How prepared are you for uninvited company?
You’re home, doing your thing, in your own little world… and you get an unexpected knock at the door.
Is your first impression…
“Oh joy… visitors!” or “Who the hell could that be?”
What is the very first thing that comes to your mind?
The knock on your door is not a solicitor. It is someone you know, friend, family, acquaintance, that just happened to be in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and say hello.
What is your first most natural reaction?
And a very important question I want answers on is this… Do you feel your home is always clean enough for greeting uninvited guests at any moment?
Personally, I’ll try to keep my front room and a bathroom clean enough for these surprise events. But the rest of the house will need a once over before uninvited guests are allowed further in.
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20 Answers
I have knives, 1,5 litres of bleach and an automatic softair gun.
My house is never clean enough for company, but I like to think that they’re coming to see me, and not my house. If the weather is extreme in either direction, it won’t work because the dog is so nuts that he has to be in the car when I have company.
Unless it’s the guy with the big check from Publishers Clearing House they better leave.
Notice how they never show those videos inside a persons home… It’s always met at the front door step.
Just today we had an unexpected visitor that was my mom and stepdad’s old coworker. The house was a mess, only my stepdad and I were up, and nobody was really dressed or ready for company.
She’s been here for about five hours now and she doesn’t seem to mind the mess, and everyone is awake now at least. My sister refuses to come downstairs because she doesn’t look “presentable” enough for company, but everyone else is downstairs.
So in short, at my mom’s house at least, we’re not ready for unexpected company at all.
Sharp, loud noises always scare the shit out of me.
My doorbell is no exception to this, so when it is rung I am having a near heart attack.
My initial thoughts are: “Oh no, who the hell can that be?” and “Please, let it be a Jehovas witness…”.
It is clean and tidy enough for me/us, but how it is to the visitor I don’t know.
Not really clean enough, though I generally make a point to not invite anyone over who would care about that kind of stuff. However, my response to unannounced visitors tends to be more panic that they’re here to harm me than worry about clutter and mess.
Maker’s Mark, ginger ale, and sandwiches. Come on over! :/
“How nice, unexpected guests. Now I can finish my human skin sofa. Gee, I sure hope they panic nice as I start to cut in, unlike that last asshole that fainted.”
Honestly I usually think it’s visitors, but since moving to the UK I must admit I’m a little more suspitious. However It’s normally noises but no doorbell that gets my paranoia going.
As long as the door to our bedroom is kept closed, the house is okay. Me, I just have to put on a bra and probably some pants. On my days off at home, I don’t ike to wear clothes other than a shortie pj’s.
As @mangeons said, our house was an absolute wreck when our unexpected visitor showed up today. I was kind of appalled when I woke up and realized someone was here, but… it was really great to see her, so I got over it. :)
I always yell, “what the helllllll?!” and then throw on a fake smile and open the door.
NOT prepared for: loud, obnoxious doorbell followed by 2 dogs barking and squealing which hurts my ears to say nothing of the empty soda bottles next to his chair, the jelly on the countertops , my messy hair and desk….no.
Right now I only have 3 chairs in the living room—along with some boxes. I got rid of almost all my furniture, TV, etc. Someone did show up last week and their reaction was, “No TV??”
Right now it looks like I’m either moving out or moving in – boxes are stacked up to go through. If someone showed up at my door, I’d apologize for my mess then invite them in. When my son was in high school, he would bring in gaggles of teenagers constantly—I got used to my house in my messy, cluttered (but not dirty) prime being exposed.
Depends on what day of the week. Saturday night at our house if “fold-a-palooza” night. We finish up the last of the laundry including the special hand-wash items (like sweaters that can’t go in the dryer) and so if someone showed up right now they’d find every last banister or wooden chair back drying a damp sweater. Not the most attractive look.
On Sunday night when we’ve finished everything for the week and done our deep clean of the house I wouldn’t be sad at all if someone popped over unexpectedly..because the house would be super clean and neat. (As it usually is at the start of the work week..)
Most often though my unexpected visitor is UPS or USPS. I work from home and often stay in my there are lots of times delivery guys have been treated to the sight of me in jammies and sticking up hair. Oh well.
Never prepared! If I hear the doorbell I may get an on-the-spot cardiac arrest!
I hate unexpected visitors. I hate it even when they ARE expected! I like being alone, maybe too much, but that’s who I am. I can’t change this, even if I wanted to. I like order. I do not enjoy my order to be disrupted.
I’ll open up and say hi, and invite them in and probbaly have a good time and all, despite my claims. But I rather people don’t drop by or phone unexpectedly, unless they need help or are in a crisis. Then I’ll do my best. Which usually sucks.
As for the important part of your question, I seriously don’t care what the place looks like when I’m caught off surprise. It’s always really clean in here anyways. Bit of a neat freak. So if someone comes by unexpectedly and they see an empty Coke bottle hanging around, or catch me in a nighty and slippers…well, if they don’t like it, they can fuck off. I seriously do not care what my place appears to others, and as I say, it’s usually neat and proper at most times, anyway. And even if it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t care.
Hate unexpected visitors.
I live in the middle of nowhere sooo, don’t get too many unexpected drop in visitors, but yes, I prefer notification, as often if I am in writing mode or otherwise not going out anytime soon, I am likely to be caught in my PJ’s until noon, especially in the cold weather.
Hey, it never fails though, even in the middle of 5 secluded acres on a tiny, dead end private road with only 2 neighbors below me that drive past my house, maaaybe, twice a day.
My front yard faces 20 acres of raw woodland and it NEVER fails,... the times I am running around my yard half naked, in my PJ’s, or otherwise looking like hippie farm woman, SOMEBODY drives by and sends me running behind a tree if I can’t dash into my garage fast enough. lol
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