alien implants in their eyes. Have you noticed this?
But you can’t get hammered off wild rabbit, can you?
Wild Turkey, yes. Wild Rabbit, no.
I thought rabbits were traditionally named “Thumper”? Maybe “Thumper Bumper”?
All this talk about whiskey makes me thirst for a shot. Maybe I should name him Jack Daniels.
I saw a minitruck a while back called thumper. It was bad news, homes.
I don’t see any weapons in the cab, why was it bad news?
Bad as in badass but there probably was an uzi in the glove box.
Uzi might be a good name for a rabbit-killing daschund.
Yeah, I kinda love that word.
Do you think “Beaked Alien” would work? I don’t know if the AKC would accept if.
Rapwnzel! It’s girly, but she PwnZ :)
There’s not enough vowels in that name, I can’t pronounce it or it would sound like Cyrillic. I need to buy a vowel. Does Delirium correct spelling? wildflower have you been moderating drunken participants?
If you need more vowels, just give her a Finnish surname…..like Haaikoonen or something like that.
And yea, was having nightmares about beaked aliens attacking fluther in a whiskey induced confusion…...it was tough!
My comment was drunken and needed to be moderated. Why did shrubbery refer to people as things?
I’ve met people I could best refer to as ‘it’......
My mom’s hair looks like Cousin It.
I’ve owned a couple of dachshunds and both Boomer and Bailey were/are great hunters of our local gophers and field mice. In keeping with my theme (names starting with the letter “B”) how about Bouncer since it will be his job keeping the rabbits out of your exclusive garden?
Bouncer is good, but how about something that sounds a little more lethal?
Mine looks like Marge Simpson.
Since you’re going with a girl, you should give her a really girly name, maybe Barbie?
Or Kitty :)
Petunia might work, but it doesn’t sound very lethal. I had the same complaints about “Elmer Fudd”.
If it’s hairy, name it ‘Paul’s mom.’
They say the wirehair Dashunds are more rustic.
Killer Queen? I don’t know if a rabbit-hunting Dashund should be named a murderous transsexual.
You want to be sensible now??
Sensible? As far as I know, I’m usually quite sober.
Really? dread to think what you’re like when you’re not…....
As in “Playboy Bunny”? That’s a bit perverse.
I didn’t say playboy…..that’s your perverted mind :P
I’m drinking Miller Genuine Draft. Does that drink qualify or does it need to be moderated?
dog, shoes
Add a Tequila chaser as a qualifier and you’ll be grand ;)
I haven’t planted my Agave Cactus yet.
Will Jack Daniels whiskey qualify for now?
alright so.
Hey, how about naming the dog Jackie Daniella?
Good One! except for the jackie part. I’ve had trouble with jackies.
I’m off to have a few nightmares.
Try not to dream up a Jackie Collins novel….
first of all if it is a dog name it snoop!
if it is a cat name it noop!
if it is ur gf name it my love u!
I’d say name it after something that traditionally kills rabbits.
Myxomatosis (Myxo for short…)
What a great thread this is! How about going mythological, psyla? One of the goddesses of the hunt: Artemis (Greek) or Diana (Roman) or Satet (Egyptian) or Ishtar (Babylonian).
Mielikki !!
It’s got loads of vowels and it’s the Finnish goddess of hunting :)
I was going to say Elmer but how about Frank?
When someone asks you how you got that name, you say, “Oh. It’s a combination of BUNny terminaTER. When my dog kills a rabbit, it reveals its mechanical interior and says, “You’ve been terminated” (in an arnold accent)”
or Barker Bob (or babo for short :) )
oscar mayer sounds good. for dachshund i’d like johann wolfgang goethe. wolfgang.
@shilolo- You said a rabbit is no match for PretzelDog. Haven’t you ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Of course I have. That is no ordinary rabbit though.
But, watch this little, tiny Dachshund harass and maul a big, bad Rottweiler.
And that isn’t just because Tim Curry played him. That is an AWESOME dog name also
Hmmm… Killer O’Hare – Oh! It took me 3 minutes to get it! (errrrrr…) Bunter for Bunny Terminator would mean he’d need eleven servings of rabbit brains per day. Snoop would be good if I wasn’t into 90’s Alternative Tunes. “Babo” isn’t a lethal name… Myxamatosis, that’s outside the box but the Feng Shui of it might make her sickly. Wadsworth, it does have an English upper-crust ring to it. Naming her Bob Barker might make her noisy & gender confused.
Oscar Meyer would suggest that she used to be a he. Johann Wolfgang Goethe would be good if there were two of them to make a gang. Meilikki sounds Hawaiian. How do you pronounce that? “My Licky” or “My Leaky”? Let’s hope it’s not leaky. So many names to choose from, perhaps we should caucus and vote.
My friend w. two wirehaired D’s (who couldn’t catch an earwig between them) named them Fred and Farfel. Stick with Fang.
We have a friend who had a dauschaud named Dash.
