Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

How likely do you think it is that a god does or does not exist?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) January 14th, 2012

This is purely opinion based, since we don’t know, but if you had to guess, how likely do you think it is that a god does or doesn’t exist.

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95 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Look around you and tell me how do you think everything on earth arrived here. It was not by a magician.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Right now? I have a delicious organic roast chicken here, and the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth in the DVD player, and a glass of wine. 100% on the existence of god. No doubt.

Brian1946's avatar

With all the evidence I’ve seen supporting the existence of a deity, I’d say the likelihood of one existing is now almost zero.

I believe that as time continues and as said evidence continues to not accumulate, that probability will continue to approach zero.

Blackberry's avatar

@JilltheTooth The type of wine depends on gods actual existence.

digitalimpression's avatar

As I’ve experienced my own personal evidence… 100%.

“And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Luke 11:9–10)

Aethelflaed's avatar

Very, very unlikely, thought it’s easier to convince me that there is a deity than that said deity is benevolent (or, particularly powerful).

Linda_Owl's avatar

My opinion is: Not Likely. Too many things wrong on Earth for us to have been created by an Omnipotent, All Knowing, “God”. (especially since this “God” is supposed to LOVE us!)

flutherother's avatar

Depending on how you define ‘God’ anywhere between 0% and 100%.

wundayatta's avatar

So small they are indistinguishable from zero.

SuperMouse's avatar

To my mind it is 100% likely that God exists.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

If they do exist, I hope that they are the Elder ones!

rebbel's avatar

God exists.
In the minds and hearts of people that believe in him.
I don’t believe.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I, too, have experience personal evidence on this matter….not being able to [female] orgasm during sex. So, nope. Not created by God.

@JilltheTooth Set me a place, I’ll be right over! :)

Aster's avatar

I know without question there is an afterlife so does that mean there’s a God ? O’bama didn’t create the afterlife so I’m certain a god or God created it.

Blackberry's avatar

@sliceswiththings It does seem inefficient: a guy can satisfy himself in 1 minute if he wants to, but it doesn’t seem so for women :(

Blackberry's avatar

And @Aster wtf does Obama come into this lol?!

deni's avatar

@sliceswiththings You are so right. Thats evidence enough.

My real answer is that I think maybe there’s a 1% chance. I guess I call myself an “atheist”...I love science but I can’t seem to understand just how the universe started. I get the big bang and all but there is something more, a very beginning, you might say and maybe I just can’t comprehend it and understand it because it is so out-of-this-world, but I still feel like there had to be something to get the ball rolling and I cannot understand what that is or could have been.

Charles's avatar

Less than 1%.

The interesting thing is, almost all religious people will tell you it is impossible god does not exist and almost all atheists will tell you it is possible (though not likely) that god exists.
There’s a lot more evidence that religious people have been brainwashed by their parents and their communities. It’s no coincidence the majority of people of one religion tend to live in and around people of the same religion.

Also, almost all “born again” people are recovering from severe psychological problems such as depression, prison, alcoholism, drug addiction, abuse, etc. and “finding Jesus” was a psychological survival mechanism alternative to suicide. Very few mentally healthy people become “born again”.

redfeather's avatar

I think it’s more likely that we were created by something rather than all of this just happening by chance.

digitalimpression's avatar

@Charles Well if I wasn’t sure I’d be agnostic so…..

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Blackberry I am kind of surprised at the answers to this question. When I read the question, I almost hoped that all responders would answer with some number close to zero – the difference being that those who believe in a god do so because of faith, in spite of the odds.

What does it mean to believe if it is “100% likely” that god exists?

digitalimpression's avatar

@dappled_leaves Now we’re just nit-picking. When you throw belief and faith into things, the numbers game just doesn’t work as you’ve pointed out… but it would also be inaccurate for me to give a lower number as I’m 100% certain in my heart and mind. So where do we go from here?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@digitalimpression But it does become a different question, doesn’t it? I suspect it is the question @Blackberry was really asking – because otherwise, it is simply a question of whether or not you believe in god. And I’m guessing most of us already know where everyone stands on that, more or less.

mazingerz88's avatar

A god or gods likely exist very much, but not like the way human beings have imagined it to be.

