General Question

robmandu's avatar

What's a paradox/oxymoron in your daily life?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) May 20th, 2008

For example, I’ve got a friend who is a certified rescue diver.

So you’d think she be a natural in the water, right? But no, her Australian crawl is really just a badly modified dog paddle.

Strap a SCUBA set to her back and fins on her feet and she’s a veritable shark in the water, though. Very competent and confident.

That’s just crazy to me.

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17 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Free time. Since I only get paid if I work, there is no free time.

kevbo's avatar

I’m smart, but I haven’t figured out (yet) how to make good money.

mteutsch's avatar

I’m perplexed by the fact that my whole house, no matter how much my wife and I clean and vacuum, collects hair of every kind, specifically from our dog, like a magnet. It’s not really a paradoxical saying, but it’s perplexing.

mteutsch's avatar

You’re like a fish out of water. (More of a simile I know).

elchoopanebre's avatar

I need a car to get to work but I need a job to keep my car. It seems like a pointless vicious cycle to me.

Kay's avatar

I’m a model and I dress in Target clothes most of the time :-P

chaddq's avatar

When I have free time, I get antsy and want to go somewhere or get work done, but when I’m working, all I want is to rest and relax.

Les's avatar

I am so sick of being a student, but I want to become a teacher.

robmandu's avatar

@omfgTALIjustIMDu… just guessing here, but is the paradox/oxymoron you’re implying that ATM machines exist, and you don’t have any money?

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@robmandu: you got it.

iriemuffin's avatar

I love animals, have 4 (2 dogs, 2 cats) but am allergic.

robmandu's avatar

Ah, then @omfgTALIjustIMDu, now that I think about it, perhaps my Question should’ve been about irony moreso than paradox. Specifically, situational irony or perhaps comic irony.

Your example helped me realize that. Hmmmm.

OTOH, by not referencing irony directly, at least we weren’t all subjected to this.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@robmandu: love the Alanis Morissette song. Especially the woman in the backseat wearing the green sweater.

bearfair's avatar

I love to be right but I hate to argue.

robmandu's avatar

@omfgTALIjustIMDu, you crack me up!

mteutsch's avatar

How about having an M.A. and working at a pizza place or Hobby Lobby. You can’t even teach high school, in Louisiana at least.

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