General Question

mirza's avatar

How Do I Remove A Water-Mark from a photo?

Asked by mirza (5057points) June 26th, 2007

I want to remove watermarks from a couple of photos. My friends recommended photoshop but i dont own photoshop and Paint.Net does not work in ym computer.

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11 Answers

Perchik's avatar

Usually the point of a watermark is to keep the image from being used illegally.

Why are you trying to remove a watermark?

mirza's avatar

i want to remove logo from my own pictures

bpeoples's avatar

If you've misplaced the originals, you should try contacting and see if they have the original shots archived somewhere.

Evan's avatar

or.. just go download photoshop. and then rubberStamp it outta existence. also photoshop elements (if you don't want to download PS) is pretty inexpensive, and should do the trick as well.

Perchik's avatar

Well to answer the question, most the times the watermarking is permanent and the only way to get rid of it is to draw in the missing pixels..therefore not a really easy solution.

Evan's avatar

Perchik is right.. to clarify that's what I was suggesting within photoshop: the rubber stamp tool effectively just draws in pixels, but allows you to draw in with matching content. if you do have access to originals, however, that would obviously be the best bet.

urbaneve's avatar

okay—i have a question—i downloaded some icons and it has a watermark that says” removable watermak” is there anyway to remove that

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