General Question

Bilbo123's avatar

[NSFW] Where/How can I get free email photos? [NSFW]?

Asked by Bilbo123 (168points) January 25th, 2012

There was a yahoo group called bogelindah that used to send me emails for free. The emails contained erotic, nude photos.

Where can I get similar sensual photos or videos emailed to me free? daily or weekly possibly?

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8 Answers

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tedd's avatar

Why waste your time waiting for them to be e-mailed?

The internet is like 60% porn.

wundayatta's avatar

You can hardly follow a few links on almost any search without ending up at an erotic site or blog that posts new pictures every day. Sign up for the news feed. I hesitate to say it, but what happens if you google “erotic blog?” Just an idea.

gambitking's avatar

LOL yeah why are you waiting for email? just turn on private browsing in Chrome and go to town. Wait…you’re not 18 yet are you. Didn’t think so. GO TO YOUR ROOM

digitalimpression's avatar

Just go about your every day business and eventually you will get them in a form known as ‘spam”. Be careful though. Once you get them, its nearly impossible to get rid of them.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Why not just go old school and get yourself a magazine subscription?

ml3269's avatar

google for your liked keywords and see all the funny things women and men are doing with themselves or to eachother. But the best is yet to come: Try it personally with real people you like/love.

Bilbo123's avatar

Thanks guys.
Internet really is a good source. I am little lazy so I like receiving emails. And, new emails excite me in that I don’t what is coming up to me.

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