Welcome to Fluther.
Divorce can be hard on kids, no doubt about it. It’s not unreasonable to be concerned about your parents getting a divorce, both for their sake – because it’s hard on each of them, too – but also for your own.
But it’s best not to worry about things you can’t control. Earthquakes and major storms are harmful, too, but what good does worrying about them do? You can’t control or prevent them, either.
What you can do, or at least try to do, is to prepare for the possibility and plan for what to do “just in case”.
So my recommendations to you are:
1. Maintain good relations with each parent. Try to avoid being made “an ally of one against the other”, which some insecure parents will attempt to do. Sometimes some parents during a divorce try to drive a wedge between their children and the other parent. This is obviously damaging to the child’s relationship with that parent, but selfish parents sometimes won’t care about that. If one of your parents tries to complain to you about the other, try to avoid that and not be a part of it.
2. Mind your own business. By that I mean: Do your chores; do your homework; maintain your own life and friendships. Your parents’ relationship with each other is their business. They have to decide how to maintain their marriage and whether to continue it or end it. Worrying about that will not help you and may actually cause them more stress – when they think clearly they understand that their relationship with each other affects you greatly, but they have to have things settled between them first.
3. Live a good life. That pretty much goes without saying, doesn’t it? People often forget to live their own life and live to satisfy others’ intentions or desires, or to get revenge on others for their misdeeds. Don’t get into that. Just enjoy your own life for its own sake.
Change is inevitable and happens to everyone. Don’t try too hard to fight it. Instead try to plan for it, plan around it, and prepare for it. Sometimes divorces work out best for all concerned: If your parents fight and disagree all the time, that is a pretty unpleasant life for them, too. If they live apart and still share a love for you, then they may actually get along better as exes, and you may all be happier in the long run. Things may seem bad now, but someday when you look back on this time in your life, it won’t seem so bad. You’ll see.
Good luck to you and to your parents.