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janbb's avatar

Who wants to join me in celebrating a 10K milestone for one of our more erudite Jellies - CWOTUS?

Asked by janbb (63346points) January 16th, 2012

That’s right; the smart doggie with the great command of language has managed to stay the same persona to 10K! Let’s throw him a sailing party and keep the government off his back. If we say really clever things, maybe he will CWOTUS.

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57 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats. A great day!!!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congratulations on the 10K!!

digitalimpression's avatar

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

marinelife's avatar

Hey, many congratulations. Of course, this does not reflect your true lurve in all of your incarnations! Whatever your name is, you are witty and a great addition to the collective!

wilma's avatar


bkcunningham's avatar

Well done, @CWOTUS. You are one of the most insightful and fair posters on Fluther. Congratulations.

bhec10's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

Does this mean you’ll be somebody else, soon? Congrats to a fellow Nutmegger, I feel like we weathered Irene together!

rebbel's avatar

Some tips to write a congratulation note:
Write the congratulation letter as soon as possible after the fortunate event takes place. 9th responder
State that a specific occasion motivated you to write the letter. 10K
Express praise and approval of the reader’s accomplishments. Thou be praised
Keep congratulation letter simple and concise.Yeah, of course I will
Be positive and don’t include any negative comments or unhappy news. It’s gonna take you not more than three weeks to reach 20K
Don’t suggest that the fortunate event should benefit the letter-writer in any way. I will not be awarded GA’s for this
Don’t exaggerate your congratulatory words, or your letter may seem sarcastic or mocking. Who, me…, exxagerating?
Edit your letter for correct struc.ture, gram.mar, and punct.uation.
Don’t forget to spell check your letter. Cheque
Wait some time and proof-read your letter again before sending it. I started crafting this message two days ago…., proof-read it for 35 hours

Congratulations, @CWOTUS!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

CWOTUS, I congratulate you on this milestone. I also give you a hearty “Ho’omaikai!”

tinyfaery's avatar

Again? Okay. Congrats!

flutherother's avatar


Coloma's avatar

C Cheers!
W wow
O old
T timer
U be
S swingin’ from the fluther box seats now!

dappled_leaves's avatar

(Congratulations, CWOTUS, on the 10K!)

DrBill's avatar


everephebe's avatar

@CWOTUS great work! Cheers on your 10K. A check is in the mail.
Mazel tov cocktail.

By the way jellies, @CWOTUS helped me get an A on a paper by spending a significant period of time helping me edit. And I was able to learn a great deal from the process. What a wonderful jelly, no?

TexasDude's avatar

One of my favorite jellies.

syz's avatar


picante's avatar

You were a CyanoticWasp floating on “Fair Wind” when I first found you on Fluther. I watched you re-image yourself to WasCy and then to CWOTUS, always retaining your signature turn of phrase. You’re an extraordinary linguist. Congratulations!

bkcunningham's avatar

He helped you with your homework, @everephebe? I am taking back my lurve.

Lightlyseared's avatar

WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WestRiverrat's avatar


Judi's avatar

I love a great party. woot woot!!!!! Congratulations!!

AshLeigh's avatar

Congratulations! :)

Jude's avatar

The king of cynicism and snark, congrats!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congratulations to a fine member of the jellied community!

wundayatta's avatar

@CWOTUS Damn, I liked CynanoticWasp so much better! So much less pretentious, I guess. No. That’s not it. CWOTUS is kind of like TLA except it’s a MTLA. Feels like talking to a governmental agency which, I suppose, given your libertarian and ironic inclinations, would be appropriate.

Still, even if your libertarian views are a bit murky, you’re still one of the more sensible jellies on fluther. It’s always a pleasure to either agree or lock horns with you. I know that what you say will be well supported with reason, evidence or theory, and what more could a guy ask of another guy?

Besides which, you sail. There is nothing lovelier than sailing. Unless it’s sailing a drinking beer. Or it is sailing, then drinking beer?

So, congratulations! Took you long enough. Bad idea—changing names.

Next round’s on me!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations on a job well achieved!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey @CWOTUS Congrats on the 10k! I got’s ta know. Does CWOTUS have anything to do with COITUS? Just askin’.

