Social Question

zensky's avatar

I'm lucky; I have more energy when I'm done working than before I'd begun. Anyone else that way?

Asked by zensky (13426points) January 20th, 2012

By the way – I’ve been busier than ever with a full six day week – 2 full time jobs.

But I’ve missed you.

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6 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

Do you know your Meyers-Briggs type? I’ll bet you are an extrovert! I

I usually leave work if not feeling energized, certainly not feeling zapped of energy. This is a good thing.

marinelife's avatar

I can feel energized when I have worked as well.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

If I’ve had a productive day I walk away pretty chipper.

mazingerz88's avatar

It could be that people who are more energized after working are those who not only truly enjoy their jobs but has become so familiar with it that they could do it figuratively blindfolded. And that’s all good! : )

JLeslie's avatar

Generally I am not like that, but it does depend on the type of work. If the work is physical I will feel like I have been hit by a truck after working days on end. It is exhausting and uncomfortable.

But, a moderate amount of work I do feel a sense of accomplishment and can be energized by knowing I did what I set out to do.

Berserker's avatar

Me, too. I’m usually fueled by ’‘I’m gettin’ the hell outta here’’ motivation. :D

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