What is an art class like?
Hi everyone,
I’ve been wanting to take an art class soon and I’m kind of nervous about it cause I don’t know what to expect. Can anyone who’s taken one give me some details on what it would be like? Would you get put on the spot (my number one fear in classes) or anything? thanks
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10 Answers
I took art 2D and 3D in college. I also took dramatic arts (acting). Lots of chicks. That’s why I took them. I was in engineering (where the joke was, the engineering building didn’t even have a women’s restroom).
I can describe the one I go to. It’s a group of people of varying ability. We do watercolours, mainly landscapes, and each painting takes about 2 hours to complete. The teacher will instruct us through the paintng step by step, giving extra help to those who need it. We all work through the painting together, at the pace of the slowest painter. At the end, those who wish to can show their finished paintings to the rest of the group but this part is completely optional. Some people choose to do their own thing, not necessarily follwing the instructions, but that doesn’t matter. It’s great fun, and you won’t be “put on the spot” at all.
It depends on the class. If it’s a college class you would probably have to discuss your art (and your classmates) though that isn’t always the case. Technique driven classes like life drawing, moldmaking and metal working are far less likely to involve much formal discussion.
Chances are if the classes are through a high school or community center you won’t be expected to do much presenting if any at all.
If you are interested in art I wouldn’t let concern about being put on the spot hold you back. Unless you’re knee deep in hardcore art-world concept work most of your class time will be about making art.
If the teacher makes comments to the class about a person’s work, it’s usually something good. Criticism is usually given quietly to the student. People who teach art don’t expect their students to be experts. You should feel comfortable fairly quickly. There will be some students who are better than you and some, not as good. I think you’ll enjoy yourself.
It’s peaceful actually… and a safe environment to be whatever level you are in.
You are most likely to encounter a variety of drawing, painting, and/or design experiences, different methods of observing and drawing or painting, different subject matter, possibly nude models at times. If this is a first class the emphasis will be on exploration more than accomplishment, and any criticism will be both gentle and constructive.
Only in very heavy duty art studies like those pursued at Pratt Art Institute, Parsons School of Design or other art/architecture/design-as-a-career places would you get into the heavy crit sessions where instructors and other classmates tear your work apart [and also note its merits]—all this is intended for personal growth in your career field.
@fundevogel Oh yeah. The class at community college starts on Monday and I feel unprepared. Eh I just overthink everything. Do you think it would be like a group thing or individual work? I’m taking fundementals of drawing so do you think that’s drawing lines or teaching you based on a picture? thanks for the answers everyone:)
Also, does anyone know another way of learning art besides a class if this doesn’t work out?
@skateangel That’s the sort of class that is designed for people who are just getting into art so it will probably be focused on introducing you to technique and possibly principles of design. I would guess that the assignments will be structured around very concrete technical processes. There could be some crits, but in an introductory class like this they should primarily be encouraging with gentle guidance regarding how you can improve your technique. It’s very unlikely you’ll ever have to “defend” your work in this class.
@skateangel if the class doesn’t work out there are a lot of tutorials on Youtube and similar places. Watching a video is much better than trying to learn from a book.
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