General Question

Where is my relationship heading?
My boyfriend went to hospital yesterday and I looked after him, arranged for his cousin to come and see him because he had an inflammed lung and was upset. After we checked out of hospital he was happier and we all arranged to go eat dinner but on the way he wanted me to call his friend up so I did, when his friend answered he was saying random things I didn’t understand and I asked my boyfriend to talk to him but my boyfriend became angry and yelled at me and called me a whore and thick, after all the stress I had worrying about him I broke down and started crying and I yelled back asking why are you yelling at me over a phone call, he got even more angry and kicked me out of the car.
After a bad night he ends up driving me home and when we get to my house he started beating me, told me I deserved it and atleast this time he beat me well so he could leave. I started limping to my door and to my room because he hit me hard in the thigh and he drove off, a little later on he called me crying and saying I am so sorry and then he hanged up. I called him back and he stops crying and we end up arguing and he kept on saying I deserve it and hanging up on me because I said to him if you want to speak to me and apologise you have to come see me face to face but I guess that made him more angry. He kept saying it’s over, I made him a monster (but he has thrown bottles at ex girlfriends and pushed one into a television, so his abusive behaviour did not come from me) he went to hospital again last night and was released this morning, I even called him today to say are you ok but he was soon to hang up again, but he seems fine because he was out with a couple of friends all day and I am hurt he’s left me in this state.
I’ve cut myself off, deleted my facebook and turned off my phone, but I can’t help but turn my phone back on sometimes and he sent me one text message saying I am so sorry but we have pushed eachother so far and I am so sorry again… I don’t know what to do and my chest is hurting alot and I can’t seem to find a way to make it easier for me, I’ve just been crying, I feel like he has no regards for my feelings… please help! :(
ps, I went to the doctor today, and he said I have a concussion from when my boyfriend punched me in the head, I have scratches on my arms, bruises and a large bruise on my leg and a torn muscle so it hurts to walk at the moment. Along with these injuries I have a very high blood pressure and my boyfriend doesn’t seem to care at all about my injuries… he’s choked me or hurt me before but straight away he would come back and apologise and I know he has problems, not every one is perfect. I love him so much but this is getting hard :(

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