General Question

Jude's avatar

Medical jellies, my cousin is in the ICU and they have inserted a trach. He has Spina Bifida and according to a family member, he is on death's door. Why would he need a trach?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 22nd, 2012

Could it be that his shunt failed? We haven’t heard anything from them (family) for awhile.

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8 Answers

jerv's avatar

Certain issues with the windpipe can make a trach the only way to ensure an unobstructed airway.

Rarebear's avatar

It’s so they can manage his airway and take him off a ventilator safely.

gasman's avatar

One common reason is the need for prolonged mechanical ventilation. Endotracheal tubes (inserted through the mouth) are limited to about one to two weeks, after which tracheotomy tubes are used.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude Gasman nailed it. Here’s a prayer your family gets some good medical news this year. You’ve had more than enough bad news.

cazzie's avatar

You would need to know a great deal more about his condition. The trach was inserted to help bring oxygen to his system. In other words it helps him breathe. Very typical. Patients with spina bifida often have kidney issues. Often kidney issues or problems related to their urinary/kidney tract infections cause problems. If you want to know, you need to talk to the primary doctor and find out what is wrong with your cousin.

saint's avatar

Someone has reason to believe that the airway must be “managed” and the endotracheal tube is not indicated in the situation.

Jude's avatar

He pulled through and is doing well.

janbb's avatar

@Jude Glad to hear that.

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