Do "beautiful people" have better lives?
Asked by
Charles (
January 15th, 2012
“The beautiful people” seen in magazines, on TV and in the movies, but are also seen occasionally walking up and down the street, or in a high end expensive store at the mall. Outwardly they seem to have it all: Beauty, confidence, poise, money, friends and great jobs. In high school they were likely the head cheerleader or Homecoming King.
They are seen at chic expensive restaurants and they are at the table with lots of fellow beautiful people; they seem to have just tons of beautiful popular friends.
People are in awe of them
They are smiled at more often (according to studies)
People want to be them—or with them
But behind the appearance, what is life really like for the so called “beautiful people”?
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22 Answers
In my opinion, if you do not have God in your heart, you are lacking in being a beautiful person.
Do these people have this? No one knows, but if you look at the number of these people that use drugs or alcohol to access, surely, they must have a monkey or two on their back.
They get a lot of things more easily, but I’m unconvinced that makes for a better life in the final analysis. Spending less time thinking about what is actually worthwhile in life—thanks to being able to just go after whatever suits your fancy at a time—rarely leads to optimal decisions.
Being physically beautiful does not make you immune to heartache.
I think people whose looks match to the cultural beauty standard can have easier lives because of their looks, but not necessarily. I think they have an advantage when it comes to first impressions, occasions like blind dates or job interviews….but as soon as the person opposite them gets beyond that first impression, they have just the same chances as everyone else…..except for professions like modeling where the outside matters more than the inside. But I also think that people that are not beautiful ’‘above average’’ (sounds silly….) are not as easily sorted into categories…..maybe this happens more to beautiful people, at least that’s the clichee…. As long as you look as though you take care of yourself, looks will only be a problem for people with shallow personalities-and, let’s face it: if your personality is ugly, no amount of beauty can cover it up :)
Yes I do. LOL
They are like everyone else. Prone to make errors and wise choices like anyone else. Are they sometimes favored? Sure. But it still doesn’t guarantee a beautiful life. People still bleed, get hurt physically and emotionally, get sick and have accidents. Being beautiful doesn’t automatically give you the life of a godess.
In the end you are simply a better looking animal than the other animals. The only way you can benefit is by being equally if not more beautiful on the inside. Then a person is a beauty of significance.
2nd answer…...
If you look at the divorces of “beautiful people”, say in Hollywood, their lives do not seem that beautiful after all.
The inner lives of beautiful people are as complex and difficult as those of anyone else.
”In my opinion, if you do not have God in your heart, you are lacking in being a beautiful person.”
Sooooo…only theists can be beautiful people? Really?!? wow
This question isn’t for me to answer. Try Augustlan.
Yes, their lives are better. It’s the same as the way money makes people’s lives better. Yes, we all have the same kinds of problems, but they have more money and more status and that helps them deal with the problems more effectively.
I don’t think so. Beauty is more than skin deep, and if you’re beautiful but have a really crappy personality, than life will be very hard for you. Most people we see on TV and magazines have their own fair share of troubles… things that affect me and you might not affect them, but things that affect them might not affect you and me.
Well, they get away with some minor infractions and have better opportunities getting into the arts and entertainment, that’s all.
Having “God in your heart” is completely redundant when referring to beauty, inner or outer. I honestly believe being physically attractive do have the advantage, although if they don’t meet set standards, or do not act in a positive manner, then others aren’t going to want to put up with them, just like anyone else.
They are more likely to get free drinks or get out of a parking ticket, but I think in the deeper ways (the ones that matter) it’s all about the same.
Some of the drawbacks: lack of privacy; having to meet the overbearing expectations of others; never being able to just relax about the way you look; fighting natural aging; living up to what you think you have to be to maintain your status; watching every bite of food you put in your mouth and every word you speak. Some beautiful people are able to maintain their humanity; others, become a mockery of a human being who believes the specialness of his life without regard to others.
In some ways, yes. In other ways, no.
Everyone has issues. Beautiful people status just makes theirs more examined.
Concur with the above. They don’t have better lives, just different lives. Take Demi Lavato for example. Gorgeous, but now a Disney drop-out, no money, and in re-hab.
Ask Michael Jackson, Amy Winehiuse, Marvin Gaye, Elvis, ... backwards through the decades of famous people. Ask Caroline Kennedy about ultimately being an orphan in a literal semse and highly devastated in her larger family group of lost lives and loves. The beautiful people have lives which often cost them more than any recompense in funds or fulfillment.
A male friend of mine once “joked” that, in his experience with women, the beautiful ones were more fucked up than the plainer ones.
Their average subjective well-being is almost the same as for less beautiful people. Just a tiny bit higher it seems.
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