Who's that drowning in a sea of lurve?
Could it be Marinelife? Egads! A party is in order! And possibly a floatation device. We can’t risk a drowning in all that lurve.
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77 Answers
Congratulations on the 50K @Marinelife! I can only imagine how many amazing answers you have posted to clock up such a huge amount of lurve. Enjoy your party. You are a valued member of the Fluther community and you deserve every ounce of the affection that is sure to come your way.
Congratulations, marinelife! Here’s a life preserver so you don’t drown!
Well done my good lady!!!!!!!! Congratulations and celebrations! Here’s to the next 50K.
Tentacles down, one of the warmest and most intelligent ladies not only on Fluther, but anywhere on the Internet. I truly appreciate your insight and perspective on life.
Thank you @marinelife.
FĂ©licitations, @marinelife! We’d rather have you than flying cars any day of the week!
This is simply amazing! You deserve a chorus of hearty Hawaiian “Ho’omaikai’s” sung to you as you drift through a pool sipping your favorite beverage.
Congratulations @marinelife
Wow! Just WOW!
Did you invent the internet?
Congrats. :)
50K? The mind boggles. I bow to @marinelife for supplying so many Lurveable answers and great questions.
How does one go about boggling a mind? Does it involve pickling?
Great job Marinelife!
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Holy moly 50k, that’s nuts!!!
Congrats :)
Congratulations to a lurvely lady!!! If ever there was a single reason for fighting the inappropriate piracy acts, it’s you! :-D
Applaus for one of my surrogate mothers/sisters on Fluther!
(One of) her last comment(s) sums up her enthusiasm:
“Damn it, I lost four hours waiting until midnight to even check [whether Fluther was back on, after the blackout [rebb]], because I did not want to be disappointed !”
Have fun at your party, Marina!
That’s a lot. Congratulations!
What an achievement!
Super! Congratulations on the the big “5” “O”! You were one of the first to greet me and offer advice. Thanks!
Oh my gosh! Congrats to @marinelife! You are one very intelligent lady that makes Fluther the place to come for your wisdom and well thought out answers. Words escape me. Much love and many hugs to a very fine and good friend.
50Kongratulations. That is quite an achievement. Well done! Maybe you can do something about the orange tree jungle surrounding the 50K mansion!
Congratulations, marinelife! You were one of my very first friends on Fluther, and it’s a joy to know you. Party on!
Wow, @marinelife, I am not surprised but I am impressed, especially because you’re not one to post every question and answer that comes to mind, you are considered and intelligent, and someone whose dogs I’d like to meet!
Amazingly Big Congratulations!!! Keep on sailin’!
Oceans of lurve spray for you marinelife as you pull up dockside after a monumental 50k sail, which you tackled wundayatta time. enjoy your exclusive port and I salute your brave navigation into your bright new beacon future.
Frigging amazing! Congrats :) That’s a lot of lurve. And the amazing thing is the amount of wisdom and sage advice that you dispense. If I see you answering a question I stop and read it over a couple of times, because I know it’s going to be good.
Congo Rats to one of the bestest! You are one of the reasons this site rocks! WTG!!!
Congratulations Marinelife !!
This is insane. I’m just going to start GAing Wunda and you to see how high the lurve actually goes. Lol. Congrats.
An amazing achievement by an amazing Jelly. Congratulations, Marinelife!
How great and wonderful and so well deserved. Congratulations!
CongratuHOLYSH*T 50K?! Nice going @marinelife !!!!!
Whoo-Hoo! 50K Day Arrived for You! ConGoRats to You Dear One!
Oh darling, darling, darling – I wanted to throw your party! Well, you know better than anyone why I have being MIA today.
You are one of the prime jewels in Fluther’s mutli-gemmed crown; a wise, wise woman, the loyalist of friends with a wicked sense of humor to boot. You have seen me through some of the most ridiculous mishagass any woman has had to hear about with wisdom, understanding and just the right amount of truthiness,
I love you and am delighted with your friendship and accomplishments.
Mazel tov from me (and perhaps even the absent pd.)
