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SpatzieLover's avatar

I know my pet loves me when...?

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) January 24th, 2012

Is there a unique way your cat, dog, bird or other pet do to show affection to you?

Tonight, I had to give Chumly, my dog, an emergency bath. He showed me he loved me several times during the bath, the quick hair trim and blow out…but it was at the end that he really showed his love. He ran out to tell the other pets his bath was done, then he felt good all over a couch…_then he ran back up to the bathroom (where I was still cleaning up & putting the grooming goods away) to dance around me and lick me.

What sweet thing does your pet do to say it cares?

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40 Answers

marinelife's avatar

He lays down just so our butts are touching in bed at night.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

If I’m sick, sad or stressed, he wants to be right where I am, cuddling up close.

ragingloli's avatar

You don’t want to know.

Hain_roo's avatar

I don’t know about ‘love’, but when they seek me out and snuggle up purring. It could also mean ” Nice!, a heat source.”

Bellatrix's avatar

He washes my hair (eww cat spit!)

He gets so excited he almost pees himself when I get home from work (eww dog pee). And he goes and sulks under the dining table when I go out. And he stands by the fence looking at me sadly when I go to work in the morning.

She comes up and gives me a big lick on the face in the morning when I wake up and she is allowed in the bedroom (girl dog spit).

rebbel's avatar

@Bellatrix That is funny: “He washes my hair (eww cat spit!)”, being said by a sweet kitty avatar.

mazingerz88's avatar

He barks at my mother-in-law. : )

Berserker's avatar

My cats bring dead fucking animals on the back door porch. That’s supposed to be a sign of appreciation, but dammit, gross. I don’t see them do it, but I find the animals there. Usually birds, sometimes rodents. :/ Both cats always keep guard on me when I’m sick or in physical pain. Like they’re watching over me lol. They only leave to eat or use the kitty box, and come back real quick. I always thought that was so weird, but it’s comforting.

I had a third cat, now gone, who seemed to anticipate when I’d go to play video games. I’m gettin over to my games, and he’s lying there, waiting for me. Then he just hung around while I was playing, like he was checking it out. (even though he napped half the time lol) When I was done, he’d leave and revert back to his usual cat business.

Blondesjon's avatar

My dogs like to perform the Who’s On First? routine for me when I’ve been a good boy.

saint's avatar

Your pet does not know what the concept love is. Whatever they do that you find engaging and affectionate, it isn’t love. Not that it does not make us feel good, it clearly does, that is why we keep them instead of eating them, but it is not love.

Hain_roo's avatar

@Symbeline Lucky you, (I live where it’s safe for them to go outside) they bring ‘presents’ in through the cat door. Not many because they have bells on. :/

Hain_roo's avatar

Did not mean for the strike out.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; When Gail cleans up pee, poop, hair balls, dead rodents and vomit with a cheerful demeanor.

rebbel's avatar

@Hain_roo You can still edit your mistaken strike-out (you have a few minutes to edit your texts).

Coloma's avatar

My female tortie point siamese “Mia” does the jump and head butt for love and attention. She likes to sling herself accross my shoulder while I give her “brushies.” lol
My big male Ragdoll “Myles” always has to announce his homecoming, even if he has only been outside for 5 minutes.
He always comes through the cat door and meows and meows until I acknowledge his homecoming.

His main ploy for attention is to simply flop over at your feet and go belly up looking extremely cute. He is so huge and fluffy that his face disappears into his ruff.
My geese, well…for 14 springs my gander pays me the highest complement, he postures and lets me know how much he’d love to make eggs with me. I am his number one wife and he is extremely imprinted on me to the complete exclusion of his goosey wife.

I am his everything.
He can get quite solicitous especially when I am filling his swimming pool and his fancy turns to erotic visions of taking me in his pool. lol
Every spring we have the same conversation, I tell him how much I love him but it will never work. ;-D

rebbel's avatar

@Milo You vomited or Gail vomits after cleaning up?

