General Question

jca's avatar

What is a cheap but somewhat attractive window treatment for a large office window?

Asked by jca (36062points) January 12th, 2012

I just changed jobs and have an office now. The window is probably about 6 feet high and 8 feet across (it’s actually a double window). The top of the window goes all the way up to the ceiling. There’s a ventian blind that’s pulled all the way up, but I won’t put it down because the view of the city is great.

I want to put up something like a valance or some kind of window treatment. I am crafty and can do a lot of things with fabric, ribbons, etc. I don’t want to spend too much, as this office might only be mine for a year or two.

I can save money by not using a rod, and attaching the treatment to hooks, velcro, the top of the blinds, or some other way. If I could keep the cost below $50 that would be great.

Any suggestions?

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3 Answers

DaphneT's avatar

Are you in a field that allows for a lot of creativity or do you need to be more tailored? What would your visitors expect when they see your office? Would a cornice work as a way to cover the top of the blinds? Is covering the top of the blinds your goal? A cross between tailored and fantasy would be ribbon criss-crossed over velvet or some other rich looking fabric on a cornice. Do you just want to frame the view? Would spliced drapes do anything for your office? By spliced I mean solid fabric at top or bottom or both with a sheer below, above or between? Probably not what the industry calls them, just the word that came to mind.

augustlan's avatar

How about a faux Roman shade? Instructions to make one can be found here.

Seelix's avatar

@augustlan suggested what I was about to suggest :)

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