Sunny2's avatar

Very best wishes on your 10K. Now will you tell us how to pronounce your name?

everephebe's avatar

@bkcunningham With my grammar not my homework, but I assume you must be joking – not just being an ass. :D

mangeons's avatar

Congrats @CWOTUS, definitely a well deserved achievement! Thanks for being such an awesome member of the community! :-)

tedibear's avatar

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to one of my favorite jellies in all of his many incarnations. Thank you for always telling it straight. You ROCK!

SpatzieLover's avatar

*Happy “K” Day to you! *

Is this actually 20 or 30 now?

mazingerz88's avatar

First party of 2012! YOHOOO!!! CONGRATS!!! : )

Ayesha's avatar


filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats! I was surpised, because I figured you were already over 10K!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

AmWiser's avatar

10K Congratulations! Cheers \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ !!!!
Welcome to the Mansion!

Dog's avatar


Your wisdom and wit are an amazing asset to Fluther! :)

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve got to try to get my congratulations in before he changes his name again!

For you, sir, I’ve rallied the troops and we’ve been secretly rehearsing a play. YOUR play! Remember the dream you had? We just haven’t decided which one of the fellows is going to play you. Who would you like to play you?

Anyway, we’ve got the stage set up in the mansion, we’ve all got our costumes, of course Auggie has been the stage manager, and @gailcalled and @Jeruba have been in charge of the dialogue. But just to let you know, we added one character, @Symbeline inisted that we add a zombie character (of course she will be playing said character) And me? I will be the “craft services” of Fluther, serving up delectable snackie poos for everybody!

Bravo and Encore to you!!!

linguaphile's avatar

Hey, hey, congratulations!!

Lurve you!!

cookieman's avatar

Nice job @CWOTUS!! I really enjoy your posts.

ETpro's avatar

@CWOTUS A hearty congratulations to one of my favorite righties here. Your answers are often the ollar opposite of mine, but they are always cogent, well thought out, and easy to poke holes in :-)

Welcome to the Mansion. And don’t even dream about this welcome message meaning I’ll go easy on you the next time we lock horns. :-)

fundevogel's avatar

In case you don’t know, I like the cut of your jib. There’s a bell I can’t unring. But I’ll do you one better. I’m happier than a two-peckered dog to finally have you in the mansion. Honestly, it’s seemed like pulling teeth to get you here. But the proof is in the pudding. No matter how many times you change your name you’re no johnny come lately. You’re the cream of the crop, the cock of the walk, cool as a cucumber and sharp as a tack.

harple's avatar

Cyanatic Wasp? NOW I get it ! (Finally!!!!) Derrrr!

Congrats CWOTUS, on getting to where you have got… and you sure got it! ;-)

augustlan's avatar

Sorry I’m late to all these parties, today!

Congratulations, CW! Even when we disagree, I always admire your answers. I’m glad you’re still here, no matter what name you go by!

rooeytoo's avatar

Congrats to a fellow senior. We are living proof that not everyone over 40 is senile. (Well we’re proof of something anyhow) Good on ya mate!

9doomedtodie's avatar

Yesterday, I saw a lotus. Here, is our CWOTUS.
Congrats on 10K!...

CWOTUS's avatar

Thank you all very much. But since I really don’t like parties all that much, I’m just going to duck out now. Cheers!

erichw1504's avatar

Congratulationitoricalicatioiticalism @CWOTUS !!

MilkyWay's avatar

Oh jeez, I’m late :/
So sorry @CWOTUS , but I want you to know, that I really enjoy seeing your answers around here, and that I’ve brought you a present :)
Congratulations and Cheers!

Blueroses's avatar

oh sigh, Cy… although you’re a party-shy Cy, I hope you’re still peeking in to bask in the admiration. I just threw a shit-ton of it at you!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations to you @CWOTUS. Well done on your 10K of lurve.

smilingheart1's avatar

CWOTUS, how did I miss this hallmark for you? I must have been dithering that day, if that is the word or phrase I am looking for!!! Bask awhile and lurve on.

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