Social Question

Just had a pretty embarrassing moment involving a bodily function. Have any of your own to share?
So I just moved into a new apartment with a lovely roommate. We share a bathroom and I got up this morning to use the bathroom and realized that my ‘friend’ had decided to visit me. I was in a big rush so I jumped in the shower to clean up real quick and as I was moving between the toilet and the shower I dropped a tiny speck of blood on the floor. By the time I notice it I’m already in the shower so I just tell myself that I’ll clean it up when I’m done. No bigs…
Unfortunately it totally slipped my mind (bit of a scatterbrain I admit) It wasn’t until I was on the subway going to an appointment that I realized it and absolutely PANICKED. I rush home afterward hoping to catch it before my roommate does but it was gone and so was she. :(
I feel really bad/gross and hope she doesn’t hate me for this or think I’m some kind of freak who can’t control her bodily functions. I’m usually very good about keeping things tidy but this is kind of especially gross I know.
Should I say something to her or would that make it worse? She’s very nice so I know she won’t bring it up.
Anyone ever been in a similar predicament? :/
Ugh! Happy Friday the 13th.