Social Question

Can someone give me their honest input in this tragedy of a situation ?
If anyone has been following my questions, you guys will know I was pretty stoked to meet a guy. And that I was insecure about my weight and wanted to drop a few (10) pounds. Anyway, I met the guy, and everything just spiraled down really quickly. I’m not sure how to dissect this or what to do. Here are the events that occurred.
Me and him met up, at his place, at night. We watched “The Big Lebowski”. I don’t go clubbing or drinking, so we just stayed in and watched a movie. We start making out.
I haven’t felt such a passionate and loving kiss in a long time. It was really beautiful, and magical. Starting to sound corny right ? We looked into each other’s eyes, held, cuddled, and kissed some more. It was the most intense beautiful kiss I have ever had. It was exactly like making love – except without the sex.
Anyway as the night moved on we went to his bedroom and he went to sleep. Being the insomniac that I am, I stayed up. The next thing I did was horrible. I looked through his cell phone. I should not have done it, but I did anyway, out of curiosity. I did see he was texting a few other girls, but nothing serious.
The next morning was awkward enough, as I left I said good bye and hugged. When I got home I texted him and that is when all hell broke loose.
We started talking and he said he didn’t want to see me again until I dropped 15 pounds, which would take 2 months. I then asked him he wouldn’t want to see me for 2 months ?? And he said yes probably a good idea. He said he thought I looked really sexy, but that it was just as issue. I got really really hurt by that. Even though I know I needed to lose a few pounds.
So I then tell him I went through his phone, this is where it got even worse. I know what I did was wrong. I told him, and apologized. He then unfriended me from Facebook and is not talking to me. He said it I broke his trust, and to not contact him again.
I sent him text messages saying how sorry I was, and I will re-gain his trust, and I do not want it to end like this… He said he never wants me to text or contact him again. Because of this I am really hurt.
Besides that he didn’t want to see me till I lose weight, and he is hurt now because I broke his trust from looking through his cell phone.
I DO NOT want mine and his friendship to end on this note—I do not know if the damage has been done and this is a lost cause, no hope situation.
I’ve been sad for the past few days because of everything. I didn’t want it to end like this, and I need opinions about it. I know what I did was totally wrong and crossing the line. What do you guys think ?
Is it worth to let things cool down, and possible contact him in 2 weeks or so ?
It hurt me he couldn’t see past the 10 or 15 pounds, to not see me again till I lost all of it. And he is very hurt I broke his trust and went through his cell phone. Furthermore it really hurts me our friendship is gone forever because of this.