Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

Is cloud computing the backup plan for SOPA/PIPA and other such evils?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) January 20th, 2012

I don’t know about you, but I hate the idea of cloud computing. I see it as a way of eliminating sharing and invading privacy as well as racking up prices for things and doing away with net neutrality.

What is your oppinion on cloud computing?

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3 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

It’s a way for businesses to shift usage off of privately owned computers onto their computers for control and profit.

jerv's avatar

I distrust it with a passion. I like to control my data, and more importantly, I like to control access to it.

Anybody who like “the cloud” should post all of their passwords, banking info (including PINs), and everything else about their lives on Facebook for all to see and then live the rest of their lives Truman Show style.

And, as T-mobile found out, clouds do not guarantee that data will be there in the event of device failure; it was the cloud servers that failed and erased the data of millions of customers :D

I wish “the cloud” were anthropomorphic so I could slip on a sandpaper condom and rape it in the eye socket.

anartist's avatar

Don’t like it, don’t trust it, but will make some use of it for unimportant things as long as it is free. And they will have to pry my cold dead fingers from around the last digital media in my hands.
See earlier polemic

“I wish “the cloud” were anthropomorphic so I could slip on a sandpaper condom and rape it in the eye socket.”
WOW Jerv you have a way with words!

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