Oh wait, @redfeather logged in! There is a God! : )

JilltheTooth's avatar

As the first one of the 100%-ers, I find the evidence I gave above to be the most compelling. And, @Blackberry , I confirm that with a dry but not dusty Pinot Grigio, that is not overwhelmed by the chicken.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@JilltheTooth Now I want to come over!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I lean toward the skeptics. However I will never disrespect someone else’s views. I won’t know til I’m dead so they could be right.
Jill, I love pinots. Noir for red, grigio for white.

rooeytoo's avatar

As I have said before, it all depends on whether you want to believe your great, great, etc. Grandparents were apes or adam and eve. Take your choice!

Sunny2's avatar

99.9% sure there is not actually a god, except in the minds of men.

Coloma's avatar

I watched the History channels“Ancient Aliens ” series awhile back, ya never know, maybe we’re all alien hybrids and “God” came from outer space.
It was an intriguing possibility.
Personally I think anything is possible.

We can never become too grandiose about thinking we know anything for certain, we just don’t, Period.
It’s the question of the ages, and it’s never been answered absolutely, positively for sure, yet.

saint's avatar

It is not a matter of probability. God, as conceived by many, does not exist.
That does NOT mean that all human beings do not have a commen sense that they are connected to something bigger than their individual presence, which they clearly do.

Paradox25's avatar

I’m about 99.9% certain that some type of creative force exists, a force I sometimes refer to as Mind instead of God. Yes I believe almost certainly that the universe is divine.

Aster's avatar

@Charles “Also, almost all “born again” people are recovering from severe psychological problems such as depression, prison, alcoholism, drug addiction, abuse, etc. and “finding Jesus” was a psychological survival mechanism alternative to suicide. Very few mentally healthy people become “born again”.
You’re right about this. I thought I was the only one who knew. LOL ! They also have brain shrinkage. LOL

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I am comfortable saying that I feel there is zero chance that god[s] exist. I know that really can’t be said, since there is no way to be certain, but it is how I feel. Personally, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any evidence supporting the existence of any deity.

Aster's avatar

@Coloma “We can never become too grandiose about thinking we know anything for certain, we just don’t, Period.” SO TRUE !! ALIEN? Possible!

cookieman's avatar

My agnostic brain tells me it’s a 50/50 chance. Flip a coin man. We’ll know when we know. Or we won’t.

AstroChuck's avatar

It is 100% likely that a god does or does not exist.

FutureMemory's avatar

Zero percent chance that a sky wizard exists.

cookieman's avatar

@AstroChuck!!!!: Where ya been man??

dappled_leaves's avatar

@AstroChuck So, you believe in Schroedinger’s god? :P

Mariah's avatar

My brain is just not wired to pull numbers out of thin air, but from where I stand it’s less than 50% but more than 0%.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Michael_Huntington @rebbel @Adirondackwannabe GA guys :)
I don’t think it’s very likely but I always give it a slight chance of 2%.

augustlan's avatar

I think it’s very unlikely, but don’t really have a number in mind. It’s certainly possible that a god exists, but it seems unlikely that it will be the God that many currently worship.

That said, be respectful, people!

cookieman's avatar

@tinyfaery: so you’re saying…there’s a chance?! Yes!

Brian1946's avatar


“If they do exist, I hope that they are the Elder ones!”

Would one of those be my beloved Azathoth, or are you referring to another gang o’gods?

filmfann's avatar

I am sure He exists. 100%. ya I know. Big surprise

everephebe's avatar

Which god are you referring to there are so many mythologies… Oh you mean exist exist, yeah that’s not too likely. C3PO and I give it less than a 0.0002% chance.

Although, it can be said that the existence of babel fish does sort of disprove god.

