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Charles's avatar

What (music) bands do you hate or like least?

Asked by Charles (4826points) January 17th, 2012

What bands do you least like to listen to or simply can not stand?
Mine: Journey, Hair metal bands, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel

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37 Answers

tranquilsea's avatar


I’m Canadian so they seem to be everywhere all the time.

marinelife's avatar

Justin Bieber
Mary J Blige

babybadger's avatar

D; I love Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen and Journey!!
Perhaps mine will be what you favor haha…
Anything rap. Rap is not music. Justin Bieber. I also can’t stand boy bands whose members are adorable and are singing love songs…you can get any girl you want, so I don’t want to hear about the one you “lost.” Perhaps that’s a little harsh, but it’s how I feel.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Beatles, Nirvana, Wheezer, Nickelback, Muse, Daft Punk, etc.

rebbel's avatar

Celine D. from C.

LezboPirate's avatar

Are you the devil?
Meant for “Charles,” but I can see that it applies to some of the rest of you.
I’m gonna go with..ICP. Hate those guys.

mangeons's avatar

Nickelback and My Chemical Romance.

judochop's avatar

WORST: Nickelback, Creed, Avenge Sevenfold, Limp Bizkit, Fall Out Boy, Coheed & Cambria, Slipknot, Jonas Bros, Good Charlotte, new Metallica, Weezer.

BEST: Rolling Stones, The Stooges, The Dirtbombs, Celan, Unsane, Karate, The Clash, Snoop Dogg & The Dogg Pound, NWA, DJ Format, Notwist, Explosions in the Sky, Shellac, Fugazi, Orchid, Kronos Quartet.

MilkyWay's avatar

I quite like Nickelback.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nickelback haters: Bite me twice.

Berserker's avatar

VNV Nation, Funker Vogt, Suicide Commando, Wumpscut, Unter Null, Folkodia, Ensiferum, Grendel, Eluveitie, Cradle of Filth, Blutengel, Les batards du Nord, Rednex. And the Law and Order thing; too doo doo doooo, DOO!

Phil Collins, U2, Les Trois Accords, 50 Cent and Caramelldansen should be shot.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Ah yes I forgot about U2.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Nickelback, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Rush.
I find it really difficult to understand how people like Nickelback. I don’t dislike them because it’s popular to dislike them, I dislike them because their music and lyrics give me the impression that someone is shitting in my ear.
Also, I want to listen to music with @Symbeline, because she has extraordinary taste in music.

Berserker's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf We apparently have the same distaste in music, too. I’m serious, I cannot believe I didn’t mention Linkin Park. I guess cuz I haven’t been hearing about them anymore, which is a good thing, blargh.
And hey you like Industrial and Viking metal, awesome. :)

DeanV's avatar

Like: Sage Francis, Pavement, Joy Division, Modest Mouse, Beck, Radiohead, Cake, The Chemical Brothers, Noisia, Interpol, Kanye West (dealwithit), Wilco.

Dislike: Nickleback, Keith Urban, Limp Bizkit, Panic! At The Disco, Journey, Skrillex (but not dubstep as a whole by any means).

I dislike a lot of music, but I would never call anything “not music”, as that’s a bit harsh, IMO. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it is somehow lower on the musical hierarchy of what is “good” and liked. Pet peeve of mine, I guess.

wickedbetty's avatar

I loathe Nickleback. LOATHE.

judochop's avatar

Ewwww, I forgot about Rush. I fucking hate Rush almost as much as I hate Nickelback. And I don’t think that it is just “popular” to hate Nickelback, they are just pretty piss poor at what they do. Their lyrics are shit and the musicianship reaks of fat guy studio project. They have been argued as one of the worst bands in history.

DeanV's avatar

@judochop Nickleback is just every dudebro rock band before them done worse. They can’t even be as good as the shitty bands they’re trying to imitate.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

>Not liking Rush
I ain’t even mad.

Berserker's avatar

What the hell is Rush anyways? Sorry you guys, I kind of live under a rock lol. But I never heard of em.

Brian1946's avatar


“What the hell is Rush anyways? Sorry you guys, I kind of live under a rock lol. But I never heard of em.”

It’s some band with a shrilly high-pitched singer, so be thankful for your virgin ears.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Rush is Getty Lee and his band of madmen. It’s pretty good stuff.

Berserker's avatar

Oh! Right, them. Yeah I heard some songs before. Guess I just never clicked on the name of the band…somehow. Not that it’s so hard to remmeber. No problem with them here, but it ain’t my genre. As far as high pitched singers go, I like that band there, when it’s raining on November or wtv. XD

zenvelo's avatar

Train. John Mayer. Someone should step on their collective balls.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Boybands like Westlife and Boyzone do nothing for me at all. I don’t like U2 either.

MilkyWay's avatar

And I love Linkin Park.

MilkyWay's avatar

And Muse, and journey.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@DeanV Whaaat, you don’t like this? :p

I dislike all those punk (if that’s what it is…) bands like Green Day, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan – the kind of bands that used to be really popular, but aren’t anymore, yet still hang around.

MilkyWay's avatar

Oh jeez, I love Greenday and Simple Plan as well. What is up with people nowadays?

Keep_on_running's avatar

I’m so sorry, they’re just not my thing.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Greenday plays some great stuff. Some is a little out there.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Keep_on_running LOL, I was joking about the people part ;)

Keep_on_running's avatar

@MilkyWay Yeah xD, I know how it feels though, when people piss all over your favourite bands, (to use a common phrase around here), it can hit you deep lol.

MilkyWay's avatar

Nah, I’m used to it. I just think, fuck it, I love em. :D

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