Meta Question

rebbel's avatar

Are we open again?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) January 18th, 2012

Do American days only last twelve hours?
Is Fluther only open for a short period to help those who have withdrawal symptons?
Did congress throw the SOPA/PIPA in the bin?
Do I think I am writing a question, but in reality I am dreaming and tomorrow I can ask for a dream analysis?

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15 Answers

downtide's avatar

Haha I wondered the same thing, and I wondered if it’s going by local time (local to where-ever we are) because by my clock, it’s now Thursday.

filmfann's avatar

(Gasp! Gasp!) Going thru withdrawl! Quick, someone ask me a question!

bkcunningham's avatar

Do you think it is strange to block access to a website to protest blocking access to a website? I think going down temporarily and not giving people the opportunity to post questions and comments was, in itself, a form of censorship.

Mariah's avatar

@bkcunningham It’s to demonstrate to people what the impact of the successful passage of this bill will be.

jrpowell's avatar

@bkcunningham :: Sorry you were so terribly inconvenienced. I blocked out my site with links to contact your reps. And about 20% of the visitors followed those links so it was worth it to me. Hell, even if one person contacted their Senators it was worth it.

And I didn’t have to deal with spam today.

Sunny2's avatar

It doesn’t matter. It was a consciousness raising exercise at least. At best, people did as @johnpowell did and voiced an opinion.

bkcunningham's avatar

My point wasn’t one of anyone being inconvenienced @johnpowell, it was to open a dialog on the subject of censorship and the issue of freely expressing your opinion.

I understand the point, @Mariah. I’m glad people contacted their elected officials.

Coloma's avatar

I checked in at 7 a.m. PST and again, just now @ 5:55 p.m.
I was surprised to see the site up again, I thought it was going to be down for 24 hours. Or…is this just an intermission?

Seaofclouds's avatar

From what I read, the way the black out was organized with the other sites, it was set to be from 8am to 8pm EST. I guess Fluther did the same as those sites.

Berserker's avatar

Itchy and Scratchy Land, open-a foh beezniss! Who ah yoo to resist it, eh? Come on, mah kids need wine!

Yup, it’s ope again. Also let me take this moment to say…FUCK SOPA.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

American days, are in fact, shorter than days in other parts of the world. I think you folks are on some metric thing-y.

marinelife's avatar

Damn it, I lost four hours waiting until midnight to even check, because I did not want to be disappointed!

downtide's avatar

It would have raised more consciousness” if Facebook had gone dark for 24 hours. We couldn’t be that lucky, huh?

augustlan's avatar

@bkcunningham As soon as the blackout was over you could post here. Delay =/= censorship.

HungryGuy's avatar

It needed to be done to show all the sheep in the world what a post-SOPA world would be like. I only wish more sites participated in the black-out.

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