DominicX's avatar

It’s interesting because my experience with this type of question has led me to believe that most atheists are really agnostic, or at least a term that some people despise “agnostic atheist”. I used to (and sometimes still do) label myself as an “agnostic atheist” because that means that I A) acknowledge that I don’t know if a God exists or not and can’t say for certain and B) think that it is very unlikely. I’ve seen this question asked elsewhere and while most theists say 100%, most atheists will say 0–50%, in other words, most atheists don’t like to say 0 because that is implying that they somehow have proven than an unseen unknowable metaphysical plane of existence doesn’t exist. Well, I suppose when you put it that way, no, I can’t say for certain that doesn’t exist. I think it unlikely and I think that if a God does exist, it is certainly the God of the Bible…


leopardgecko123's avatar

a %100
How do I know?
Because I’ve heard Jesus’ voice
and He’s glued my heart together 3 times.
3 times!

ETpro's avatar

I am 100% certain that a God does or does not exist. :-)

King_Pariah's avatar

I’d say that I am 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure of that there is no such thing as a true God, just maybe something higher on the evolutionary food chain. But there is that small fraction of a percent of doubt that there may be something truly there. Either way, I do not care for her, him, it, them, whatever. They can all fornicate themselves with cacti for all I care if they do exist.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The probability God exist, 110% favorable. The chance He doesn’t exist, 8% -/+.

tinyfaery's avatar

@cprevite I’m not 100% sure of anything.

everephebe's avatar

@tinyfaery is that 100% of the time? That you’re “not 100% sure of anything”.

Berserker's avatar

God sounds way too human for me to believe he exists. Some people might go, he built us in his image. Be that as it may, the principles around faith don’t seem to match up to the hand that is said to govern it. In my mind, going to church isn’t any different from watching one’s favorite television show daily.

ETpro's avatar

@Symbeline Very workable analogyl

Berserker's avatar

@ETpro Well personally, I never thought that religion and gods were something unique of their own, rather than it being something we applied to our nature. To justify it or further humor it I can’t say, but to me God takes the bus just like everyone else lol.
I know there was this song about that somewhere, but I don’t remember the title or artist, and anyways, she prolly meant something totally different. XD

ETpro's avatar

@Symbeline If you can recall the song and post a link to it, please do

Berserker's avatar

@ETpro Got it. One of Us by Joan Osborne. I used to live in a hood that shared her last name, how did I not remmeber haha.

This has nothing to do with what I said though. (as I suggested) I’m pretty sure this person believes in God, I just got all awed by the idea of God riding the bus, whether he’s real or not lol.

Berserker's avatar

@ETpro Glad you like it, I like it lots too. Never was sure what it was about though, besides what if God lost all his powers and had to go at it like we do lol.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I can only go with what I feel. I believe in God because I feel it so, I can’t possibly say how likely His existence is or isn’t in scientific terms. I can understand why many people think the likelihood of God’s existence is zero but the best I can do is say that to me His existence in some form is highly likely because my feeling is so strong.

cookieman's avatar

@Symbeline & @ETpro: You might be interested to know that that song was written by Prince.

Blackberry's avatar

Thanks for the answers, everyone. I’m in a dead zone so I’ll GA later.

I’d say there’s a very minute likely.

Keep_on_running's avatar

I think it’s quite likely that there is something more than us out there. As we’ve evolved we’ve learned more and more about other tribes, about our Earth, about our solar system, about our universe. It’s obviously too early to say we’ve completed the picture. But in terms of the definition of god that society has created, extremely unlikely.

Berserker's avatar

@cprevite Huh, never figured that. Interesting.

Kardamom's avatar

It’s pretty unlikely, but even if there is/was a God/god/s, he/she/it is probably not what we have imagined. If God (whatever that means) exists like the typical version of The Christian God (whatever that means, since even the Christians can’t seem to agree) then why in the world would that God give so many other people (that far outnumber Christians on earth) a completely different faith or vision or idea of what “God” is like or what kinds of rules he’s set up? And why would he make sure that everybody’s beliefs in their own particular brand of faith are exclusionary to everybody else’s and mutually exclusive (we’re right, so you’re wrong and if you’re wrong, you’re going to hell)?

Just because we exist (or think we exist) doesn’t say anything about the origins of the universe or the earth or of human beings. It just presents more questions for us to try to figure out, if we want to, or not, if we don’t feel the need to understand how it all started (or didn’t start, but always was). Humans tend to have a need to understand how we got here, or what we’re here for. But some of us would rather spend our time on just trying to get along well enough with the people and resources that are here so we don’t end up getting killed (at worst) or treated poorly (which is still very common).

