General Question

Jude's avatar

I'm Canadian, can I adopt a pet from Michigan?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 21st, 2012

If so, is there anything that I need to do?

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11 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Go to the AFCA website and should be able to obatin the info you are seeking.

Jude's avatar

What does that stand for?

Moegitto's avatar

I just saw your answer on Animal Planet: Animal Cops, lol. You have to come pick your pet up, but you can adopt one from out of state/country.

Moegitto's avatar

Also, I think your in the double good because Michigan is so close to Canada.

That link shows alot on your question, and it’s all positive!

Jude's avatar

Here he is.

submariner's avatar

We <3 Canadians here in Michigan, and the shelters <3 anyone who is willing and qualified to adopt. Just find out what the rules are on your side for letting animals into the country. It might involve a quarantine or something.

Buttonstc's avatar

Which shelter is he in. Most have their adoption rules pretty clearly specified.

There are some groups which allow out of state adoptions and others which don’t. Its a little difficult to generalize for ALL shelters in any state, Michigan included.

But with the economy currently being what it is, more and more people are finding they can no longer afford their pets and shelters are full all over so some may be willing to be more flexible for someone with good references.

If you want to post or PM me which shelter, I live in MI and would be glad to check into it.

cazzie's avatar

I just saw a dog at an adoption website I really would adopt if I lived in Upper Michigan. It was a Great Dane/Mastiff cross. He looked awesome.

Jude's avatar

@Buttonstc He is from a rescue place, not a shelter.

Buttonstc's avatar

Well, from what I know of rescue groups in general, they are quite a bit more picky about potential adopters than the average overburdened city or County shelter.

But each group sets its own criteria which they are usually very upfront about. Some will flat out refuse adoptions at too far a distance as many of them do follow up in home visits once the pet has been placed. Others take things on a case by cars basis.

Its really difficult to predict what any one particular rescue group will do since many of them, altho small, have an extensive network of foster homes rather than just one central facility so that their animals aren’t necessarily running out of time as they do in typical shelters.

I really don’t know of any rescue group which euthanizes except in hopeless cases of severe illness or injury. They do want to get their animals adopted into permanent homes so that they can pull more out of high kill shelters, they are more fussy about things than the average shelter.

Do they have an online website that
ists their adoption policies and criteria? Much of what I’ve written comparing rescues and shelters may or may not apply to the one with which you’re dealing. The only way to know for sure if they’ll allow him out of the US is to ask them.

Hate to be a wet blanket but that’s just how it is.

One of my cats which I adopted from a rescue carried with it the stipulation thatI sign a contract pledging to return her to them if there were ever any circumstance arising where I was unable to care for her. Not put her in another shelter or group but to specifically return her to them.

A different rescue where I got my first cat from called the landlord’s office to verify that I did have permission for pets and would not allow any animal out the door unless they were spayed/neutered so there were no same day adoptions as most people are used to.

As I said, rescues are a whole different deal. The policies for each vary from one to the other.

But if there’s anything I can do to help you out, let me know.

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