Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think the Democrats and Republicans,can ever work together to get the States out of the mess it is in?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) January 20th, 2012

Can both sides of the American goverment ever come together,for the good of the country,not just their special interest groups,and get the country back on it’s feet again??

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3 Answers

Qingu's avatar

What do you propose they do? What policies do you think the parties should support or enact?

Can you please be more specific?

dabbler's avatar

Is it possible? Of course. Historically, cooperation and compromise underlie most legislation.

But it’s not possible if one party or the other makes a determined stance to collectively NOT cooperate, as the majority of Republicans have done for about six years now. Their policies are a combination of the stated goal is to make President Obama fail, and Gingrich/TeaParty-ish goals to make government in general smaller and irrelevant.
Constructive government action has to happen in spite of that kind of attitude.

Ron_C's avatar

Wil Rogers said “I’m not in an organized political party, I’m a Democrat” That was fine as long as there was one relatively stable party in the negotiations. Now there are the conservative and liberal democrats, dealing with the conservative, libertarian, and just plain nuts republicans.
The Tea Party is “all hat and no cattle” another quote attributed to Rogers, or George W. Bush, it depends where you look.

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