If it helps people to sleep better at night, and they don’t use their own brand of faith to make laws that negatively effect others, or use their beliefs to simply treat others poorly (because they’re not worthy due to their supposed lack of faith in the correct God) then it’s perfectly fine for them to believe and follow whatever doctrine they want. Unfortunately, if you look around the world today and for thousands of years into our past, you can see that faith in this or that religion, has caused (along with greed) most of the wars that have been waged. Wars, waged in the name of something that no one even knows if it exists. And that is the way it will probably continue to be well into the future.

So I’m still going with, not very likely.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline What if indeed God is one of us? What if it’s @ETpro himself?!!! : 0

MilkyWay's avatar

@Keep_on_running I strongly believe aliens exist, nice to know someone who thinks the same :)

dappled_leaves's avatar

You are now chatting with God…

Do you know Chatbot?
he is an AIML chat robot deployed on the A.I. movie web site.
Well, you respond faster than he does
Well that’s okay. Thanks for telling me: said I respond faster than he does.
You seem to be repeating things I say
I am not repeating myself too much. I am just checking to see if you are a robot.
That sounds familiar…
It sounds like it to me too.
How so?
, Well, it’s rather difficult to define.
Please try
Thank you for your request. I don’t have time right now.
Yeah, I guess you’re pretty busy
Give me a break. That too.
You seem a little defensive
Thanks and you are a delightful person too. I don’t know whether or not I am defensive.
I am well respected as an AI.
By whom?
Marilyn Monroe. :-).

Oh dear, @Coloma… this could provide yet more hours of distraction. :)

Coloma's avatar

@dappled_leaves LOL..I came across that a few years ago, cracked me up.

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 Does @ETpro take the bus? Hmm…suspicions.

ETpro's avatar

@AstroChuck Feel validated. I didn’t read the previous answers, so saying the same thing you dod goes to show you’ve got backup on that answer.

Brian1946's avatar

GMTA, even in the absence of synchronization. ;-)

jonsblond's avatar

Who knows. The thought has baffled me since the age of 6. I just treat others the way I’d like to be treated and hope for a happy ending.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@MilkyWay There’s just too much out there, a universe even multiverse to big to imagine for there to not be some other life that has evolved. I don’t think out of the gazillions of stars and planets, we are just the lucky ones.

ETpro's avatar

If you are asking about a god like the god of the desert, a jealous, murderous god who claims to be love itself—a god who routinely intervenes in the operations of cause and effect causing miraculous things to occur,—then I think the likelihood is very close to zero. If we look at the Buddhist philosophy that all things are part of god, the universe is god, then this may be true. I don’t know that the universe has intelligence, but I don’t know that it doesn’t wither. It certainly may.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jonsblond You come across as a really decent human being. Whether or not you believe in God, I think that’s all that really matters!

Keep_on_running's avatar

Gah, just realised I spelled “too” as “to” in my last post. That’s my least favourite typo out of all the typos I make, even worse than there/their. lol

Coloma's avatar

@Keep_on_running Haha, me TOO!
I did that the other day and then was unable to edit after recieving a GA, drives me nuts! exercise in ego, oh well..I have to assume that anyone that reads my words enoguh will chalk it up to brain

Keep_on_running's avatar

@Coloma Hehe, yeah, you just have to assume the best of people. I totally don’t believe typos decrease the credibility of one’s answers…lol

Coloma's avatar

“enoguh!” :-p

jonsblond's avatar

@Leanne1986 thank you. That’s very nice of you to say. =)

Keep_on_running's avatar

@Coloma and “recieving”. It’s okay, we still love you. ;)

AstroChuck's avatar

@jonsblond- I love happy endings!

jonsblond's avatar

@AstroChuck of course you would be the one to catch that. lol

cookieman's avatar

@jonsblond: I actually thought it, but was keeping my mouth shut.

MilkyWay's avatar

Psst, what’d I miss?

Keep_on_running's avatar

The universe just contracted, but luckily big banged itself into existence again. So…not much really. :p

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