I'm new here, can some one please link me to what I need to know?
Asked by
marissa (
May 20th, 2008
I am looking for what info, links, etc someone new to Fluther should read and/or know about. Something like a ‘Fluther for Dummies’ type of info. Thanks in advance for any help :0)
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41 Answers
This is a good place to start. Welcome aboard!
Here you go-and ditto on the welcome :)
My advice is to spend some time reading before you jump in. Look at what is considered a good question and a good answer. Browse for about thirty minutes to see how things work.
Good idea johnpowell. Also, there is a search box at the top right of your screen. You might want to post your question there first to see if it has been asked before. If it’s not there, or you can’t find it on google and you need further information, ask away!
Okay, not to seem like an annoying ‘newbie’, but is this where I’m suppose to respond to your posts? I’m a bit confused, because it says ‘answer this question’ but it is my own question. Is this a ‘discussion board’ equivalent? Also, while posting ‘newbie’ stuff, do I click ‘great answer’ to give you all credit for helping me?
more suggestions: edit your account, fill out your profile, change your avatar image.
Yes, great answer is to thank someone who gives you just that. a great answer!
Scamp, thanks for the ‘browse’ suggestion, I just browsed ‘fluther avatar’ and found out how to change my avatar. You are all being very kind.
You will be fine. Riser is the only person that bites. He bites hard too. Watch out for him.
And I’m joking. Really. Here is what will help you here.
1. Don’t ask if a simple search on Google will provide your answer.
2. Don’t make jokes in serious questions until the question is answered. It sucks when people do this and I will complain.
3. Try to avoid “poll” questions. “What is your favorite colour?” is a crappy question.
Welcome Marissa. What the other folks said is all very true (especially about johnpowell complaining ;) ).
I think the best advice I can give you is take it as it comes. You’ll learn and discover tips and tricks as you go along. Nobody’s perfect and you can’t be expected to get everything right the first time. And your impression of the people so far is absolutely correct. It’s a great bunch! :)
Thanks for the warning about Riser Johnpowell.
Thanks for the welcome wildflower.
I’m kidding about Riser. He is the guy who will make you virtual chicken soup if you don’t feel well.
There is also a chat channel if you want to hang out with jp and delirium.
Well, in that case I am looking forward to meeting him. Also, as I’m looking through questions here, I am noticing that it appears that I can click ‘great answer’ on comments/questions that I am not participating in. Is that correct? Does that unfairly ‘skew’ people Luvre (if I have the term right) or doesn’t it really matter?
Don’t feel bad about giving out lurve.
You can tag any question or answer as ‘great’ as you see fit. I think everyone appreciates seeing a click added to their ‘lurve’. There’s no particular ranking order, so you’re not putting power in to the wrong hands by doing it :)
As for guidelines for giving ‘lurve’, you’ll see everyone has their own definition. If you do a search, you’ll find a few questions discussing this topic.
You say that like it is a bad thing.
Well you are a bit scary with all your complaining…...
the best advice I can give to a budding jelly is to hang on. Dont be discouraged by snarky answers, and come back often. Just stay on fluther and your life will improve.
Isn’t he though? It’s “I hate it when I get hit by cars” this and “this hot weather might kill me” that. Sheesh!
Yup, next it’ll be “it wasn’t like that in my day…something something…..could leave the door unlocked” :)
I am also new and learning. Thank you for the tips all.
You’re very welcome – and welcome, BonusQuestion :)
Hi BonusQuestion, glad to see you joined us!
PnL, I’m glad to see you too! Check out the link phoenyx gave to ‘chat channel.
hello everyone. long time no see marissa.
Just so you all Flutherites (if I have the correct term) aren’t confused, these are some of the fine people I know from Askville.
Hi marissa. I think I have seen your screen name somewhere else!
oo okay. i will go check it out. i was a little creeped out that you knew i had joined before i even told you!
It is because it shows “PnL (or whoever it is) is crafting a response” so I knew you were going to post.
Just another Askviller popping in to check this place out. I love the introduction page linked in the first answer. It’s clear and concise.
Hi BQ, Marissa, PnL, and Flutherites. This place looks great.
Hello and welcome to you too mamasu and PnL :)
thank you wildflower! :). i am really enjoying the site!
It’s great. Informative and interesting and often a hoot! If you haven’t spotted it yet – and you have some time – you must check out The Fluther Story
haha oh God that is crazy!
HI Mamasu! I bailed last night before I saw you arrive.
Just curious, I’m looking through some older questions, if I post something there, does the person who originally asked the question get notified that a new post has appeared for their question?
Yes, plus everyone else who either posted a response or clicked on the “follow this question” button next to the question. Amazingly, Fluther does this for every single user and every single discussion!
P.S. There is an “opt out” function for this (or “antidote”!), if you either:
-Go to the discussion, and click the “stop following” link (it’s in the same place where “follow this question” was); or
-From your personal profile, you can see a “stop following” link under each question under your “Activity” section.
Hi fellow Askville refugees,
As usual, I am slow and late to the party, but I finally got here! I did get to keep the “caseycat” screen name, so it’s still me, lol! Haven’t figured out yet how to change my avatar, but I will figure it out eventually.
BTW, I think all of you leaving Askville for here is the reason that I got eight appeals to rate tonight! :)
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