Is this Bed, Bath and Beyond recall the worst recall ever?
Asked by
filmfann (
January 15th, 2012
News Item Bed, Bath, and Beyond are recalling their metal tissue boxes. Turns out they are radioactive. (I am guessing they were selling them in the “Beyond” department)
What could be the results of using radioactive kleenex?
What other recalls have made you do a double take?
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13 Answers
Mutated boogers running around, causing havoc.
Why not? Who would have thought metal boxes would cure the common cold.
Go hot boxes!
Has anyone noticed the large order for these tissue boxes from Iran?
Tissue boxes that glow in the dark might have sold well.
I have never felt so glad that I’m not classy enough for tissue boxes…
This is a serious problem. Nothing to sneeze at.
Wait for the recall of radioactive toilet paper. Invest now in nose clips. : )
Was there not a big recall once of radioactive Geiger counters?
I heard Iran had to recall 3 tons of non-radioactive enriched uranium.
@Symbeline It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s… SuperSnot!!!
Yeah, it could have spawned a whole generation of new superheroes, with… really gross superpowers. Thanks for this question, @filmfann it gave me quite a laugh.
Is it possible to do a double take once a product is recalled? ;-) ~
@mazingerz88 Lol. The sequel to Radioactive Booger Havoc…Radioactive Excrement Onslaught. It’s EXCREME!I
…k, I’ll be good.
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