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mazingerz88's avatar

If a time lord gives you a chance to go back in time but only to stop one serial killer, would you do it and who would you choose?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) January 19th, 2012

And if you so choose to do the mission, how far would you go in stopping this serial killer? Serial killer list

Would you wait till he kills his first victim to make certain he is guilty? Would you simply warn his victims and be satisfied with that? Would you be willing to kill him or would you just call the police? How would you make it all work?

Would you even try altering this killer’s past life gambling that that might prevent him from turning out to be a killer?

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24 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@Charles They tried to kill Hitler just this season. Hilarity ensued.

Pizarro. I wet his men’s black powder.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I wouldn’t try to stop them

blueiiznh's avatar

Yang Xinhai. Anyone who would enter victims’ homes at night and kill everyone with axes, meat cleavers, hammers, and shovels deserves to have the tables turned.

jerv's avatar


I believe that the prologue of The Wrath of Fate sums up my feelings on why better than my own words could, so listen to just the first minute (literally 60–65 seconds) of it, as read by the author.

ariah's avatar

Ted Bundy as long as I had a way to get back to my time!

Qingu's avatar

Didn’t like Isaac Newton definitively prove the answer to this question in 1695 or something?

The answer is Hitler, duh.

fundevogel's avatar

All ya’ll that want to kill Hitler, a word of warning. I will not be here when you get back. It’s hard to get born when your grandparents never make it onto the same continent.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

No Hitler, No Wolfenstein 3D.~

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Sorry for not answering as I should but I’d say: THE WHOLE BLOODY LOT OF THEM!!!!!!

filmfann's avatar

Osama Bin Laden

Blueroses's avatar

As much as I’d like to spare anybody the grief of having their loved one(s) murdered, I don’t like the idea of getting tricky with the time continuum thing. I’d hate to prevent @fundevogel‘s birth, but even broader than that, what if the survivors’ activism and pushing for awareness that was born out of their grief, prevented even more from being victims of similar crimes?

Then again, maybe if someone had put a sword into Cortez, the Maya would have finished their calendar. Tough call.

AshLeigh's avatar

Oh, my obsession with Serial Killers…
It wouldn’t be Jack The Ripper. The case amuses me, because the investigators were incredibly stupid, and he was incredibly crazy.
Not Robert Hansen, because I intend to write a letter to him soon.
Maybe Gustavo Adolfo. Because he was only a young teenager when it started. And the girl he first killed he raped first. Which I think is absolutely terrible.

On second thought… I think I’d stop Erzsébet Báthory… She killed over 600 girls. Tortured, and raped them with various different objects, before finally killing them. All because she was bored. That bitch was crazy.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Science fiction tells us time and time again that killing Hitler just won’t work. Something worse will take his place. What I’d do, then, is go back to 1899 and make sure he was able to go to the art school he wanted to attend. If I were able to stick around in the past after that, I’d wait for Luis Alfredo Garavito to be born and smother him with a pillow.

jerv's avatar

@SavoirFaire If you think that is bad, you ought to read the story of the world in the Airship Pirates RPG. Long story short, they go back in time and prevent all sorts of bad things from happening to where, by 1939, Hitler isn’t an issue. Well…. the world wasn’t prepared for a person with a long-term plan to take over the world and then wipe out the human race and return it to nature. They had never known evil, and thus were defenseless and blind.
In 2050, there are a small handful of prison-like mega-cities that a unlucky few got locked into, the lucky ones who took to the skies, the lucky ones who managed to survive the wilderness full of genetically enhanced carnivorous animals, and a whole lot of dead people.
Talk about unintended consequences! See what happens when you try to make the world a better place?

fundevogel's avatar

@Blueroses Also, the whole Holocaust is really the only thing that ended what had been endemic anti-Sematicism. Seriously. Nothing wipes away centuries of culturally reinforced bigotry like a genocide based on said bigotry.

“Then again, maybe if someone had put a sword into Cortez, the Maya would have finished their calendar. Tough call.”

Actually they did finish their calendar. They saw time as cyclical rather than linear if I remember correctly.

everephebe's avatar

I think I would rather save Nikola Tesla, or Oscar Wilde – before their untimely deaths, and bring them back to this century.

thetas49's avatar

Just imagine what the population of the world would be now if the millions of people who died as the direct result of Hitlers ambitions had lived. It was definately wrong that they were killed,but I think we would have reached the food crisis we’re heading for quite a while ago if they’d survived.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@thetas49 I disagree with your logic.

However, it would be a good bet to say that noone of this current generation would have been born.

Paradox25's avatar

Well the OP is describing serial killers, not mass murderers so my answer would be a tough one between Ted Bundy and the Hillside Stranglers. All three of these killers brutally tortured their victims before killing them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@paradox…but what if killing one of them meant you and your children were not ever concieved?

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