Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Why is it bright and Sunny2?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31622points) January 22nd, 2012

10K congratulations to a bright spot on a gray and rainy day.

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59 Answers

wilma's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, Sunny2, good on you! And how cute and apt is it that @Tropical_Willie threw your party??? Many congrats!

rebbel's avatar

Hooray to fast riser, a sympathetic and inteligent Jelly!
I have you high.
Congratz on your 10000, enjoy the party!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats Sunny. Love your posts. TW excellent question.:)

SavoirFaire's avatar

Félicitations, @Sunny2, and welcome to the mansion! It’s great having you with us!

digitalimpression's avatar

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

syz's avatar


mangeons's avatar

Congratulations!! You’re an awesome member of the collective! :-)

flutherother's avatar


chyna's avatar

What a sunny delightful party! Congratulations on the 10K!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Why, I do believe the snow is melting! Must be the sun is shining a little brighter today!
Congrats on the 10k!

bkcunningham's avatar

Your contribution to this forum is something I always look forward to, @Sunny2. Congratulations on a job well done.

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @Sunny2!

wundayatta's avatar

Congratulations oh person of the sun!

smilingheart1's avatar

@Sunny2, well look at you! Atta go, you bring out the best in us, so you do!

Sunny2's avatar

Wow! Thank you all.

Jude's avatar

Happy Happy! Joy Joy!!!

Congrats!! :)

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

harple's avatar

You always brighten up my day @Sunny2, your words are both sweet and wise :-)

zensky's avatar


tinyfaery's avatar


AmWiser's avatar

10K Congratulations. Just what we need in the dead of Winter:D
Welcome to the Mansion!

Seaofclouds's avatar


Bellatrix's avatar

Sings… “The sun is shining because Sunny2 made 10K”. Congratulations Sunny2.

cookieman's avatar

Here comes the sun
two two two two

Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all lurve.

Nice job @Sunny2!!
I like you do much better than @Sunny1.

Buttonstc's avatar

Hey, good job. That was quick. Keep smiling :)

zigmund's avatar

Congrats. Well deserved.

linguaphile's avatar

Great job!! Congratulations!

FutureMemory's avatar

Congrats, Sunny :D

Sunny2's avatar

We’re having a luau, so get out your islander shirts and muumuus or grass skirts.

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, @Sunny2! You’re a fabulous jelly. :)

9doomedtodie's avatar

Congrats Sunny you are a honey!

ZEPHYRA's avatar


ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Woo, congratulations to a wonderful jelly… who taught me a very important lesson about the beauty of happiness.

picante's avatar

Sunny2day and Sunny2tomorrow! You are a ray of sunshine on the vast ocean in which we float. Congratulations!!

silverangel's avatar


Keep_on_running's avatar

Congrats on the achievement @Sunny2!

Coloma's avatar

Cheers Sunny!
I always enjoy your sharings, appriciate our common thread of love of humor. :-)
Another wise member of the tribe comes of age.
Now..what sort of hazing ritual shall we plan? lol

Sunny2's avatar

@Coloma Oops. Nobody told me about that!

Coloma's avatar

@Sunny2 LOl..well…we won’t ask you to do anything illegal or immoral, unless you want to. haha ;-)

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jazmina88's avatar

Sunny, just like your disposition.
Congrats, JellY

SpatzieLover's avatar

Rise & Shine on your 10K Day @Sunny2!

Sunny2's avatar

Aloha nui! Here comes a big platter of pupus to go with our mai tais (non- alcoholic for those who don’t use alcohol). On the platter are rumaki, tiny egg rolls, crab Rangoon,
macadamia nuts, Spam and pineapple chunks on a toothpick, coconut shrimp, lomi salmon, laulau and poi (Try it. I like it..)

MilkyWay's avatar

Aww! So miffed I’m late :/
Congratulations Sunny!!
Yum :)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Sunny2 I’ll bring fresh guavas and rambutans. Maybe find some apple bananas too!

Coloma's avatar

—-I am SO hungry right now, stop, stop it, stop!—

Paradox25's avatar

Congratulations on reaching the 10k milestone.

blueiiznh's avatar

welcome to the dark side sunny

stardust's avatar

Congrats Sunny:-)

Ayesha's avatar


erichw1504's avatar

Congratulationism @Sunny2 !!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congratulations to a lurvely jelly! I’m wearing my lei and grass skirt, but where’s the roast pig?

Sunny2's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate In the imu! It’ll take another hour or so.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

<sigh> Okay then, but I’m awfully hungry!

Blueroses's avatar

♪♪ Sunny day, sweepin’ the clouds away. On our way to where the air is sweet ♪♪

Welcome, Ms. Sunshine, to 10k Street!

Sunny2's avatar

Okay! @Blueroses finally got here. We’ll open the imu. Ummm, doesn’t that smell good? Be careful, don’t burn your fingers. Take out the baked sweet potatoes too. We also have a big fruit salad and mile high coconut cream pie for dessert. Enjoy!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Sunny2 I love those purple sweet potatoes, almost can’t stop eating Lomi-Lomi Salmon.

TheIntern55's avatar

Yay! COngratulations, @Sunny2!

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