Coloma's avatar


Sorry, but, while animals may not experience “love” the way humans do, they absolutley feel affection for their owners, keepers. No doubt. They suffer from the traumas of loss and separation just like humans. My old cat that is now gone was very upset when I traveled and when I came home he was ecstatic and wouldn’t leave my side for days.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; I am the producer of bodily fluids and Gail is the docile and sweet swabby. You wouldn’t expect ME to clean up after her, would you?

I see the point you are making about the language, but it would have to read “vomits with a cheerful demeanor.” Damn you, Dutchman.

rebbel's avatar

I saw that too vomit/vomits (after I had hit the Answer button).......
I could have edited it of course, but I thought it only fair to show my fault :-)

gailcalled's avatar

@rebbel: I am beginning to believe that you are really an English speaker who has been stashed somewhere in The Netherlands on The Witness Protection Program.

Berserker's avatar

@saint Yeah I figured that. Especially dem independent cats. But it’s still awesome. (minus stepping on dead things while taking out the garbage but…XD)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

When they kiss/bathe me. Animal slobber, yay. :P

TexasDude's avatar

When they hump my leg.

Aethelflaed's avatar

When follow me around from room to room, making sure to never be more than a few feet away from me.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; When she gives me the best seat in the house,

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

When “Tubby” worms his way between the comforter and the fuzzy blanket and starts kneading me. And when “Slim” demands to be picked up and placed in my lap and headscratched when I’m reading on the toilet. :)

Coloma's avatar


Hahaha…okay, you have admitted you have a toilet cat. Sooo, I feel comfortable sharing that my siamese girl is a toilet cat too. lol

Bellatrix's avatar

Raises hand, Jasper likes to sit on my knee in the loo too. (True confessions of a cat kind?)

tinyfaery's avatar

Awww. My animals show me love whenever they crawl into my lap and demand love from me. Purring and kneading. I know that I must be special to deserve such affection.

gailcalled's avatar

@tinyfaery: Milo here: Aha, That belies the myth you keep perpetrating that you are a fierce and mean taskmaster.

Kardamom's avatar

He purrs and chirps at the same time. Chirrups if you will.

mazingerz88's avatar

He eats my poo? ( Bleerrkh! )

tinyfaery's avatar

^^Why does your pet have access to your poo?

Facade's avatar

My cat always comes to sniff me if I’m crying

martianspringtime's avatar

My cat jumps into my arms from the floor.
My other cat tries to claw the door down if I leave him to go into the bathroom, and sits meowing mournfully if I don’t let him in.

jazmina88's avatar

@saint I rescued this pup. he was tied up and abused before. I think he knows what love is now. Rescue dogs are so loyal. he slept sitting up. and still scared of feet.

My baby waits by the door for me and spoons with me when I turn out the lights. He wants to be rubbed. It took 3 months for him to play with toys. He didnt understand a ball.

He still has issues, but we adore each other. He jumps hoops and is exuberant. I should be a dog psychologist.

cookieman's avatar

When my dog stands on my chest and licks my face when I’m sleeping.
either that, or I’m delicious

lookingglassx3's avatar

My cat sleeps beside my feet. As soon as I’m awake and try to get up, she comes over and licks my nose. Plus, she literally follows me everywhere. We’ll be sat on my bed and if I’ll just need to cross the room for something, she’ll jump off the bed and follow me. Also, this morning, I forgot to lock the bathroom door, and she followed me inside and started rubbing herself around my legs. :-)

Also, one time I was crying, and she just reached out and touched my thigh with her paw. It was so gentle. It’s like she understood. I didn’t stay sad for long. :-D

HGl3ee's avatar

My dog Flora lets me hug her. She will sit and bow her head and I wrap my arms around her. She will lean into me and I will pet her back and we just sit there like that. The best stress relief I could ever ask for. Just to sit there and enjoy her presence <3 Without a doubt she is my best friend :3

sydsydrox's avatar

When my dog licks my toes and then falls asleep on my lap. That is so cute.

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