Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

The government has taken away all your computers and cellphones. So, what will you do now?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 21st, 2012

You have idle time on your hands now, like you have never had in the past 20 years. The government has banned all use of computers and cellphones by the public. Will the population suddenly grow bigger, like blackouts in the past? Question: your now idle time has to spent doing something, so what will it be?

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16 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Write letters. Read newspapers and magazines. Use books for reference (Do we still get to have microfiche?) Watch TV. Chop wood.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Work to ban the government.

auhsojsa's avatar

Yay for journalism and print! Also I’d grow an orchard in the back yard as well as rose bushes.

flutherother's avatar

I’ll give you my laptop when you pry it from my cold dead hands.

zenvelo's avatar

Read books and write letters. And do that to overturn the government.

JilltheTooth's avatar

The stuff I did before.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would get back into off road dirt biking,and visit the trap range alot more,and really work at my golf game.

DaphneT's avatar

Reread my favorite fiction, work on my yarn projects, sew up the quilt projects, clean out the garage storage areas, walk in the woods, maybe draft my journal for the past umpteen years, work on scrapbooking projects, pull out the old beading projects, organize a rummage sale, argue with family members, study my yoga books, pilates books, tai chi books, my lawn and garden books, how to woodworking books, ...

ratboy's avatar

At this very moment, I am headed to Wikipedia for a refresher course in masturbating to magazines.

tranquilsea's avatar

Read, read and then read some more.

bluejay's avatar

I would go to sleep at a resonable hour instead of staying up until 2:03 am! Wow it’s late.

Ron_C's avatar

Write letters and form associations to overthrow the obviously right wing government. I expect that next they’ll be burning books so I will also devote my time to finding and securing books while working to overthrow the current government.

EverRose11's avatar

I would need a bit of adjusting time, but it would be quick. I would find other things to keep me busy, just as I had in the past before the computer and cell phone time took over my life.

cookieman's avatar

Read books, magazines, and comic books. Same as I did for the 20+ years before computers became a big part of my life.

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