I wondered what those fireworks were for. It was YOU! Congratulations X 50!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
Such a wonderful place in the ether, Fluther. It’s a place where everybody knows your name. I really got a jolt yesterday about what life would be like if there was no Fluther! It would be dark and cold.
I Fluther because I love answering questions and, I hope, helping people. I also love all of the jellies that make up this quirky place! Thanks to everyone for your congratulations. I wouldn’t be here (50kland) without all of you!
Wow, nice work! I enjoy your thoughtful, to-the-point answers.
Cool. I’m gonna reach 50K just so @andrew can congratulate me too…
WELL DONE @marinelife 50K. Thats a lot of fluthering you have done! I am in awe. Congratulations.
I did not know it could be done! Congratulations @marinelife and lots of respect and lurve!
Congratulations! I usually like your responses.
Congrats! You were one of the first jellies I ever talked to here, and you’re definitely one of my favorites! Your answers are always insightful and great and I love reading them. Keep on keepin’ on!!! :-)
Oh, now I see. It was your ascension that broke the internet yesterday! SOPA protest was a convenient scapegoat
Congratulations and felicitations, o, wise one. Long may you prosper.
WOOHOO better late than never!!! CONGRATS!!!!! I dunno but I just feel like sayin, someone should make an Aquaman superhero movie soon!!! Whaaaat??? Yeah, I’m silly. : )
Congratulations! Keep posting those great answers of yours!
Wait does this mean @marinelife and @wundayatta are the first two gods in Fluther’s Mt. Olympus!?
So 10,000 clicks of the “Great Answer” button, but how many more clicks didn’t move the meter? I’m guessing that only about 1 in 10 GAs actually “counts” for you; if that’s right, then your pithy answers have probably been the motivating force behind about 100,000 mouse clicks.
That’s about as many as the attendees at a typical Super Bowl.
At one click per second, it would take 28 hours to generate that many clicks.
If the amount of force required to click the average mouse button is about 0.5 newtons, then the cumulative force behind all those mouse clicks would be sufficient to stop a 10 ton truck traveling at an acceleration rate of 5m/s². Now, imagine that there’s a baby in the road in front of that truck; why, those clicks could save that baby’s life. Doesn’t that make you proud?
Whoa, cool! I chose a really great time to stop by. Congrats.
I think the only post you’ve ever written that made me think ”wtf!?” was the one I read today that mentioned you are hoping Baltimore wins the Super Bowl. (go 49ers!) Other than that, I lurve you bunches!!!
Congrats! :D
Thanks so much for your contributions. You are, if anyone could be, a pillar of the community. It’s hard to imagine this place without you.
Welcome to the moon! Sorry for being so late, but it’s awful darn dark over here on the dark side, and plus I got lost in the Orange Tree and while it seems like it’s today, it’s really yesterday, so I’m on time, after all!
Anyway, as requested, we installed the ocean yesterday. The beach has the coolest view! You can dial back the sun screen in the dome if you want more sun. Plenty of protection in the dome to keep out any nasty radiation.
SO…. congratulations! Welcome. Glad you’ve made it! You know I think you add so much to fluther. You’re a mainstay, and your advice is so good! See you around!
Congrats to @marinelife , that is an amazing score! Are you and wundy the only ones there? You all behave yourselves now!
What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else- Marinelife.
Felicitations! Felicitations! Felicitations!......:D
Holy smokes @marinelife, that’s a load of lurve!!! Since that fateful day when I first signed up here, I have enjoyed and trusted all of your great and well thought-out answers and input. I cannot imagine Fluther without you. A very well deserved party for sure. Congratulations and cheers to one of my favorite jellies!
Awesome and insanely incredible! Congrats, @marinelife!
@marinelife: No only in my pantheon, but one of the three consuls here.
The stele is being constructed right now, and the stone carvers are sharpening their tools.
And as my grandma Birdie used to say, “Such a pleasure.”
50K that’s quite an accomplishment!
Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How DID I MISS this party!!!???
Wow, wow, wow…50k…amazing!
HUGE congrats to you, I always enjoy your level headed and intelligent sharings!
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