Social Question
Do you think your child's education is too simple?
I’m basically talking about K-12 here..if you have ever thought your kid’s education was too easy/too simple/not challenging, did you say anything to the teacher? And, additionally, what else did you do when you felt this way?
Lately, I’ve been thinking Alexey’s kindergarten experience is lacking. I’ve been thinking that here in the U.S. the system caters to the lowest common denominator…it’s very American-like…let’s support all kinds and so do simple academics…I grew up in Russia where it was the opposite…catering to the highest common denominator, making everyone feel not quite up to par…so to speak…neither system is right, I get that, but I do wish his education was more challenging…so I’ve enrolled him in Kumon classes and am on a wait list for this Russian academy (Saturday school) and we do additional homeschooling…but anyway, what did you do?