@psyla…three minutes to get Killer O’Hare? Those MGDs dulled your senses. One more time I implore you: try the clear Patron tequila…you’ll never look back!
OMG, I just had a brainwave (I was due for my weekly one).....
The dog has to be called: Te-Qui-La (if slightly mispronounced, will come out as ‘The Killa’).
the dog would remind me of tila tequila or whatever her name is, the myspace slut….....you know?
Nope, never heard of her. But then, I’ve never used MySpace. I just like Tequila :)
she use to be on Pants-off Dance-off and then now she has a show on vh1 i guess called A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila
@wildflower: Tequila/The Killa…perfect!
Thanks whatthefluther. I thought it was rather inspired for a Wednesday morning :)
My sister loves Tequila, her husband tried to assassinate me with a Margarita that was 99.8% Tequila. I told him that the margarita did not taste like garbage. My sister pronounces “Tequila” as “To Kill Ya”.
Well there ya go – it is the right name :)
And a glass of tequila with a slice of lime doesn’t count as a margarita!
That should be a whole new thread (unless it has been covered before). What is the best sipping tequila? Hmmm. I prefer Porfidio, but it is super expensive.
Sip Tequila? I never tried that! Either knock it back with salt and lemon or binge on Mojitos, Margaritas or Tequila Sunrises.
I like the idea of calling the dog “Tequila”. That way, when I have slurred speech from being drunk, it will sound like “The Killer”. Plus, all the rotting rabbit carcasses the dog will leave laying around will smell just like Tequila.
@Wild. Yes, you should try sipping tequila. Its a lot like drinking single malt scotch. Not necessarily for the faint of heart, but once you get used to it, you’ll never want to shoot tequila again.
See I’m not a big whiskey drinker either. I do love my cocktails and shots though.
I kinda get shivers when I think about sipping whiskey, metaxa or tequila…....brrrr….
I agree, it’s like sugar on oatmeal or gravy on turkey. They both taste like cardboard so we have to kill off the paper flavor. One should always kill the flavor of things that are not fit for human consumption.
But then, why consume them in the first place if we have to kill off the flavor?
@wild. Growing up, I used to have to hold my nose to drink beer. Then I got used to it. Same for wine… Now I love drinking wine. When you mix the tequila in with strawberry, lime, etc., you lose the complexity of flavors. I’m not saying a great margarita isn’t tasty on a hot day, but just that you won’t know until you try. It has to be a good quality tequila. Sipping Jose Cuervo just won’t cut it, just like drinking Mad Dog isn’t the same as having a glass of Opus One.
Well, now my fingers smell of Tequila…...that article made me have to go check the labels on my Sauza Silver and Olmeca Gold – both claim to be from Blue Algave.
I do quite like the smell, my stomach just doesn’t like the punch of it arriving unaccompanied – it tends to do a spin and sometimes a jump!
I wonder if Tequila can be made from any other cactuses or even succulent plants like aloe. Agave should have a few close cousins that liquor could made from.
It’d be fun to try….
Aloe Vera juice is nice, so you never know.
It’d be fun to try (5)
Aloe Vera juice is nice (7)
So you never know. (5)
I think my brain has been off work for too long. I honestly don’t understand that. I’m guessing it’s about my punctuation and construction of sentences?
I’ll admit I sometimes just type my messages as I would say them (my excessive use of ’...’ and ’-’), rather than how they should be written. Appreciate the feedback :)
@Wild. I don’t think it was a critique by Gail. I think she was pointing out that you made a haiku, inadvertently.
Not a critique, Wild.
but a compliment for a
cool, flawless haiku
Very funny response.
Gailcalled is a true expert
with her fluthering.
Wow what do you know
I’m an idiot savant
at haiku writing
@Wild. As Bill Murray stated so eloquently, Gunga Galunga.Translation: (You’ve) got that going for you, which is nice.
hahaha…..certainly the idiot part doesn’t surprise me one bit :P
Haiku or Gunga would be good names too, I like the name Genghis Khan. I don’t know if a Daschund is such a good idea. I don’t know what to do about this Rabbit Problem. The Daschund seems like it would take alot of maintenance…
Just capture them in those cages and give the bunnies to me. I’ll start a bunny farm, save the bunnys! What are the bunnys doing to you? Eating your garden or something? :)
ffft. Ain’t nothing as cold blooded hard as my wolfgang! muaha. röhr.
wolfgang, komm her! hilf deinem Hunde-Führer Flavio Briatorre! Hia!
TheHaight, they’re totally devouring my entire vegetable garden! They know where all the escape tunnels are so they don’t even bother to act cute & cuddly.
um. If you’re looking for a serious answer…. I say Todd. I named my dachshund Todd 13 years ago. He had a good run. Just recently passed. I named him Todd from the fox and the hound movie I think. Even though I think it was actually the fox that was named Todd. Oh well enough of that. Todd was very fitting for my rabbit chasin coyote howlin truck chasin little boy. Todd. :)
You should name him CLETUS!!! lol
Hares Dares Ron Don Ram Bam
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